Penn st got what was coming -school a disgrace


Jan 19, 2005
He didn't do it. He couldn't do it, and the entire Penn State case is travesty of justice Joe Paterno's legacy destroyed by a complete fairy tale Stevie

As people slowly but surely hear the details of the case, they all are wakening up to the fraud . The problem is not enough people with the balls to speak the truth

The essay that follows was rejected or ignored by many online editors. As one of them stated, the name Sandusky is still “radioactive.” Don your biohazard suit, then, before entering these pages. But if you find the argument convincing, please tell others. A herd mentality sent an innocent man to prison. If there is any hope for his release, there will have to be a counter-contagion of independent thinking.

John Ziegler
12 hrs

So a long-time professor at Cal-Berkeley & respected book author wanted to write about how the new Malcom Gladwell book proves Jerry Sandusky is innocent. I “bet” him he couldn’t get it published. Turns out (as usual) I was right, so he self-published this excellent breakdown. Please share.

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Jan 19, 2005
Two Respected Academics Write Publicly that Malcolm Gladwell Should Have Declared Jerry Sandusky Innocent

Submitted by jzadmin on Mon, 10/14/2019 - 09:37

<fb:share-button href="" type="button_count" class=" fb_iframe_widget" fb-xfbml-state="rendered" fb-iframe-plugin-query="app_id=&container_width=0&" style="font-family: Arial; display: inline-block; position: relative;"><iframe name="f282942fa3de93" width="1000px" height="1000px" title="fb:share_button Facebook Social Plugin" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" allow="encrypted-media" src="" class="" style="position: absolute; border-width: initial; border-style: none; visibility: visible; width: 69px; height: 20px;"></iframe></fb:share-button>Two respected members of the academic community have come out in recent days and publicly written that best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell should have declared Jerry Sandusky innocent in his notebook, "Talking to Strangers," which tackles the case in an extensive chapter on the case, and which cites this website.
Here is an extensiveinterview with one of them, Frederick Crews, by John Ziegler.

Here is Crews' post on the subject:

Here is the second post by another academic figure:


Frederick Campbell Crews is an American essayist and literary critic. Professor emeritus of English at the University of California, Berkeley, Crews is the author of numerous books, including The Tragedy ... Wikipedia

Born: February 20, 1933 (age 86 years), Philadelphia, PA

Residence: Berkeley, CA

Field: American literature

Awards: PEN/Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award for the Art of the Essay, Guggenheim Fellowship for Humanities, US & Canada

Education: Princeton University (1958), Yale University

Nominations: National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism


Jan 19, 2005
It’s so weird that a 75 year old pedophile, with 0 public/media/political support, would keep spending what little money he has on a federal appeal, & that his family, whose money he is spending, is still 100% supporting him. It’s almost like he’s innocent! JZ

[FONT=open_sansregular]Jerry Sandusky takes appeal of molestation conviction to U.S. court

ASSOCIATED PRESS|Wednesday, October 23, 2019 2:56 p.m.

Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, center, arrives at the Centre County Courthouse on Oct. 29, 2015 for a hearing about his appeal on his child sex-abuse conviction, in Bellefonte.​

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</aside>HARRISBURG — Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is asking a federal court to do what state courts so far haven’t and either grant him a new trial or release him from prison.
The 75-year-old Sandusky filed a petition Tuesday that repeats many of the arguments he’s made in state courts about why his 45-count child sexual abuse conviction should be overturned.
His claims of a tainted trial in 2012 include a prosecutor’s reference to jurors that Sandusky didn’t testify, that his former lawyers didn’t have enough time to prepare, and that the legal team made several mistakes.
A state appeals court ruled earlier this year that mandatory minimums were improperly applied in sentencing him 30 to 60 years, so he’s being resentenced next month in county court.



Active member
Nov 23, 2011
[h=1]This guilty piece of shit should get the electric chair

Investigation begins into new allegation against Jerry Sandusky[/h]
An investigation has begun into a new allegation of sexual abuse against imprisoned former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky.
According to the Centre Daily Times, Penn State police said someone came forward with an allegation of abuse between 2000 and 2010.

