Baltimore has a lifetime batting average of .195 against Estrada. Toronto has a lifetime batting average of .273 against Miley. You know better than I do, but that does not seem the batting averages of two teams that will go over 10 runs. Thanks
Did you READ Pennywise's post ? Estrada has been getting tired and giving up alot of runs "LATELY". I promise you, PW wouldn't have picked the OVER if Estrada was lights out "LATELY".
Sir, I owe you an APOLOGY! Your analysis on this game was spot-on! (<)<
You don't owe him SHIT Inky. For the ten thousandth time ------ coming into PW's thread with some sort of contrary point of view, RIGHT OR WRONG, is not welcome or interesting to regular followers. Get your own thread, release your own opinions, and keep your negative ass karma the fuck out of here. Like PW said , earlier today I believe, anybody can knit pick the selections with any number of stats and data. The overall, long term record ( and ultimately the net profit ) is all that matters. Geeeezus
@incubus I accept your apology even though I do not feel I deserved your comments. I was just pointing those stats out to PW. It did not mean to say I was right. Good luck to you
You might as well block everyone on this forum except the O.P. if that is your thinking. I am just going to say this.... You don't know everything. No one does. Not me, not you, not the O.P.. We don't know every single stat. I keep hearing this is a forum where we are all suppose to help each other win. We are all here to beat the man. That's what everyone in here keeps on saying. But when I see shit like can that be the case? It sounds like everyone just wants to win and anyone who disagrees on the bet they made will get bashed and attacked. That's what the rules sound like to me.....there is no open discussion even though they are very involved in a pointless open discussion in here( 10+ pages every day)
The poster Meltedice posted possibly the most innocent and constructive criticism post regarding an O.P on a game maybe ever on this forum that I have seen. "You know better then I do". I don't know what a compliment is if that isn't one or how anyone can say anything constructive in here without being attacked.
I wanted to salute Incubus for coming back in and saying what he did to the gentlemen. I thought he jumped the gun at the guy for bringing up the possibility that the play didn't add up. He didn't say "you will lose" "i'm opposite" . Nothing pointless. He provided stats with a compliment at the same time..... the same thing that I have seen a lot of people do on here...including Incubus.
But this guy Engage. buddy you need a new hobby. Plain and simple. I first off do not believe one statement you make, all of it is bullshit. You have 300 posts in 8 years, if you are up so much how come you can't post any of your winners for us in the 8 years you have been here? My guess is you lived in the service play section looking for free handouts until you saw someone who could make it easier for you.
Super defensive if anyone disagrees. I couldn't could how many times LAST year someone came into my NFL threads saying they liked the other play with no reasoning. I'm not changing my bet. But I'm also not going to attack them for simply disagreeing. If anything I want most people to disagree with my bets.
To me it tells me they respect me enough to mention it or else they would be in total confidence with their thoughts and plays and wouldn't need to run it by me.