Penn st got what was coming -school a disgrace


Jan 19, 2005
Time to make some new friends :howdy:

Why Jerry Sandusky May Be Innocent

By Mark Pendergrast | 5 hours ago

Jerry Sandusky. Photo by Andrewstern2 via Flickr
What if Jerry Sandusky didn’t do it? In a recent hearing, the former Penn State football coach, who was convicted on 45 counts of child sexual abuse, testified for the first time, claiming innocence. But who is going to believe him?
I do, because many of the allegations against him are based on a discredited psychological technique known as repressed-memory therapy.
During the trial, one of the eight young men who testified was asked why his allegations had multiplied over time.
“That doorway that I had closed has since been reopening more,” Dustin Struble told the court. [editor’s note, see p 143 in link.]
“Through counseling and different things, I can remember a lot more detail that I had pushed aside than I did at that point.”
Unfortunately, Sandusky’s trial lawyer Joe Amendola was clueless about the repressed memory issue.
It is relatively easy to generate false memories of abuse – as occurred in thousands of cases during the repressed memory epidemic of the 1990s.During my investigation for “Victims of Memory” (1996), my book on the subject, the world’s leading memory scientists told me why Freud’s theory of repressed memories of sexual abuse was wrong. (There are many other books on the perils of repressed memories, such as The Myth of Repressed Memory, by Elizabeth Loftus and Remembering Trauma, by Richard McNally).
People do not forget years of traumatic events. Yet all memory is subject to distortion, and through authoritative, suggestive influence, it is relatively easy to generate false memories of abuse – as occurred in thousands of cases during the repressed memory epidemic of the 1990s.
No one can prove a negative. Just as no one can prove that ghosts do not exist, it is impossible to prove that repressed memories are all false. But the concept flies in the face of science and common sense, and I could not find one convincing case. People sometimes avoid thinking about traumatic events that happened to them, but they do not entirely forget them.
So I sought out Dustin Struble, one of the key witnesses against Sandusky.
“Actually both of my therapists have suggested that I have repressed memories,” he emailed. “My therapist has suggested that I may still have more repressed memories that have yet to be revealed, and this could be a big cause of the depression that I still carry today.”
When I asked him in an October 2014 interview what Struble had thought of Sandusky before he went for therapy, he said that he had considered Sandusky a friend and mentor. Before therapy, he recalled no molestation.
Sandusky’s first accuser was Aaron Fisher, “Victim 1,” who went on to co-author a book, Silent No More, with his therapist Mike Gillum. At first, the 15-year-old Fisher said only that he and Sandusky had wrestled around, both fully clothed.
But Gillum just knew that more had occurred.
“I was very blunt with Aaron when I asked questions but gave him the ability to answer with a yes or a no, that relieved him of a lot of burden,” Gillum wrote in the book.
Gillum “just kept saying that Jerry was the exact profile of a predator. When it finally sank in, I felt angry,” Fisher recalled. Yet it took three years of working with Gillum before Fisher would do much more than answer yes or no questions. For a long time, Fisher remained the only witness against Sandusky, and the Pennsylvania attorney general refused to proceed with his testimony alone.
But under Gillum’s tutelage, Fisher eventually agreed that Sandusky had forced him into oral sex.
Gillum told me that he went on to counsel at least two other alleged Sandusky victims. One may have been Jason Simcisko, who testified about why he initially denied any abuse: “Everything that’s coming out now is because I thought about it more. I tried to block this out of my brain for years.” [editor’s note: It is safe to access these trial transcripts, so ignore the warning about “some files can contain viruses.” See p. 122]
From remarks in other testimony, from police reports, and from lawyers’ comments, it becomes apparent that repressed memories or other memory distortion could underpin all of the allegations against Sandusky.
The police got “angry and upset when I would not say what they wanted to hear...”Police used overtly leading questions, telling young men that Sandusky had abused others and that they wanted to hear the same stories now.
“He took advantage of you,” they said. “We need you to tell us this is what happened.” [ed. note: see pp 80-83]
The police got “angry and upset when I would not say what they wanted to hear,” recalled one interview subject.
The police asked uncooperative interviewees to call them if they could “recall anything.”
Civil lawyers sent potential victims to therapy to help unearth memories. As Howard Janet, a civil lawyer for an alleged Sandusky victim, explained in a CNN interview, victims could “create a bit of a Chinese wall in their minds. They bury these events that were so painful to them deep in their subconscious.”
But that’s not all. The well-known sodomy-in-the-shower story is fictional. When Mike McQueary went into the locker room in 2001, he briefly heard slapping sounds in the shower that he interpreted as sexual. As McQueary later put it, “Visualizations come to your head.”
