Pennsylvania, we have a problem


Sep 17, 2010
Biggest fault of his Presidency . Relying on the wrong people for advice .

He couldn't be that stupid.
Everyone I know howled at all of these picks, for example Barr was/is a Bush man, and after what Trump did to Jeb... a middle school kid would know not to hire him. But Trump did.
He sat there and let Sessions go lame duck all that time with Rosenstein reaming Trump instead of pushing Sessions aside, put him in another position, and appointing a new AG to oversee the DOJ and the Russia hoax.
He didn't.
YOU AND I know better, why did he let all of this happen?

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
He couldn't be that stupid.
Everyone I know howled at all of these picks, for example Barr was/is a Bush man, and after what Trump did to Jeb... a middle school kid would know not to hire him. But Trump did.
He sat there and let Sessions go lame duck all that time with Rosenstein reaming Trump instead of pushing Sessions aside, put him in another position, and appointing a new AG to oversee the DOJ and the Russia hoax.
He didn't.
YOU AND I know better, why did he let all of this happen?

Is bolded a question or a statement...

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Joe Biden has been forced to go to Philadelphia to defend the legitimacy of his election

Stephen K. Bannon


Dec 3, 2006
Joe Biden has been forced to go to Philadelphia to defend the legitimacy of his election

Stephen K. Bannon


its good to see him finally campaigning, hopefully he appoints Kamala as election integrity czar since she was so effective as border czar

Sep 17, 2010
Okay then Ill ask of your statement part

Why DID he let all this happen?

YOU always say he is the “greatest” President.

Though I voted for him, twice, I say he was a Paper President , a PINO, a failure.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Though I voted for him, twice, I say he was a Paper President , a PINO, a failure.

I get you are mad at him, but lets not be silly pal:ohno:
Dec 11, 2006
Biggest fault of his Presidency . Relying on the wrong people for advice .

I would rephrase that to the biggest problem of his Presidency.

Trump was a political novice. He had no idea how deep the swamp was when he got involved. He had no idea how few politicians would be willing to help commandeer the ice breaker ship he became.

He trusted some because he had no choice. If you're sick you go to a doctor. If you want to build a building you talk to architects and engineers and builders. If you go to Washington you trust, errr, Washingtonians, those who know how to operate within the layers of the Federal bureaucracy.

Trump's greatest accomplishment was opening the curtain on the swamp creatures. Not only in the Democratic party but in the Republican party and in all the various Federal departments/agencies. It is easy to forget now that pre Trump we had no clue how pervasive the feckless and self serving swamp creatures were everywhere in Washington. Donald Trump unmasked them.

Did Donald Trump get duped? He sure did. So did we.

I heard no objections to the appointment of Jeff Sessions. We hailed Bill Barr as our savior when Trump finally moved Sessions out. Surely we would see Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strock and his lover do time for their lying, treasonous acts. John Durham was going to get to the bottom of it all. We believed this stuff. So we were just as gullible as our non politician icon buster hero in Washington.

Without Trump we would have no idea how foul Washington is and how empty the people we elected for Republican leadership were.

He has encouraged a new breed of Republican - those who actually care about the direction of the country. Those who are actually underpinned by conservative values. Those who want to put a stop to the liberal / socialist slide of the past fifty years. Those who want to return to nationalism as opposed to globalism. Less government and more personal responsibility. Those who want voices of sanity to counter the loud voices that have emerged in the lala land of "progressivism".

What you guys criticize is actually his most important contribution to our country going forward. He unearthed the bums and the corrupt federal government they serve.

It is up to us to continue the uphill battle of reclaiming our country. I see many new faces in Donald Trump's wake trying to do just that. I help by contributing to them and by recruiting people to the conservative mindset.

Thank you, Donald Trump.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I would rephrase that to the biggest problem of his Presidency.

Trump was a political novice. He had no idea how deep the swamp was when he got involved. He had no idea how few politicians would be willing to help commandeer the ice breaker ship he became.

He trusted some because he had no choice. If you're sick you go to a doctor. If you want to build a building you talk to architects and engineers and builders. If you go to Washington you trust, errr, Washingtonians, those who know how to operate within the layers of the Federal bureaucracy.

Trump's greatest accomplishment was opening the curtain on the swamp creatures. Not only in the Democratic party but in the Republican party and in all the various Federal departments/agencies. It is easy to forget now that pre Trump we had no clue how pervasive the feckless and self serving swamp creatures were everywhere in Washington. Donald Trump unmasked them.

