PENNYWISE Plays For Those Who Are Interested

Oct 12, 2013
Everything about incubus is fake. He is a good fade though 7-10 the last 4 days...going in the right direction. 7-10 challenge worthy :pointer:

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
Stevie has hit the nail on the head. INKY is a fraud and master of deception and is dropping you fake plays....again.

He loves some graphics lets be honest, and he loves to create multiple fake personalities. I showed you that yesterday with the whole JIGSAW deal.

It's so obvious that he photoshopped a fake play to post here with lovely graphics, so he could look like billy big balls in front of you all. He even wrote some accompanying text in the Pennywise style to add authenticity. I mean he has spent enough time kissing Pennywise's ass for the last 12 months or so, until Pennywise dumped him like that stalker ex you just need to get rid of, I'm sure he can copy a few phrases and recreate some Penny-isms to make it look like he pinched a play after we canned many of his weird fake personalities.

Guys, what more proof do you need here that INKY is a fraud and a liar....he made up a play the other night for the dallas/minnesota game, and it was so obvious it was made up because it had no unit amount. Big red flag no?

The guy is a fraud and proven liar.

Think before you put hard earned cash on this play....he is screwing with you....come on guys, he refers to you as "peasants. Respectful right?


Your master, PENNYWISE ... errr VLAD THE CLOWN, already verified the play I posted Wednesday 7th at 8:06AM (Comment #2144) is AUTHENTIC!

Open your eyes and READ what VLAD wrote Wednesday 7th at 1:31PM (Comment #2226) verifying the play is HIS:

I mean, look at me, I said I wouldnt look but after everyone telling me how pathetic INKY is posting another play he stole three days ago, I just had to come in..

So, you got me too. HAHAHA

Contrary to your assertion, this was NOT a photoshopped screen shot.


That's the propaganda you'd like to pedal to people around here to gobble up like fish!

It won't work. Why? You have no credibility. VLAD, you and the rest of your "kind" (ELITES) exterminated
hundreds of innocent members, PEASANTS, for no cause and with no notice.

You need to take responsibility in what you did. You butchered hundreds.

Blood is on YOUR hands, not mine. Your attempts to make me your scapegoat for the atrocity you engineered is an EPIC FAILURE!
Feb 6, 2007
Instead for your listening pleasure you can listen to MOBKEEPER PIGPEN talked about amusement parks...hahahahahhahahahah

You gotta read those posts by him. I mean, the part about a shit ton of rollercoasters in an amusement park..



GN for now everyone !!

Oh you got me for interacting with fellow posters. Ouch. Look at you stalk me bahahahhahahahaha. Good job clown. But you are in grade school at talking shit. Bring your kids on here they probably aren't as pussy as their clown-shoe dad.

So Russ didn't make you leave? Me and Bikram did? What's the story now? Bahahahaahaha

Got to learn how to deal with clowns pennystocks. You pay too much attention to their crying in the first quarter that you forgot that hundreds of people aren't saying anything and were great sports. But you blew that too. Seems like everything you touch just turns into chaos. Care to let us know who ran you out of SBR too?

Still can't believe you left because Russ was getting under your skin. That's a disgraceful reason to leave a forum. Because of the laughing stock of the forum, you leave BAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA. You showed your true colors multiple times and after you get clowned you change up the story on why you left.

Now it's me and bikram now that made you leave? Or who is it today?

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
INKY would have you believe we despise you and treat you with contempt....thats pure fantasy. Anyone at the forum who spoke to me and dealt with me would know I'm a kind and generous guy, as are the other mods, and not a hateful creep like the owner of this thread. We wanted a forum for everyone but this guy who claims to be your champion is the one who destroyed it all through hate and jealousy as I have said already.

The only way to preserve the forum in the short term was to keep the membership base to those already in VIP. We regret having to do what we did, but were backed into a corner. Thank INKY for that.

Perhaps we could have done better in terms of making you aware of the decision. Thats a lesson learned.

Now, if anyone does hate me for what went down, then I accept that. I'm ok with taking the brunt of your criticism....hate away. But I, nor the other guys are to's a crying shame that good people got caught in the fallout.

Maybe we will all meet again in the near future in a forum not populated by a toothy serpent and his degenerate zealots.

Take care all.

Feeble attempt to absolve yourself of the horrific deed you perpetrated on hundreds of innocent members.
You merely lined up the PEASANTS and mowed them down as if they were nothing. Wholesale slaughter.

You're not a "kind and generous" person as you want to paint yourself.

KIND and GENEROUS people don't do what you did. You indiscriminately BANNED hundreds of innocent members with
several keystrokes.

That's FACT and not fiction.

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
@John_Crichton, so your saying the best option is to take a forum, isolate the problem (the rat in the VIP section) and when that does not work, AXE everyone else that is NOT in the VIP section? People that came to the forum for the picks and to get away from all the BS? People that were not there ONLY for PW picks (which most of us have not seen in more than a week)??

Makes perfect sense now... Thanks for clearing that up...

The ELITES at the private forum had no use for you and the other PEASANTS.

It was far easier to exterminate hundreds of innocent members with several keystrokes. No explanation and
no notice. No conscious or a care in the world.


your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
It's cool, like I said, people can direct there frustration and anger at me all they want. They can post sarcastic replies to me, thats also cool. You don't see me running away anywhere do you. I will stay in this thread until BAS bans me.

I understand you and others are upset. I can't however force you to understand our position and accept it. Some of you guys obviously know better it seems and would have dealt with the situation better and kept EVERYONE happy and fended off INKY and his henchmen. Cool, none of us maintaining things over there profess to be perfect, we just want to preserve what we have.