He then saw Sandusky and a boy walk out of the shower.
Nearly ten years later, when the police told McQueary that Sandusky had been accused of sexually abusing a boy, McQueary’s memory changed. This is not unusual because eyewitness testimony is notoriously fallible, especially when much time has passed. Our memories are influenced by our current attitudes and prejudices.
So McQueary now recalled looking directly into the shower and seeing Sandusky standing behind the boy and slowly moving his hips. [ed. note: see pp 195-197]
Allan Myers, who was that boy in the shower, emphatically denied that Jerry Sandusky had sexually abused him. “Never, ever, did anything like that occur,” he said in a statement to Sandusky’s defense team. He said that he and Sandusky had been slap-boxing.
“Victim 8” didn’t testify, not just because he was never identified, but because he may never have existed.But then Myers apparently changed his mind. He found a civil attorney, joined the other alleged victims, and eventually collected a great deal of money. Myers did not testify at the trial. The prosecution didn’t want his statement introduced by the defense, and the defense was also afraid to call him. So he remained the anonymous “Victim 2.”
“Victim 8” didn’t testify, not just because he was never identified, but because he may never have existed. A Penn State janitor told the jury [ed. note: see pp 222-248] what another temporary janitor, Jim Calhoun, had allegedly told him in 2000, twelve years before. The reason Calhoun didn’t testify is that he was allegedly suffering from dementia at the time of the trial.
Yet in a taped interview with the police, Calhoun said that Sandusky was not the man he saw abusing a boy. Inexplicably, this tape was not used in Sandusky’s defense during the trial, probably because his lawyer was overwhelmed and never listened to it.
Then there’s Matt Sandusky, the last of the six children the couple adopted, who “flipped” to accuse his father mid-trial. “Based upon what you’re telling me,” Oprah Winfrey asked him on camera, “you actually repressed a lot of it.”
“Uh-huh, absolutely,” Matt replied. “The physical part is the part that, you know, you can erase…. I didn't have these memories of the sexual abuse.”
At an interview following Sandusky’s conviction on June 22, 2012, Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly affirmed that repressed memories were key to the case, explaining: “It’s a long process…to have that many young boys come forward and say what they did and to have to unearth those memories that they buried for all those years.”
Author’s Note: This quote is from an interview with Linda Kelly by Jeremy Schaap and Roger Cossack on June 22, 2012, from an ESPN website: It has since been removed from the internet, but there is a mention of it here.
Jerry Sandusky did take showers with boys, but that is not a crime. He grew up in a recreation center run by his parents, where such showers were the norm.
If Sandusky were a pedophile, he would probably have molested his other four adopted sons. Yet when I interviewed them, they denied any abuse. “My parents gave me morals,” a son told me. “They taught me how to live my life. They modeled things I'm striving to be as a parent myself.” But none of the sons would allow me to use their names, for fear of reprisals against them or their families.
Sandusky founded the Second Mile program to help troubled youth. Of the hundreds of Second Mile alums the police interviewed during the Sandusky investigation, the vast majority did not claim abuse, despite extensive pressure to do so.
“We have recently been interviewing kids who don’t believe the allegations as published and believe Sandusky is a great role model for them and others to emulate,” complained one investigator in a frustrated email to his team. [ed. note: see Appendix N in this link, p. 261]
During the June 2012 trial, alleged victims gave graphic, disturbing testimony. While much of it had evolved and grown over time, it is not clear that it all stemmed from repressed memories. Barring a new trial for Sandusky, it is difficult to determine what had always been remembered and which memories were created more recently through suggestion.
After the explosive allegations were broadcast by the media in November 2011, and it became clear that alleged victims might make a great deal of money, financial motivations may have become more of an issue for the last two trial “Victims 9 and 10” and other anonymous claimants who then came forward.
In response to a brief filed by Sandusky’s attorneys Al Lindsay and Andrew Salemme on August 31, 2016, it appears that Judge John Cleland, who also presided over the rushed 2012 trial, may allow a hearing regarding repressed-memory therapy, the unacknowledged linchpin of the case.
Ed. note: See also: “Sandusky Wants Judge to Review Victim Therapy Records” (Centre Daily Times/September 2).
After these hearings, if Cleland refuses to grant Sandusky a new trial – despite an appallingly ineffective trial defense effort and illegally leaked grand jury information – Sandusky’s lawyers can appeal to the Pennsylvania Superior and Supreme Courts.
If he fails there, his only option will be a federal court.
Let’s hope that the justices will allow testimony about repressed memories in the Sandusky case.
Mark Pendergrast

