PENNYWISE Plays For Those Who Are Interested


New member
Aug 26, 2014
What happened to last nights X5 Winna on OVER LASALLE ? Or the entire last week ? posts of any of those... How about our 20+ unit Sunday... no post here...

Your missing.. I would refund the people here for your....Services ?


Incubus is Fucking hysterical. This place is like shooting fish with a GRENADE .....hahahhaa
Feb 6, 2007
prob better than what sick fuk Inky has done freakn predator , he makes Subway look like a alter boy

Where's the evidence on that? I missed it due to all the crying and sobbing in here. I told yall he was Bikram Choudhury. If you don't know who he is....look him up. Sexually assaulted over 10-15 women. Had them making ham sandwiches for him and he would only let the women eat half of the sandwhiches
Said they get too fat if they eat the whole thing so Bikram(incubus) was eating the other half everytime

Oct 25, 2007
That's better tone.

This is what I will do since I can see the fear in your heart..... since I know how bad Incubus wants to see the videos I will give varkey one last opportunity to keep my name out his mouth and never add on to someone else's beef again. Keep your mouth shut Jason or those videos will be released, again.

Anyone who saw the videos knows Jason/Varkey likes the furry hairy dark meat. Not the hot chicks he posts pics of and says he bangs on his vacations. Was no Vagina in that room. Just a sausage fest in all three videos.

Dudes dancing with dudes. And if Pennywise is ever in Chicago, that Varkey/Jason and his boys will squirt 20-30 units on his chin to repay him.

So I never gave you a warning. So you have officially been warned now. Have a good day sir.

Good times guys good times.

BAS, you are allowed to threaten others on this site?!?!?! Never knew this was allowed.
Hey, I party w/ my boys…..I party w/ my girls. If you think I am gay, so be it. I respect others who are gay.

Sep 2, 2012
Stevie has hit the nail on the head. INKY is a fraud and master of deception and is dropping you fake plays....again.

He loves some graphics lets be honest, and he loves to create multiple fake personalities. I showed you that yesterday with the whole JIGSAW deal.

It's so obvious that he photoshopped a fake play to post here with lovely graphics, so he could look like billy big balls in front of you all. He even wrote some accompanying text in the Pennywise style to add authenticity. I mean he has spent enough time kissing Pennywise's ass for the last 12 months or so, until Pennywise dumped him like that stalker ex you just need to get rid of, I'm sure he can copy a few phrases and recreate some Penny-isms to make it look like he pinched a play after we canned many of his weird fake personalities.

Guys, what more proof do you need here that INKY is a fraud and a liar....he made up a play the other night for the dallas/minnesota game, and it was so obvious it was made up because it had no unit amount. Big red flag no?

The guy is a fraud and proven liar.

Think before you put hard earned cash on this play....he is screwing with you....come on guys, he refers to you as "peasants. Respectful right?

why havent you addressed the mass banning of all these people? you always focus on other items but have never directly answered why there has been two mass bannings and the vip section. it would be respectful to those people who joined your forum in good faith but have had it shoved up their keisters on several occasions. why not give them a definitive response to their questions as to why they were invited and then banned more than once. it seems to me that they deserve a plausible explanation without assignments of blame.
Jul 8, 2006
Jetsa, and others who have asked, it's only right to respond to you. I will have to do it here, despite knowing the fraud will jump on this immediately and post his nonsense and drivel, but I can't PM anyone as BAS took away my PM ability - even though I did not misuse it. Anyway be prepared for the usual, ELITIST, TOTALITARIAN STATE, DOUCHEBAGS, PEASANTS drivel we are all accustomed to, because he will repeat it all again for the umpteenth time I assure you. So anyway, here it is.....

So, first off, I'm not privy to anyones private conversations with anyone else at the forum. What you and Pennywise said between the both of you, I don't know what that was. I know when I was asked about getting in to the private area of the forum, I always explained what we were doing and why. I know I never promised anyone access at any specific was always open ended.

