I find this laughable. I'm sure somebody will come out calling me a lefty or libtard or whatever the insult du jour is but I'm a fiscal conservative always have been and I see fault with plenty of the left nonsense but the rights nonsense doesn't escape me. This is a case of that. I have read so many countless birther conspiracies, theres a thread about pizza gate none of it based in fact but i don't hear the same tone in those threads. I don't hear my supposed side saying, let's leave it to the facts and not spout nonsense. Nonsense is nonsense both ways, this is nonsense until proven otherwise and the rest of it is nonsense, in the case of the birther stuff disproven but lets show some consistency please. I keep reading about fake news and all these stupid brainless hashtags and then in the next post somebody is posting more fake news. This whole thread is people saying lets stop with the bs and then somebody posts some bs to contradict the other bs, like an article citing a oooo rumor is factual lmao. Your news is fake news but my fake news is real news...can we stop with the stupidity on both sides. The level of dumb on either side is astounding.