Mark Pendergrast’s Victims of Memory was one of the first investigations of the repressed memory epidemic. He is currently preparing a book about the Sandusky case. He can be reached through his website,

Jan 19, 2005
and the case continues to well, FALL APART

Perjury charge against former Penn State AD dismissed

One count of perjury against Tim Curley, Penn State’s former athletic director, was dismissed Thursday afternoon.Christopher Weddle Centre Daily Times, file

One count of perjury against Tim Curley, Penn State’s former athletic director, was dismissed Thursday afternoon.
Berks County Senior Judge John Boccabella took over the case, according to court documents. He heard arguments Thursday over the charges against three former Penn State administrators — Graham Spanier, Gary Schultz and Curley. Charges also include endangering the welfare of children and failure to properly report suspected abuse.
The charges stem from the Sandusky Scandal. Former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky was convicted of dozens of child sex offenses, and several Penn State administrators and former coach Joe Paterno were fired after Sandusky was indicted.
Fallout of the scandal included crippling sanctions against Penn State’s football program and the vacating of 111 of Paterno’s and the program’s wins, which were later restored.
This story will be updated.

Read more here:


New member
Nov 20, 1998
You're all emotion and no logic. Players and students had nothing to do with the Sandusky crimes. If your uncle, unbeknownst to you, molests children should you and your kids be vilified just because you are related to him? Innocent people totally removed from the situation do not deserve any scorn.
All the scorn should go to the school. Students may attend at their own discretion.
Sandusky committed the perverted crimes. Jopa covered them up. Punishment deserved.
Come back in 10 years... at least. If there were a criminal trial, anyone involved should do 20.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
All the scorn should go to the school. Students may attend at their own discretion.
Sandusky committed the perverted crimes. Jopa covered them up. Punishment deserved.
Come back in 10 years... at least. If there were a criminal trial, anyone involved should do 20.

do you realize how fucking stupid you sound? Joepa covered up for a person to molest children...think about that for a minute...

oh oh and go back to day one when this went down, the AG came out and said Joepa should be praised for how he handle the situation

the only people that actually believe that paterno knew and actively covered it up along with other penn state leaders covered it up are hard headed idiots who hated paterno and/or penn state and want to follow the original media some research...the only thing that pointed to any of them knowing anything was the freeh report and that this has been destroyed by many, many reputable people who have said it isn't worth the paper it was written on.....and they have no dog in the fight

New member
Sep 12, 2015
All the scorn should go to the school. Students may attend at their own discretion.
Sandusky committed the perverted crimes. Jopa covered them up. Punishment deserved.
Come back in 10 years... at least. If there were a criminal trial, anyone involved should do 20.


