On the contrary, she is appeasing terrorists, and in the worst way possible. The fact that the Filipino people want her to do this is irrelevant, as much so as it would be if it were the "will of the people" that Jews be rounded up and slaughtered en masse.
Decaddes of appeasing terrorists is what enabled nineteen relatively unarmed men to kill nearly 3,000 in half a morning. It is a bad idea, no matter what the short-term consequence, to negotiate with terrorists. This is just basic psychology -- the more you give them, the more they will take (like politicians really.)
Yes, it was a bad idea for the Phillipines to go to Iraq in the first place -- but it is a far, far worse idea to withdraw at the behest of a handful of insurgents holding one man captive. This will only lead them to do it again and again.
The only moral answer to a hostage situation is to walk away.
EDITED FOR CLARITY: The only moral answer to a hostage ultimatum is to walk away; i.e. to a situation where rescue is impossible. In all cases, however, the only moral response to anything a terrorist has to say is "Go fúck yourself. Hope you're insured."
[This message was edited by Phaedrus on July 15, 2004 at 10:05 AM.]
Decaddes of appeasing terrorists is what enabled nineteen relatively unarmed men to kill nearly 3,000 in half a morning. It is a bad idea, no matter what the short-term consequence, to negotiate with terrorists. This is just basic psychology -- the more you give them, the more they will take (like politicians really.)
Yes, it was a bad idea for the Phillipines to go to Iraq in the first place -- but it is a far, far worse idea to withdraw at the behest of a handful of insurgents holding one man captive. This will only lead them to do it again and again.
The only moral answer to a hostage situation is to walk away.
EDITED FOR CLARITY: The only moral answer to a hostage ultimatum is to walk away; i.e. to a situation where rescue is impossible. In all cases, however, the only moral response to anything a terrorist has to say is "Go fúck yourself. Hope you're insured."
[This message was edited by Phaedrus on July 15, 2004 at 10:05 AM.]