Common cold/Flu. Had them both bast 2 yrs didn't go get tested for Covid because I knew It would be positive.
The test they use, the PCR will test positive for over 50 viruses. Yet it is not a test
to tell you if you are sick. It only will tell you if you have viral protein in your body.
It can't differentiate viruses, it can't tell you if the virus is active, depending on the cycle rate they use to test at almost all will be positive.
That is what they were doing before, using a cycle rate in mid to high 30's, which will give off over 90% positive's. They then lowered it into the low to mid 20's, which is more realistic in telling if someone actually has an active virus in their body. In the high 30's cycle rate it would find the most minute viral protein piece that could have been floating around in your body for weeks/months and say positive.
The media, politicians and medical community have lied all along with their BS of a positive test is
confirmation of being sick, which it is 100% not.
I am so sick of all this bullshit, people are still doing testing if they feel sick, been around people who got sick, etc. WTF is wrong with these people. Can't think for themselves, god forbid you start saying what I am saying to them, you will be thought a fool, conspiracy nut job, etc, etc, etc.
This has been the most successful psychological operation in the history of mankind.
Goebbels would be so proud of how they have carried on his legacy. How people can't see through
it by now is astounding to say the least
To add: I have also been sick couple of times and just stayed home and did what I always did and let my immune system get me better in couple of days. When people found out I was sick they asked did you test positive? I would say why would I need to take a test? Well, you know Covid.
Told them I stayed home and took care of myself like I always did when I got sick, now is no different.
Many of them were perplexed as to why I would not test for it. Thought I was not doing what was right. Thought I was crazy for not taking care of myself for Covid, etc, etc, etc...
Bunch of fucking brainless morons with degrees...