This John_Crichton character is like Joseph Goebbels with his incessant propaganda and justifications.

NOTHING justifies the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of innocent members. You can spin that any way you want.

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
Thought you were Done here...

He'll never be done, since he's bored shitless at that morgue he resides in now.

He keeps ducking my 7 day 21 play college hoops challenge. He keeps showing his
true colors. The guy is a CHICKENSHIT. Period.

I mean, he's allegedly a "professional" gambler who bets $1K per unit and sometimes
$20K on a SINGLE play. Hell, he's betting $15K on Saturday's Navy-Army OVER 48 play!

He's afraid to take on a "rank amateur" at handicapping college hoops?

He's been reduced to clucking around the barnyard!


Yet, I can't blame him. His record last season in college hoops was 41.16% so he's afraid
INCUBUS would clean his clock in front of all his minions as well as the rest of the sports
handicapping world on the internet. His inflated street cred would get smashed. He can't take
that chance! :missingte

PENNYWISE started posting consistently in January 2016 with college basketball.

He quit posting plays in the middle of the 2016 March Madness. Go figure.
The following college basketball handicapping record for PENNYWISE is 100% accurate and documented. @)

January 2016

Mon 1-4 North Carolina -3.5 over FSU WIN
Tues 1-5 Providence -7.5 over Marquette LOSS
Wed 1-6 OVER 144 Georgia Tech-Pittsburgh WIN
Thur 1-7 OVER 144 UNCW-Towson LOSS
Tues 1-12 OVER 145 Akron-Central Michigan WIN
Thur 1-14 OVER 138.5 James Madison-Northeastern LOSS
Mon 1-18 OVER 153.5 Sienna-Monmouth WIN
Tues 1-19 OVER 146 Butler-Providence LOSS
Wed 1-20 OVER 153 Virginia Tech-Notre Dame WIN
Thur 1-21 East Tennessee State -2 over Mercer PUSH
Fri 1-22 Northern Kentucky -12 over UIC WIN
Sat 1-23 OVER 132 Harvard-Dartmouth LOSS
Mon 1-25 Appalachian State -3 over Georgia Southern LOSS
Wed 1-27 OVER 150 Texas A&M-Arkansas LOSS
Fri 1-29 OVER OVER 163 Green Bay-Milwaukee WIN
Sat 1-30 OVER 164 Oklahoma-LSU LOSS
Sat 1-30 OVER 153 San Francisco-Gonzaga LOSS

February 2016

Wed 2-3 OVER 148 Notre Dame-Miami WIN
Thur 2-4 OVER 153 Colorado-Oregon LOSS
Sat 2-6 OVER 165 Citadel-Mercer LOSS
Sun 2-7 OVER 145 Hofstra-James Madison WIN
Tues 2-9 Villinova -14 over DePaul WIN
Tues 2-9 OVER 158 Central Michigan-Eastern Michigan LOSS
Fri 2-12 Yale -9 over Dartmouth WIN
Sat 2-13 OVER 152 Xavier-Butler LOSS
Sat 2-20 Xavier -3 over Georgetown WIN
Sat 2-20 OVER 143 Kentucky-Texas A&M WIN
Sat 2-20 OVER 152 Oklahoma-West Virginia LOSS
Sat 2-20 OVER 163 Portland State-Eastern Washington WIN
Sun 2-21 OVER 148 Northeastern-Hofstra LOSS
Tues 2-23 Minnesota -14 over Rutgers WIN
Wed 2-24 OVER 145 Villanova-Xavier WIN
Thur 2-25 Indiana -9 over Illinois WIN
Fri 2-26 Valpo -3 over Milwaukee WIN
Sat 2-27 OVER 144 Texas Tech-Kansas LOSS
Sat 2-27 OVER 148 South Carolina-Mississippi State LOSS
Sat 2-27 OVER 154.5 Gonzaga-BYU LOSS
Mon 2-29 OVER 147 Syracuse-North Carolina LOSS

March 2016

Fri 3-4 OVER 169 Citadel-Mercer LOSS
Sat 3-5 OVER 139 Ohio State-Michigan State WIN
Sat 3-5 UNDER 147 Auburn-Mississippi State WIN
Sat 3-5 OVER 122.5 Louisville-Virginia LOSS
Fri 3-11 OVER 142 Ohio State-Michigan State LOSS
Fri 3-11 OVER 144.5 Baylor-Kansas LOSS
Fri 3-11 Ohio -1 over Buffalo LOSS
Thur 3-17 Seton Hall -2 over Gonzaga LOSS
Thur 3-17 Providence -2 over USC LOSS
Fri 3-18 Syracuse +1 over Dayton WIN
Thur 3-24 Texas A&M-Oklahoma OVER 147 LOSS
Thur 3-24 Oregon -3 over Duke LOSS
Fri 3-25 Wisconsin +1 over Notre Dame LOSS
Fri 3-25 Gonzaga -4 over Syracuse LOSS

21-30-1 ATS or 41.18%
Feb 6, 2007

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
I mean the rumor tonight is that INKY actually lives in the STATES and pretends he lives in Thailand because his bed time is its lights out and computer off..

The whole nonsense of being hours ahead of us in the timezones is all a lie... I lost it... I was laughing so hard to hear that was true, cause i always thought that...hahahaa

I mean, it makes sense. So many people talking about it. I just had to come back and see the tard....
BETALLSPORTS can easily confirm I reside in Thailand. Try again. !<<)

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