I had also explained in the general area what we were doing and why, and went out of my way to reassure people that we were working on a solution to the problem INKY was presenting us. Believe it or not, but in 4 days after the plays became posted in the private area, we added 25 or so people. That was in addition to the people already in there and had been in there for a month or so prior. We were carrying out what we had decided, which was to take the plays away from INKY and the thieving scum that had invaded OUR forum, and add you guys to that area slowly and steadily to ensure none of the nasties got in. 25 guys in 4 days.....we were adding as fast as reasonably possible.

What you have to realize is that we didn't want to cut people off from plays and being part of the overall community. That is total BS and simply perpetuated by a jealous INKY because he was cut off from the plays and his ego has taken a damn battering. imagine being shunned by the person you idolize.....that's got to hurt!

Anyway, you all know we asked INKY nicely on many occasions to stop taking the plays that pennywise didn't want posted anywhere else but the new forum. We asked nicely and politely. And he would not listen. He even stuck two fingers up to Pennywise when he asked him nicely to stop. Do you guys forget that Pennywise posted 2 announcements in the general are asking guys to not take the plays and post them elsewhere, and that was ignored too.

INKY populated YOUR forum with multiple fake personalities and used them to spy, to steal and to mock. How many times has he cut and pasted content from the forum and posted it over here, crying to to BAS to ban them because they frequent another forum. And as we chopped down more of INKY's colorful personalities, you see how hateful and vitriolic he has become in this thread. He is behaving like a real nasty piece of work. But as soon as we were getting rid of dirt from the forum, another INKY clone popped up, another piece of content was stolen from the forum and posted over here. We always said we wanted a nice space to bet sports and hang out...INKY was destroying that from the inside.

The forum was inheriting a nasty vibe to it, all because the guy would simply not just leave as he had been asked to do many many times.

The choice for us was we knew already we we could trust, and we were adding more to that group as time went by - quite quickly like I said. We hated the idea that guys were missing out, but we also had to balance that with protecting the forum as a whole. But as fast as we were acting more dormant accounts were popping up and more content being stolen. If it wasn't plays, it was bit s of conversations, avatars e.t.c. I mean how many profiles did Inky have...we ban one, more content gets stolen. W banned another, more stuff gets stolen....where does it end??? Imagine us guys who have jobs, family trying to run a forum, and then we have some malcontent weirdo from Thailand making our free time a chore.....can you guys empathize with that at all? I know you want the plays, but do you know how much time and effort we put into getting the place up and running and maintained for you all, only for it to look like it was going down the shitter. Something has to give. INKY knows nothing about giving, he sits on here all day typing garbage to people. He does nothing positive.

INKY would have you believe we despise you and treat you with contempt....thats pure fantasy. Anyone at the forum who spoke to me and dealt with me would know I'm a kind and generous guy, as are the other mods, and not a hateful creep like the owner of this thread. We wanted a forum for everyone but this guy who claims to be your champion is the one who destroyed it all through hate and jealousy as I have said already.

The only way to preserve the forum in the short term was to keep the membership base to those already in VIP. We regret having to do what we did, but were backed into a corner. Thank INKY for that.

Perhaps we could have done better in terms of making you aware of the decision. Thats a lesson learned.

Now, if anyone does hate me for what went down, then I accept that. I'm ok with taking the brunt of your criticism....hate away. But I, nor the other guys are to's a crying shame that good people got caught in the fallout.

Maybe we will all meet again in the near future in a forum not populated by a toothy serpent and his degenerate zealots.

Take care all.
Feb 6, 2007
120 JAX JAGUARS+3.5 -12039.5 -110+155

Jaquars are a HOME DOG +3.5 ....

Come on ....COOOME ON... you know you want to try to lose a 6th week in a row MOBKEEPER
....You know you want too !!!


There he is. Hey man didn't I warn you about Incubus in like......May?!?!?

Tried telling you the people you had around you did not care about you just how you don't care about them. You see how that works? Mr. Nice guy turned against all his friends. Starting with incubus and now the list goes on.