Sep 21, 2004
do you realize how fucking stupid you sound? Joepa covered up for a person to molest children...think about that for a minute...

oh oh and go back to day one when this went down, the AG came out and said Joepa should be praised for how he handle the situation

the only people that actually believe that paterno knew and actively covered it up along with other penn state leaders covered it up are hard headed idiots who hated paterno and/or penn state and want to follow the original media some research...the only thing that pointed to any of them knowing anything was the freeh report and that this has been destroyed by many, many reputable people who have said it isn't worth the paper it was written on.....and they have no dog in the fight


Mar 27, 2016
Joe pa....knew kids were being abused and said nothing....not only would I have taken down his statue....but I would have lit it on fire..... fuck Penn state's tarnished forever...
Ignorant statement?

Ok...the rest of our lives....Penn state is known for abusing little kids.....end of story

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Joe pa....knew kids were being abused and said nothing....not only would I have taken down his statue....but I would have lit it on fire..... fuck Penn state's tarnished forever...
Ignorant statement?

Ok...the rest of our lives....Penn state is known for abusing little kids.....end of story

let me guess...Rutgers fan...typical ignorant jersey trash...

Jan 19, 2005
Things about to get mighty interesting
Jerry Sandusky Seeks New Trial
posted November 01, 2016Jerry Sandusky Seeks New Trial

Kris Maher
Former Penn State Coach Jerry Sandusky Seeks a New Trial
Lawyer argues that missteps in the child sex abuse trial led to the coach’s conviction

Four years after he was convicted of child sex abuse, former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is arguing that serious missteps by prosecutors and defense lawyers are grounds for a new trial.

Mr. Sandusky’s current lawyer, Alexander Lindsay, has laid out a broad argument for overturning the June 2012 conviction in court filings. He compared the case, which shook the college-sports world, to a “modern day Salem Witch Trial.”

A host of factors including a media frenzy that prejudged Mr. Sandusky before the trial began “resulted in transforming an innocent man into one of the country’s most infamous ‘child predators,’” Mr. Lindsay wrote.

Judge John Cleland, who presided over the trial, has agreed to hear testimony on several of Mr. Lindsay’s claims, including that a prosecutor lied at trial about not knowing the identity of an alleged victim and that defense lawyers also knew the name but failed to call him to testify to rebut abuse allegations. Mr. Lindsay also claims that prosecutors tainted the grand jury process by illegally leaking information.

The judge has scheduled three days of hearings, beginning Friday, August 12 in Centre County Court in Bellefonte, Pa.

Wes Oliver, a law professor at Duquesne University, said that while courts rarely grant new trials, the “substantial claims” by Mr. Sandusky’s lawyer put his chances “within the realm of possibility.”
Mr. Lindsay also claims that the eight young men who testified against Mr. Sandusky made allegations of sexual abuse only after being pressured by investigators or coached by therapists and attorneys, who later negotiated settlements for the men with Pennsylvania State University.

Under Pennsylvania law, courts can grant a new trial for “ineffectiveness of counsel” if a person who has been convicted can demonstrate a reasonable likelihood that their lawyer’s incompetence led to the verdict. Mr. Lindsay argues that Mr. Sandusky’s former lawyer, Joe Amendola, doomed the defense with a series of blunders.

Among them, according to Mr. Lindsay, was Mr. Amendola’s telling the jury in his opening statement that the evidence against his client was “overwhelming”; allowing Mr. Sandusky to be interviewed by Bob Costas on NBC with little or no preparation; and not calling Mr. Sandusky to testify after promising jury members they would hear from him.
During the trial, prosecutors played the Costas interview, in which Mr. Sandusky hesitated before saying he wasn’t sexually attracted to boys, and they noted Mr. Sandusky didn’t testify at his own trial.
Mr. Amendola didn’t respond to a request for comment. He has said he didn’t have enough time to prepare adequately for trial.