Did Donald Trump get duped? He sure did. So did we.

I heard no objections to the appointment of Jeff Sessions. We hailed Bill Barr as our savior when Trump finally moved Sessions out. Surely we would see Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strock and his lover do time for their lying, treasonous acts. John Durham was going to get to the bottom of it all. We believed this stuff. So we were just as gullible as our non politician icon buster hero in Washington.

Without Trump we would have no idea how foul Washington is and how empty the people we elected for Republican leadership were.

He has encouraged a new breed of Republican - those who actually care about the direction of the country. Those who are actually underpinned by conservative values. Those who want to put a stop to the liberal / socialist slide of the past fifty years. Those who want to return to nationalism as opposed to globalism. Less government and more personal responsibility. Those who want voices of sanity to counter the loud voices that have emerged in the lala land of "progressivism".

What you guys criticize is actually his most important contribution to our country going forward. He unearthed the bums and the corrupt federal government they serve.

It is up to us to continue the uphill battle of reclaiming our country. I see many new faces in Donald Trump's wake trying to do just that. I help by contributing to them and by recruiting people to the conservative mindset.

Thank you, Donald Trump.

Damn fine post

And guess what .....THE BEST IS YET TO COME


PS.....I dont think Durham is a bust yet:103631605
I really dont

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Democrats want to ensure all dead, double and illegal votes are counted! Only way they can “win.”

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Geez besides the most fervent of the Blue Anon crew, can anyone on the left REALLY believe this


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I would rephrase that to the biggest problem of his Presidency.

Trump was a political novice. He had no idea how deep the swamp was when he got involved. He had no idea how few politicians would be willing to help commandeer the ice breaker ship he became.

He trusted some because he had no choice. If you're sick you go to a doctor. If you want to build a building you talk to architects and engineers and builders. If you go to Washington you trust, errr, Washingtonians, those who know how to operate within the layers of the Federal bureaucracy.

Trump's greatest accomplishment was opening the curtain on the swamp creatures. Not only in the Democratic party but in the Republican party and in all the various Federal departments/agencies. It is easy to forget now that pre Trump we had no clue how pervasive the feckless and self serving swamp creatures were everywhere in Washington. Donald Trump unmasked them.

Did Donald Trump get duped? He sure did. So did we.

I heard no objections to the appointment of Jeff Sessions. We hailed Bill Barr as our savior when Trump finally moved Sessions out. Surely we would see Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strock and his lover do time for their lying, treasonous acts. John Durham was going to get to the bottom of it all. We believed this stuff. So we were just as gullible as our non politician icon buster hero in Washington.

Without Trump we would have no idea how foul Washington is and how empty the people we elected for Republican leadership were.

He has encouraged a new breed of Republican - those who actually care about the direction of the country. Those who are actually underpinned by conservative values. Those who want to put a stop to the liberal / socialist slide of the past fifty years. Those who want to return to nationalism as opposed to globalism. Less government and more personal responsibility. Those who want voices of sanity to counter the loud voices that have emerged in the lala land of "progressivism".

What you guys criticize is actually his most important contribution to our country going forward. He unearthed the bums and the corrupt federal government they serve.

It is up to us to continue the uphill battle of reclaiming our country. I see many new faces in Donald Trump's wake trying to do just that. I help by contributing to them and by recruiting people to the conservative mindset.

Thank you, Donald Trump.

Trump's lack of political experience played a role, sure, but it's so much deeper and sinister than that.

I posted an article a while back which detailed how badly Obama damaged and poisoned all the bureaucracies with his appointments when he stacked every federal agency with career hyper-partisan radicals. So radical they apparently have no qualms in using the law to sabotage and take down a sitting president. So radical they will abuse their power to spy on and attack their political enemies. Read the texts from the FBI lovebirds Strzok and Paige to understand what we're dealing with.

There's no illegal spying on Biden based on a manufactured false narrative. There won't be obscure "whistle blower" statutes triggered to force his impeachment. We're not seeing a neverending barrage of "leaks" to the Washington Post and NYTs in an attempt to undermine this current (illegal) regime and its policies.

Amazing! Not a peep from all the Obama deep state scoundrels. No scandals. No deep state controversies. No alleged "Russian collusion". All is quiet on the swamp front.

Why? Because Biden is "one of them" doing their bidding advancing their radical left agenda of ever expanding govt and bureaucracy.

Whereas with Trump they declared WAR the moment he was sworn in. If we elect Donald Trump or a Ron DeSantis, it'll be same non-stop calculated chaos all over again.

