People complain about players kneeling but have no problem with 9/11


May 27, 2007
Hahahahaha...He's posting Garbage? Read the stuff you people post..Failure to acknowledge a pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands, that is GARBAGE. Shub spot on with the Cognitive dissonance reference, but that's a big boy word.

Most of the dead come from 4 governors putting young COVID positive patients in nursing homes with old people. Funny how you leave that out.

Nov 7, 2008
Building 7, a 47 floor skyscraper fell within 6.5 seconds, straight free fall. At least 8 of 19 “conspirators” are still alive and there is no footage of them boarding any of the 4 planes. No video of the plane hitting the pentagon. No hijack codes from the pilots. The list goes on and on
Sep 21, 2004
Building 7, a 47 floor skyscraper fell within 6.5 seconds, straight free fall. At least 8 of 19 “conspirators” are still alive and there is no footage of them boarding any of the 4 planes. No video of the plane hitting the pentagon. No hijack codes from the pilots. The list goes on and on

Plenty of videos of planes hitting the WTC. Do you think those were real? Or are you one of the really nutty kooks that thinks those were faked too?
Sep 21, 2004
Building 7, a 47 floor skyscraper fell within 6.5 seconds, straight free fall. At least 8 of 19 “conspirators” are still alive and there is no footage of them boarding any of the 4 planes. No video of the plane hitting the pentagon. No hijack codes from the pilots. The list goes on and on

"cognitive dissonance" is low-IQ nutters like you.

There are indeed videos of AA flight 77 hitting the pentagon, as well as tons of eye witnesses. And, then plane parts (clearly from AA jet) strewn all over the place.
What do you think happened, some group in the blink of an eye threw plane parts all over the ground, as a missile hit the pentagon, and then paid people to
say they saw a plane hit? Oh, and they kidnapped all the people that were actually on flight 77 and killed them, so their families would think they died in
a plane crash?






Sep 21, 2004
but how did the hijackers passports fall to the street?

The same way a lot of other items were found intact. The same way items from the space shuttle Columbia were found on the ground in 2003.