This incident report is the result of the university’s internal and external reporting procedures upon receipt of a new allegation of abuse by Jerry Sandusky,” police spokesperson Wyatt DuBois told the paper this week. “An investigation is ongoing and we have no further comment.”
Sandusky, 75, is serving what’s effectively a life sentence on 45 counts of child sexual abuse. He’s set to be back in court on Nov. 8 for a resentencing after he had appealed his conviction.
While that appeal largely failed, he did win the right to a new sentence on the grounds of improperly applied minimum sentences. Sandusky is currently serving a 30-60 year sentence after his 2012 conviction and it seems unlikely that his sentence will change significantly next week at his resentencing hearing.
Sandusky was a longtime defensive assistant under legendary coach Joe Paterno. He was the team’s defensive coordinator from 1977-99 before he retired and shifted his focus to his non-profit organization for at-risk youth. Numerous Sandusky victims were part of The Second Mile charity.
Sandusky was arrested in November of 2011 on over 50 counts of child molestation. His arrest led to the dismissal of Paterno before the coach’s death in 2012.
Former Penn State administrators were also charged for their roles relating to Sandusky’s crimes. The former athletic director and a former vice president for the school both pleaded guilty in 2017 to child endangerment charges.

Jun 4, 2018
Sandusky admitted that he took showers with little boys , that in my book is a fucking pervert . What adult man takes showers with little boys ?

Jan 19, 2005
Sandusky admitted that he took showers with little boys , that in my book is a fucking pervert . What adult man takes showers with little boys ?

Is that a crime? Little boys meaning 12-14 years old? This also happened far less frequently then reported . Jerry was and old school guy that grew up in an environment where being naked was no big deal, and these kids were considered family.

He treated them like they were his sons. The relationship was not sexual in nature

READ THE BOYS OWN WORDS ! ( before he lawyer-ed up and flipped )


Nothing happened

Jan 19, 2005
Big day today as Jerry was re-sentenced in a procedure where theoretically, His sentence could have been drastically reduced, or he could have even been set free

The courtroom was standing room only, as "victims" their friends, and families all gathered standing strong, to make their voices heard loud and clear, that evil Jerry must stay in prison for the atrocities he committed That no reduction of his sentence would stand. !

They screamed yelled,cried, begged, pleaded, and told detailed stories of how Jerry destroyed their lives, and he should rot in jail !

Just kidding :):)

no one showed up

They already got paid their millions of dollars and got away with one of the greatest frauds of all time . They just want this to go away

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Is that a crime? Little boys meaning 12-14 years old? This also happened far less frequently then reported . Jerry was and old school guy that grew up in an environment where being naked was no big deal, and these kids were considered family.

He treated them like they were his sons. The relationship was not sexual in nature

READ THE BOYS OWN WORDS ! ( before he lawyer-ed up and flipped )


Nothing happened

So you showered naked with ur dad when you were 14? I think we know what is going on here. Seek help

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Big day today as Jerry was re-sentenced in a procedure where theoretically, His sentence could have been drastically reduced, or he could have even been set free

The courtroom was standing room only, as "victims" their friends, and families all gathered standing strong, to make their voices heard loud and clear, that evil Jerry must stay in prison for the atrocities he committed That no reduction of his sentence would stand. !

They screamed yelled,cried, begged, pleaded, and told detailed stories of how Jerry destroyed their lives, and he should rot in jail !

Just kidding :):)

no one showed up

They already got paid their millions of dollars and got away with one of the greatest frauds of all time . They just want this to go away

They area trying to move on and forget this monster , the judge did his job. Let him rot in hell

Joe Pa knew

A judge dashed the hopes of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky for a shorter prison term Friday, resentencing him to the same 30 to 60 years imposed against him in 2012 for sexually abusing children.
Judge Maureen Skerda gave Sandusky what prosecutors and his own attorney described as effectively a life term during a hearing ordered this year by an appeals court.

Jun 4, 2018
Is that a crime? Little boys meaning 12-14 years old? This also happened far less frequently then reported . Jerry was and old school guy that grew up in an environment where being naked was no big deal, and these kids were considered family.