Jeffrey Johnson, a spokesman for the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, which prosecuted the case under a prior administration, said the office stands by the trial’s outcome. “We feel strongly that Mr. Sandusky’s claims are without merit,” he said.
Mr. Sandusky was convicted on 45 of 48 counts related to child sex abuse in June 2012. He is serving a 30-to-60-year sentence at a prison in western Pennsylvania. In 2014, the state Supreme Court declined to review a far more limited appeal by another attorney for Mr. Sandusky, who is 72.
His claim of innocence continues to stir anger among victim advocates.
“Every time this story is in the news and the facts of the case are questioned, it’s harmful to these young men who were incredibly brave and came forward,” said Jennifer Storm,Pennsylvania’s official victim advocate.

One of Mr. Lindsay’s arguments centers on the handling of an unidentified alleged victim that an assistant football coach said he saw being abused in a Penn State shower by Mr. Sandusky in 2001.
Mr. Lindsay argues that the identity of the person referred to as Victim #2 at trial was known to both prosecutors and defense lawyers, and that Mr. Amendola made a serious error by not calling the young man to testify to refute the assistant coach, a key prosecution witness.
He also argues that Mr. Amendola should have called for a mistrial when prosecutor Joe McGettigan said during his closing argument that the identity of the young man wasn’t known.

Mr. Amendola’s former co-counsel Karl Rominger said in an affidavit that he believes Mr. McGettigan lied about not knowing the alleged victim’s identity. “Everyone knew the identity of the second victim,” Mr. Rominger wrote.

Mr. McGettigan said in an interview that he still isn’t certain about the identity of Victim #2. “The statement I made in closing was accurate then and is accurate now,” he said.
He added, “I have no doubt about Jerry Sandusky’s guilt and that he was the most prolific pedophile that I’ve encountered.”

It isn’t clear whether the judge will hear testimony on an allegation that the attorney general’s office leaked grand jury material in early 2011 to locate additional victims.

Mr. Lindsay has argued that the grand jury was then investigating abuse allegations by a single young man and that prosecutors considered the case weak. The leak resulted in a newspaper article and led investigators to more accusers, while creating a “lynch mob” mentality in Centre County, where Penn State is located, Mr. Lindsay alleged in a filing.

Write to Kris Maher at

Jan 19, 2005

John Ziegler

· 1 hr · TwitteR

So, as I have said for 5 years, no one at Penn State will ever face trial for covering up the McQueary episode, BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!

Curley, Schultz, and Spanier’s Failure To Report Charges Dropped, Trial Set

By Sara Civian on February 1, 2017 at 3:30 pm

Former Penn State administrators Tim Curley, Gary Schultz, and Graham Spanier’s failure to report child abuse charges were dropped today, according to a Dauphin County court order.

The only charge that remains of the original six is endangering the welfare of children. The most serious charges, obstruction of justice and conspiracy, were dropped last January. Perjury charges against Schultz and Spanier were also dropped after testimony from former General Counsel Cynthia Baldwin was ruled inadmissible.
Jury selection is set for Monday, March 20 at 8:30 a.m., and trial is scheduled for immediately after jury selection. It has taken five years to get to this trial.
You can view the whole court order here. Here’s the part where Failure To Report is dropped:

Jan 19, 2005
Next week, almost exactly six years after the “Jerry Sandusky Scandal” broke publicly with a grand jury leak to a local newspaper, three former Penn State administrators will finally go on trial for charges related to an alleged cover-up of child sex abuse. To a very large extent, all three, Graham Spanier, Tim Curley, and Gary Schultz, have already been convicted by the news media and the eagerness of some at Penn State University to save their own personal hides by taking blame for things that there is no evidence or logic indicating they ever happened. Consequently, I believe (as do several others extremely close to the defense team) that there is a very good chance that they will be unfairly convicted. As was proven by the utterly nonsensical verdict in the civil trial of Mike McQueary (the former Penn State assistant football coach who finally claimed, ten years after the event happened, with the incorrect date/month/year, that he witnessed Sandusky sexually abusing a boy in a Penn State shower), the jury pool in Pennsylvania is just too polluted on this topic for justice to easily prevail. While I have no connection to Penn State, for most of the past six years I have made the biggest mistake of my entire life/career and have investigated the whole case more thoroughly and objectively than anyone else of which I am aware. Among many things, I am the only person to extensively interview Sandusky himself on the record (for about six hours in prison, on two different occasions) and the only media person I know of who radically changed their mind about what really happened here, AGAINST their own self-interest. I am absolutely positive that these Penn State administrators, all of whom had sterling reputations before the scandal broke and everyone’s incentives suddenly dramatically flipped, are totally innocent. In short, I see them as the guys who were responsible for the safety the Loch Ness in Scotland and are now charged with letting the Loch Ness Monster roam free. However, political factors and fear of the news media won’t allow them to even argue that there was never even any Loch Ness Monster to begin with (I am also quite confident, based on extensive direct and indirect communication with them, that all three agree that there was no “monster,” as do many other prominent people closely connected to the case). There are many very good reasons that the case against these three is baseless. Foremost among them is that McQueary was never even remotely treated as the only witness in a cover-up would have been, and he never claimed to be part of one in his lawsuit against Penn State. Also, since Sandusky was already retired when that episode occurred, no one has ever explained what the even theoretical motive of this cover-up was. It is also important to point out that the only “evidence” of this “cover-up” comes in the form of a few very vague (and I believe grossly misunderstood) emails from their state-owned school addresses. Who the heck runs a child sex abuse cover-up exclusively by using a state-owned email server?!But the biggest hole in the virtually non-existent prosecution case is that there is not even a trickle of evidence where at this point when, after all these years and investigations, there should be a flood. There is no better proof of that then the full report which the federal government did on this situation, which I obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, and am releasing here, exclusively, for the first time. When former Penn State president Graham Spanier was forced to resign just a couple of days after the explosive grand jury presentment in Sandusky’s case was leaked, he had a top secret security clearance with the federal government. It wasn’t just any security clearance either as he had an SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information) designation which is about as high as civilian can go. After the scandal broke, the federal government, understandably, immediately commenced an exhaustive six-month investigation into whether Spanier’s clearance should be terminated or renewed. The person charged with that task, FIS (Federal Investigative Services) special agent John Snedden interviewed nearly every key person in the case related to Penn State and found not a shred of evidence of any kind of cover-up, deception, or malfeasance. His report also unanimously recommended that Spanier’s clearance be renewed, which, without objection, it was. Outrageously, former FBI Director Louis Freeh was directly told of this “verdict” just before he completed his “Freeh Report” which concluded that Penn State had indeed engaged in a cover-up here. Despite him obviously having intimate knowledge of the significance of this FIS result, Freeh made no mention of it in his report, obviously because it completely contradicted the conclusion which he wanted to come to and for which he was paid many millions of dollars by those remaining at Penn State who desperately needed a reason for why they fired/killed football legend Joe Paterno. While the issue of Spanier’s security clearance has been reported on (but quickly forgotten) previously, here is the full report, which has never been made public:Spanier High Level Clearance FBI Report (1) by LawNewz on ScribdHere is the document proving that Spanier’s clearance was renewed on June 4th, 2012 (seen at the top of page two). The term “DISCO” refers to “Department of Defense/Defense Security Clearance/Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office”:Spanier Security Renewal by LawNewz on ScribdThere are many extraordinary aspects of the report, though most will be lost on those who haven’t followed the case closely. Not only does Spanier get rave reviews from the two leaders of the Penn State board which fired him and the president who succeeded him, but he also does so from the now-former university counsel, Cynthia Baldwin, who would later mysteriously flip to being a prosecution witness, before being removed from the case entirely over attorney/client privilege issues. However, the most important element of the report comes from the fact that Spanier’s two co-defendants, Curley and Schultz, were also interviewed extensively and praised him profusely. At first glance, this might not mean much, but in a rational world this ends any legitimacy to the theory that there was a conspiracy to cover-up child sex abuse crimes. This is for several reasons. First, Curley and Schultz were also found to be highly credible by the FIS agent. Second, these are the only known interviews that either of them have ever given to anyone about this situation. Third, and most importantly, if there really was a conspiracy here, Curley and Schultz would NEVER have gone on the record with the federal government praising their former superior because it would have greatly curtailed their ability to throw him under the bus in the future in exchange for a plea bargain (the fact that none of the three have never even hinted at flipping on the other is further strong evidence that they are indeed innocent). I have spoken expansively with the FIS agent Snedden (who is now retired after a long career as a FIS and NCIS special agent), though he was not the source of these documents. He is as positive as I am that there was no cover-up here, and he shares my strong belief that the ENTIRE case is in dire need of revisiting by the media and law enforcement. He was scheduled to do his first interview on my weekly podcast this week, but he is now on the defense witness list and Spanier’s lawyers, stupidly/naively trusting the legal system, urged him at the last second to not to speak publicly until after the trial. My fear is that, as has happened so often in this case already, the full truth of this matter will only come out after innocent people have already been permanently damaged, and that no one will ever have the incentive to fix the harm caused by a false narrative in which almost everyone in power is now completely invested. That is why I have decided to release this information now.[image screen grab via ABC News]John Ziegler hosts a weekly podcast focusing on news media issues and is documentary filmmaker. You can follow him on Twitter at @ZigManFreud or email him at This is an opinion piece. The views expressed in this article are those of just the author.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Weird that these "innocent" guys get found guilty or plead guilty......JoePa took the easy way out or he would be in prison with the others