That's what we're up against. The presidency doesn't yield as much power as we think, or want, and that's a good thing.

So while Donald Trump did indeed expose the depth of the swamp and level of corruption, his presidency also proved there's no saving or reforming it. Not from the top. Washington, DC is too far gone and beyond repair. Most Americans now see it for it is, a cesspool of self-interested greed, corruption and evil working AGAINST We The People.

Trump said it best: "There're not after me, they're after you! I'm just in their way!"

It sounds hopeless, until you realize the good news is real power lies at the state level. It's the only effective way to reel in this federal leviathan. We're never going to "drain the swamp" but, just like cancer, we can contain it. We're starting to see it with the election audits, and once individual states and their constituents realize their power we'll start to see a massive pushback across the country we haven't seen in our lifetime.

Governors can threaten the current corrupt FBI if they cross state lines. AGs can file lawsuits against whatever unconstitutional left wing trash the Dems vomit out from the Capitol. Let them pass whatever they want, it's just a piece of paper. State legislatures can now withdraw their electoral votes creating a constitutional crisis, thereby dealing a fatal blow to the Biden "presidency" (no consent of the governed).

And it all never would have happened without Donald Trump as our great courageous righteous president. One of the greatest ever, certainly the best in my lifetime including Reagan.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Trump's lack of political experience played a role, sure, but it's so much deeper and sinister than that.

I posted an article a while back which detailed how badly Obama damaged and poisoned all the bureaucracies with his appointments when he stacked every federal agency with career hyper-partisan radicals. So radical they apparently have no qualms in using the law to sabotage and take down a sitting president. So radical they will abuse their power to spy on and attack their political enemies. Read the texts from the FBI lovebirds Strzok and Paige to understand what we're dealing with.

There's no illegal spying on Biden based on a manufactured false narrative. There won't be obscure "whistle blower" statutes triggered to force his impeachment. We're not seeing a neverending barrage of "leaks" to the Washington Post and NYTs in an attempt to undermine this current (illegal) regime and its policies.

Amazing! Not a peep from all the Obama deep state scoundrels. No scandals. No deep state controversies. No alleged "Russian collusion". All is quiet on the swamp front.

Why? Because Biden is "one of them" doing their bidding advancing their radical left agenda of ever expanding govt and bureaucracy.

Whereas with Trump they declared WAR the moment he was sworn in. If we elect Donald Trump or a Ron DeSantis, it'll be same non-stop calculated chaos all over again.

That's what we're up against. The presidency doesn't yield as much power as we think, or want, and that's a good thing.

So while Donald Trump did indeed expose the depth of the swamp and level of corruption, his presidency also proved there's no saving or reforming it. Not from the top. Washington, DC is too far gone and beyond repair. Most Americans now see it for it is, a cesspool of self-interested greed, corruption and evil working AGAINST We The People.

Trump said it best: "There're not after me, they're after you! I'm just in their way!"

It sounds hopeless, until you realize the good news is real power lies at the state level. It's the only effective way to reel in this federal leviathan. We're never going to "drain the swamp" but, just like cancer, we can contain it. We're starting to see it with the election audits, and once individual states and their constituents realize their power we'll start to see a massive pushback across the country we haven't seen in our lifetime.

Governors can threaten the current corrupt FBI if they cross state lines. AGs can file lawsuits against whatever unconstitutional left wing trash the Dems vomit out from the Capitol. Let them pass whatever they want, it's just a piece of paper. State legislatures can now withdraw their electoral votes creating a constitutional crisis, thereby dealing a fatal blow to the Biden "presidency" (no consent of the governed).

And it all never would have happened without Donald Trump as our great courageous righteous president. One of the greatest ever, certainly the best in my lifetime including Reagan.

Another solid post.

States are starting to see how much power they have, they got lazy and gave too much of it away.

Kinda like WE got lazy and gave away too much of OUR own power to gubment. And we have our own power at some lower levels as we see people fighting against CRT and getting more involved in school boards.

I hope to see that move into city council type seats going forward.
Dec 11, 2006

Feb 22, 2005
The proven voter fraud cases are overwhelmingly from Republicans... so yeah its possible.

(its only 10)

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
This guy (the Pennsylvania Lt Governor. haha) actually said "of the 7,000,000,000 votes cast they only found 10 cases of voter fraud. And they were all republicans".

Does anyone on earth actually believe this?

You, Bozzie?

Laughable . Arizona is clean compared to the cesspools that be Philly and Atlanta .

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