He treated them like they were his sons. The relationship was not sexual in nature

READ THE BOYS OWN WORDS ! ( before he lawyer-ed up and flipped )


Nothing happened
Sandusky said / admitted that he would touch the boys in the shower Slapping-silly90))WTF ? , what young boy wants some old perv touching them while their in the shower naked . now he did say that the touching wasn't sexual ....... O.K. jerry ...... I gotta bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell ya if you believe that :ohno: . I mean maybe jerry wasn't playing with the the kids penis in the shower or something but you still don't be touching a kid in the shower . Jerry was probably stroking them lovingly on the shoulder or buttocks or something , the only reason you should be touching a kid in the shower is unless they get hurt ( like fall down ) & needs help getting up or its a medical situation or something . Sandusky & all pervs like him should be hung up from their nuts in public from the nearest tree .

Jan 19, 2005
Sandusky said / admitted that he would touch the boys in the shower Slapping-silly90))WTF ? , what young boy wants some old perv touching them while their in the shower naked . now he did say that the touching wasn't sexual ....... O.K. jerry ...... I gotta bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell ya if you believe that :ohno: . I mean maybe jerry wasn't playing with the the kids penis in the shower or something but you still don't be touching a kid in the shower . Jerry was probably stroking them lovingly on the shoulder or buttocks or something , the only reason you should be touching a kid in the shower is unless they get hurt ( like fall down ) & needs help getting up or its a medical situation or something . Sandusky & all pervs like him should be hung up from their nuts in public from the nearest tree .

So you say everything was of a sexual nature, because your selling a bridge?

Maybe listen to what the kids ( almost all of them) who said nothing happened EVER ( read their OWN words ! ) until they got a lawyer and many a therapist.

Then they either changed their story to tell some fantasy that made no sense, or suddenly realized that they just repressed all these memories of getting raped . Or in one case, having oral sex with Jerry over 100 times at Jerry house .

He became a walking zombie and Jerry hypnotized him to keep coming over even though he and Jerry are both straight men .
( Aaron Fisher)

This kid

Ugh huh .

Here is another letter to the editor Myers ( boy in the shower) wrote calling bullshit on these accusations when Matt was defending Jerry, until they both flipped !

Letter to the Editor:Listen to Matt! Those investigating Jerry Sandusky should listen more to his adopted son, Matt, and less to Jerry’s accusers.“My life changed when I came to live here,” says Matt in a (12/20/1999) Sports Illustrated article. “There were rules, there was discipline, there was caring. Dad (Jerry) put me on a workout program. He gave me someone to talk to, a father figure I never had. I have no idea where I would be without him and Mom (Dottie). And they’ve helped so many kids besides me.”I am one of those many Second Mile kids who became a part of Jerry’s ‘family.’ He has been a best friend, tutor, workout mentor and more. We’ve worked together, competed together, traveled together and laughed together. I lived with Jerry and Dottie for three months. Jerry’s been there for me for 13 years; and stood beside me at my senior parent’s football night.I drove twelve hours to attend his mom’s funeral. I don’t know what I would have done without him. Readers, please listen to what Matt said and closely examine the history and record of the people that are accusing Jerry!Sergeant XXXXXXXX, USMC Address: 2750 Chosin Avenue, San Diego, CA 92140

Then the federal government REAL investigation A national security clearance was given back to Graham Spanier because

Nothing happened, no cover up.

However you, are selling bridges since you are sure you have done the research and are correct

Crazy what kind of memories that were repressed, suddenly come back quite clearly for 118 million

Jan 19, 2005
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Man Without Civil Rights

By Ralph Cipriano

The man in the mustard-colored prison jumpsuit apologized in court to the judge for not being able to show remorse for his crimes. But the most notorious pedophile in America had a good reason for not playing along with the well-worn script in his case -- "because it's something that I didn't do," the inmate told the judge.

