We all have our opinions on this and there is a saying about everyone has opinions like we all have a--holes and most of them stink.
i don't know how many of you have daughters/sons, grandkids but would you put up with them being cyber bullied? Would you tell them to block the haters? Ignore them? Leave the site? Have you people forgot the purpose of this forum? We all have a brain and can make a decision to tail or fade a play. How many tail Lang? Also, (and I know PW won't read this) you have to be better than Skankhunt42ers (South Park reference) and ignore them. Don't reply to emotional responses, but also accept factual replies. If Inky or anyone posts your results after the game without emotional comments then that is a factual result. I was told many years ago in emails to state facts not emotions and that holds true today (just add tweets,and all the other forms of written communication). Do I want PW back - sure - was fun to follow the plays and threads. Did I bet all his plays - absolutely not. So enough of my soap box but one last comment-shame on those who cyber bully-and yes we may be all grown men(people)but save your negative banter for your own friends who know you to be who you really are.
he is has not gone tout,,, and not posting on twitter,,, someone claiming to be him,, took his picks and put on twitter,, other site is probably going to be very good,, only time will tell
he is has not gone tout,,, and not posting on twitter,,, someone claiming to be him,, took his picks and put on twitter,, other site is probably going to be very good,, only time will tell
So what is the other site and why all the secrecy? If this other site has mods and rules which forbids trolls talking shit I´m all for it. I come to these sites for information, discussions and just trying to beat the bookies. PW had a hell of a season and it´s a shame a bunch of trolls ran him away. I´m not very active at the rx as other forums but there´s a few cappers I always check for insight, PW´s was one of them. BOL to all and let´s try to cut the bull and just help each other to beat some bookies!