Jan 19, 2005
Weird that these "innocent" guys get found guilty or plead guilty......JoePa took the easy way out or he would be in prison with the others

Maybe you didn't read this part

"no better proof of that then the full report which the federal government did on this situation, which I obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, and am releasing here, exclusively, for the first time. When former Penn State president Graham Spanier was forced to resign just a couple of days after the explosive grand jury presentment in Sandusky’s case was leaked, he had a top secret security clearance with the federal government. It wasn’t just any security clearance either as he had an SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information) designation which is about as high as civilian can go. After the scandal broke, the federal government, understandably, immediately commenced an exhaustive six-month investigation into whether Spanier’s clearance should be terminated or renewed. The person charged with that task, FIS (Federal Investigative Services) special agent John Snedden interviewed nearly every key person in the case related to Penn State and found not a shred of evidence of any kind of cover-up, deception, or malfeasance. His report also unanimously recommended that Spanier’s clearance be renewed, which, without objection, it was"

It's so weird that PA OAG thinks Curley/Schultz covered up for worst pedophile ever & has media/public behind them, but let them plea for probably zero jail time. Gee, I wonder why?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Oh Brucefan......the guilty plea was their only way out. Notes and emails show they knew and protected a pedophile....just like JoPa did. Time to face the facts....Sandusky is a kiddie toucher and the administration and Paterno helped protect him. Thankfully joe is rotting in hell and Sandusky is rotting in prison. Where they both belong. Make room for the rest of the scumbags now.....time for them to serve their time.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
The Second Mile was created so Sandusky could molest kids. That's the truth.

some people are just delusional

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Even if that were true ( which its not) isn't it strange they get no blame ?

What do you mean by "they"? It's him.....he's to blame for molesting kids. Just like joe is to blame for letting it go on.

"In hindsight I wish I had done more"---Joe Paterno

yes, joe we all do. You failed kids and let them get molested. Hope you're having fun downstairs in hell with Bin Laden

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