[h=3]Facts[/h][FONT=&quot]Many items were found from all four planes such as larger and smaller parts of the hulls, plane seats, machine parts, etc. Personal items were also found, such as wallets, rings, identity papers, credit cards, photographs, and drivers licences.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Examples from each plane:[/FONT]
[h=4]Flight 11[/h]
“It is known that some debris from the aircraft travelled completely through the structure. For example, life jackets and portions of seats from the aircraft were found on the roof of the Bankers Trust building, located to the south of WTC2. Part of the landing gear from this aircraft was found at the corner of West and Rector streets, some five blocks south of the WTC complex.”[SUP]3[/SUP]
“On September 11, 2002, one year Anniversary of the death of our son, we were informed that the Recovery team at Ground Zero have found the ATM Bank card of Waleed and that it will be mailed to us in Northridge. When we received it, we found it in good condition.
How could a plastic card survive the fire of the terrorist attack of the Black Tuesday on the USA?
I consider it as a sign from Waleed to his parents on the first Anniversary of his loss.”[SUP]4[/SUP]
[h=4]Flight 175[/h]
“Orange County, CA., Sept. 11 – Lisa Anne Frost was 22 and had just graduated from Boston University in May 2001 with two degrees and multiple academic and service honors. She had worked all summer in Boston before coming home, finally, to California to start her new life. The Rancho Santa Margarita woman was on United Flight 175 on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, when it became the second plane to slam into the World Trade Center…
Her parents, Tom and Melanie Frost, have spent two years knowing they will never understand why.
A few days before the first anniversary of our daughter’s murder, we were notified that they had found a piece of her in the piles and piles of gritty rubble of the World Trade Center that had been hauled out to Staten Island. It was Lisa’s way, we believe, of telling us she wasn’t lost.
In February, the day of the Columbia tragedy, we got word they’d found her United Airlines Mileage Plus card. It was found very near where they’d found a piece of her right hip. We imagine that she used the card early on the morning of Sept. 11 to get on the plane and just stuck it in her back pocket, probably her right back pocket, instead of in her purse. They have found no other personal effects”.[SUP]5[/SUP]
[h=4]Flight 77[/h]
“During an interview earlier this week, Koch delicately handled eerie mementos of the crash found during cleanup: Whittington’s battered driver’s license. One granddaughters’ luggage tag. a burnt luggage tag and a wedding ring lie on a book dedicated to those lost in the events of Sept. 11, 2001. The wedding ring belonged to Ruth’s daughter and the luggage tag belonged to one her granddaughters. The Kochs plan to send the items to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington for inclusion in a 9/11 display. The Kochs have enough reminders without them.”[SUP]6[/SUP]
[h=4]Flight 93[/h]
“Around Thanksgiving, Jerry and Beatrice Guadagno of Ewing, N.J., received word that their son Richard’s credentials and badge from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had been found by the FBI at the crash site.
“It was practically intact,” Richard’s sister, Lori, said of the credentials, which were returned in their wallet. “It just looked like it wasn’t damaged or hadn’t gone through much of anything at all, which is so bizarre and ironic.
“Everything takes on an extra special meaning, especially when there’s so little that you have.”[SUP]7[/SUP]
[FONT=&quot]Photos (passport size) of suicide pilot Ziad Jarrah and parts of his visa were also found at the crash site of Flight 93[SUP]8, 9, 10, 11[/SUP].[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And, of course, body parts from all four planes (not shown here), which were later used to identify not just the hijackers but also passengers and crew members.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]It is not at all impossible that a passport made it without being pulverized or burnt to cinders. On the contrary, it would be highly suspicious if everything was destroyed in a way that left no trace of the people on board the planes.[/FONT]
[h=4]Odds[/h][FONT=&quot]It is not possible to give odds of chaotic events. A chaotic event is characterized by disorder and unpredictability.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]A criminal investigation does not generally deal with probabilities. The police does not give the odds that a person has been at a crime scene, so that the person would be arrested, should the percent be over a certain level: Either the police can place the person at the scene of the crime, or it cannot.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Regarding DNA evidence, it requires a match before a person can be charged. DNA evidence is used increasingly as far stronger evidence than, say, witness testimonies, which are ranked lowest of all evidence.[/FONT]
[h=4]Whose passport was it?[/h][FONT=&quot]The article referred to is from The Guardian and written by a columnist from the newspaper’s family section. The article is not the official view of the newspaper. Additionally, the columnist gets the identity wrong: It was not Mohammed Atta’s passport but Satam al-Suqami’s.[/FONT]
[h=3]Logic[/h][FONT=&quot]It is not necessary to cast suspicion on Satam al Suqami by planting his passport near the World Trade Center 1 and 2 right before the collapse of the World Trade Center 2, since his name was on the passenger manifest. When the FBI began their criminal investigation, they could identify him as a suspect based on this manifest. It would only make sense to plant the passport if he had not been on the manifest.[/FONT]
[h=4]Do catastrophes destroy everything?[/h][FONT=&quot]It speaks against a secret conspiracy that the numerous items found, both while the World Trade Center 1 and 2 were still standing and later during the rescue effort, are in such different states: Some are quite intact, others are more or less damaged, while others have been completely destroyed – something that characterizes all catastrophes.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]If a secret conspiracy wanted to destroy all evidence, it would require a guaranteed total destruction of all items. This is impossible to do by means of 10-100 tons of explosives and top secret military-developed nanothermite that were placed in the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 prior to September 11, 2001, according to the Truth Movement. The explosions would destroy a lot but would also spread some over a wide area, where it would be found and thus expose the conspiracy.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Even in highly destructive catastrophes, it is possible for even vulnerable items to survive. When the space shuttle Columbia burned and disintegrated in 2003, debris was not only found over a huge area on the ground, but also items which, quite literally, had survived the catastrophe, namely small worms used in a scientific experiment when the space shuttle was in orbit. The worms were still alive when found, and even in such good condition that data from the experiment could be used[SUP]12[/SUP].[/FONT]
[h=3]Conclusion[/h][FONT=&quot]The claim is therefore:[/FONT]

  • False
  • Undocumented
  • Self-contradicting

Aug 20, 2007
a plane flies into a building. It explodes and in the midst of the chaos, within a short amount of time (don't remember how long but it was within a few hrs max) the passport is found on the ground & it is deemed the passport of the terrorist and circulated on the news. The whole time line and process of which this happened just seems so hard to believe.

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