Jerry Sandusky, still protesting his innocence, was back in court last week to be re-sentenced after the latest official screwup in this ongoing travesty of a case. An appeals court had ruled that the trial judge hadn't properly applied mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines when he put Sandusky away the first time back in 2012 for 30 to 60 years.

But in the grand tradition of the Pennsylvania judiciary, circling the wagons, a new judge, the Honorable Maureen Skerda, gave Sandusky the exact same sentence that he got the first time around -- 30 to 60 years in jail. The message from the Pennsylvania judiciary was unmistakable -- we may have screwed up the details, but when it comes to Jerry Sandusky and the rest of the defendants in the so-called Penn State sex scandal, the U.S. Constitution doesn't apply, and neither does the Bill of Rights. Lock 'em up and throw away the key.

The most nauseating moments of the criminal proceeding at the Centre County Courthouse came when Senior Deputy Attorney General Jennifer Buck, representing a corrupt office that has a shameful track record in this case, charged Sandusky with several new crimes allegedly committed in jail.

Buck the crusader told the judge about Sandusky's shocking prison transgressions -- not returning his meal tray, objecting to being moved out of his cell, and complaining about phone calls that he wanted to make.

"It's failure to take responsibility, claiming that he is the victim, which is a theme throughout this case, and it's his rights that are being violated," the sanctimonious prosecutor told the judge.

Sorry Ms. Buck, but Sandusky and his lawyers have a point; his constitutional rights have been shamefully violated, as have the constitutional rights of all the other defendants in this case.

Let's briefly review the shocking behavior of the authorities who are responsible for putting Sandusky away for life, and crucifying three former Penn State administrators for an alleged crime that turned out to be unconstitutional.

One of Buck's glorious predecessors is former deputy Attorney General Frank Fina, a lead prosecutor in the Sandusky case. Fina is presently before the state Supreme Court, and it's not because he's representing a client. Fina's in danger of losing his law license because of his overzealous misconduct during the Penn State investigation.

What did prosecutor Fina do? In the secrecy of the grand jury, by bullying a defense lawyer and hoodwinking a judge, Fina cynically worked to deprive the three other Penn State defendants of their constitutional right to be represented by a lawyer.

Cynthia Baldwin, former counsel for those same defendants, is also presently before the state Supreme Court. She's facing public censure for her misconduct in betraying her own clients at Fina's command, by testifying in secret before the grand jury against those clients.

Why did Baldwin violate the most sacred duty of any lawyer? Because Fina the overzealous and unprincipled bully had threatened her with indictment.

And what about Judge Skerda's predecessor, the original trial judge in this case, the Hon. John Cleland? He wasn't around because he had to recuse himself from the case.

Now here's a jurist Pennsylvania can be proud of. Cleland's the judge who oversaw the mad rush to convict Sandusky in just seven months after his arrest. How did the judge pull that off? By trampling on Sandusky's constitutional rights.

Before the trial started, Sandusky's defense lawyer tried to get the trial postponed so he could wade through 12,000 pages of grand jury transcripts he had just received only 10 days before the start of trial.

The defense lawyer begged for a continuance, telling the judge that he needed time to read the files and find out what Sandusky's accusers were saying about him; he also needed time to subpoena witnesses.

But the judge said sorry, we've got a schedule to stick to, so no delays.

"We can't prepare . . . I felt like Custer at Little Bighorn for God's sake," Joseph Amendola, Sandusky's original defense lawyer, testified during an appeals hearing.

Jerry Sandusky had a constitutional right to a fair trial, but in order to save Penn State football, which was being threatened with the death penalty by the NCAA, Sandusky had to be convicted and sitting in jail before the start of the 2012 college football season. To top off a deal that PSU had struck with the NCAA to voluntarily take their lumps, but save the Nittany Lions from extinction.

Jerry Sandusky also had a constitutional right to confront his accusers, but Judge Cleland took care of that too.

The night before the preliminary hearing in the case, the only opportunity where Sandusky's lawyers would have had the right to confront his accusers, the eight young men who claimed that Sandusky had abused them, Judge Cleland convened an unusual meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn. At the meeting, with the prosecutors nodding in agreement, the judge talked Amendola into waiving the preliminary hearing.