Amazing you laames try this hard to find out who's leaking plays but couldn't find out who hacked into your kids email account for the fun of it. #priorities#kidsfirst#nohandicappingfirst#rxfamily#krustythewife

For sure, see ya later
Feb 6, 2007
BAS, you are allowed to threaten others on this site?!?!?! Never knew this was allowed.
Hey, I party w/ my boys…..I party w/ my girls. If you think I am gay, so be it. I respect others who are gay.

Where is this thread? Where did you insult me at?

Answer to both those questions is the rubber room. You wanted to go at it we can go at homo.

Nov 10, 2007
Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here? popcorn-eatinggif

Dec 7, 2016
Why is PW mocking those that got banned from his site for not being able to see his play? supposedly i was on "the list" for the next round of invites. i never asked for it. the mods reached out to me. it's a pretty shitty feeling to have been so close before the mass banning! thinking i was close, getting excited for bowl season, and bam. Missing my man AXO bigly today. if it's possible to be let back in i'd appreciate a PM from a mod since i know i was about to be given the invite :)

New member
Jun 26, 2016
"Think before you put hard earned cash on this play....he is screwing with you....come on guys, he refers to you as "peasants. Respectful right?"
How do you think we feel John???? Is what you did respectful? What you did was the lowest form of class. You don't ban hundreds of people with the stroke of a key and not tell them something. Unless you feel the aren't worth explaining yourself they were peasants (to quote). You continually come on here with post after post trying to put everything on Incubus but what you did was 1000 X worse...don't you even see that? He may have started and and been wrong, but what you guys did over there was just childish/stupid/immature. As I said, I am a grown man. Tell me what you are going to do and do it. Don't hide behind the net and hit the key. None of you will acknowledge your wrong-doing over there....just Incubus this and Incubus that. I am pretty sure I speak for the majority of banned people (peasants) when saying we deserved some sort of explanation as to what was going to happen and why. Most of us were invited over there, many by PW (me). He too will not acknowledge what you guys did. Sigh...
Jan 17, 2007
120 JAX JAGUARS+3.5 -12039.5 -110+155

Jaquars are a HOME DOG +3.5 ....

Come on ....COOOME ON... you know you want to try to lose a 6th week in a row MOBKEEPER
....You know you want too !!!


What happened to last nights X5 Winna on OVER LASALLE ? Or the entire last week ? posts of any of those... How about our 20+ unit Sunday... no post here...

Your missing.. I would refund the people here for your....Services ?


Incubus is Fucking hysterical. This place is like shooting fish with a GRENADE .....hahahhaa

Thought you were Done here...
Jan 17, 2007
BAS, you are allowed to threaten others on this site?!?!?! Never knew this was allowed.
Hey, I party w/ my boys…..I party w/ my girls. If you think I am gay, so be it. I respect others who are gay.

is it really a Threat ??

You guys have a long standing War... Not sure why it's even in this thread.

But I DO know you are a member at the other forum and wanted to help out in this Thread to cause trouble.

So I would leave it alone
Jan 17, 2007
Where is this thread? Where did you insult me at?

Answer to both those questions is the rubber room. You wanted to go at it we can go at homo.

I rather you take your war with him in a different thread.
Think we have enough fights in here


Nov 10, 2007
Why is PW mocking those that got banned from his site for not being able to see his play? supposedly i was on "the list" for the next round of invites. i never asked for it. the mods reached out to me. it's a pretty shitty feeling to have been so close before the mass banning! thinking i was close, getting excited for bowl season, and bam. Missing my man AXO bigly today. if it's possible to be let back in i'd appreciate a PM from a mod since i know i was about to be given the invite :)

you were on "the list" alright. Jim Jones had a list...

New member
May 1, 2015
enough about PW plays as it looks like we won't be getting anymore but what about a AXO. Let's get those plays goong soon as possible if we can. The guy is a stud at basketball. Or will you get pissed that I'm asking about somebody else's now. What time will you be posting inky?Will it be 8 o'clock again?

Jun 28, 2014
Someone posted Cavs +1.5 which won. If they keep posting they might go on a lucky run of 60% winners,
like many RX posters have done through the years, before some of them ran away & tried to turn tout.

Yet another win. But this thread is about PW and his big rubber dick and rubber red nose.

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