Guys wanting PennyWise, someone sent me this:
Hey folks. I know the vast majority of you only signed up for one reason. To get PW's picks. We've come to find out that a few people have been selling his picks. Some of the picks were real, many were made up. There are 2 individuals at the rx in particular who have been aggressively selling his picks, maybe to many of you. There usernames there are Varkeyboy and Bettingbruiser. Well, PW, myself, and the other mods don't like the fact that other people are selling his picks without his consent. So we decided to put his picks here. Either PW, JC, MN, KB, or myself will be putting his plays up here. If anyone else does, don't believe it.
The reason why we aren't at this site anymore is because I started a new forum with just a few members. PW, myself, and the mods here are part of the small group at the new forum, but since we've had so many problems with scum on the internet, we are keeping that place small and isolated.
Lastly, feel free to spread the word. We don't want anyone to have to pay for something that should be for free.
Stay tuned for winning plays all season long.