So the Pennsylvania railroad that Sandusky was riding on could stay on schedule.

After he recused himself, the Hon. Judge Cleland was replaced by the Hon. Judge John Foradora, who presided over the appeal hearings where Sandusky was denied a new trial. To pull that off, Judge Foradora had to turn a blind eye to all of the shocking unconstitutional transgressions of the judges, prosecutors and other authorities in the case.

And why did Judge Foradora have to step down? Because an associate was being investigated by the state attorney general's office.

Let's not forget the other rampant misconduct and malfeasance in this case.

The cops were caught on tape conspiring with a defense lawyer to lie to one of the alleged victims, to extract the testimony they needed to convict Sandusky.

The therapists in the case relied on recovered memory therapy, such as hypnosis and guided imagery, that is completely unscientific and banned as testimony in other jurisdictions.

The victims in the case, civil and criminal, made no contemporaneous reports of abuse. Most came forward after PSU waved the white flag of surrender to the NCAA. And every plaintiff's lawyer in Pennsylvania was trying to get in on the gold rush at Penn State.

All of these alleged victims told improbable and constantly changing stories that were never vetted by anyone.

Indeed, the trustees at Penn State, who completely abdicated their responsibilities, wrote out $118 million in checks to 36 alleged victims in the case without doing anything to vet the truthfulness of the claims.

We're talking about lie detector tests, interviews with private detectives, examinations by forensic psychiatrists, background checks, etc. None of this was done by anybody at Penn State. Instead, they just wrote out checks to put the scandal behind them.

By the way, wasn't it interesting that none of the so-called victims in the case showed up at the courthouse to confront their alleged tormenter after they all got paid?

There is such a stench that hangs over this case, a stench that comes from greedy plaintiff's lawyers and clients who didn't even have to give up their real names in order to hit the lottery.

The stench also emanates from the attorney general's office, where unprincipled prosecutors running wild during the Sandusky case were repeatedly leaking grand jury secrets to investigators at the other ongoing and supposedly independent probe at Penn State being conducted by former FBI Director Louis Freeh. The prosecutors in the AG's office were also guilty of writing fiction into the grand jury presentment, such as the headline allegation that Sandusky was witnessed raping a 10-year-old boy in the shower.

Eighteen years later, no victim has ever came forward -- his identity was "known only to God" the prosecutor told the jury. And a previously unknown but contemporaneous federal investigation back in 2012 determined not only that the facts of the alleged shower rape didn't make any sense, but that the only alleged witness to the crime, former assistant Penn State football coach Mike McQueary, wasn't credible.

And we're supposed to believe that even though they did everything wrong, the criminal justice system in Pennsylvania somehow got it right when it came time to re-sentence Sandusky?

Like the plight of another defendant in this sorry case, former Penn State President Graham Spanier, Sandusky's only hope is to get out of Pennsylvania. And find a federal judge who may have read the U.S. Constitution.

On May 1st, Spanier was scheduled to report to the Dauphin County Prison at 9 a.m. to serve his sentence after being convicted on one misdemeanor count of child endangerment. But the night before, a federal magistrate ruled that all the previous judges and prosecutors who had been involved in the case had violated the U.S. Constitution. How'd they do that? By charging Spanier with an alleged crime in 2001 under a state child endangerment statute that didn't get passed until 2007.

You can not try a person for a crime ex post facto, or after the fact, the federal magistrate said, if that law originally didn't apply to him. Or to the other two Penn State administrators, Tim Curley and Gary Schultz, who were bludgeoned into pleading guilty and going to jail for the exact same unconstitutional crime.

It was something that every judge and prosecutor associated with the Spanier case had completely missed, or willfully ignored.

Like Spanier, Sandusky's only hope is to get his case out of Pennsylvania.

Meanwhile, there's one last culprit that needs to be called out in this debacle.

The media. When Sandusky went on trial, 240 reporters were there along with 30 TV trucks. The mindless mob provided hysterical, uncritical coverage of an unconstitutional spectacle that was a travesty of justice.

And for the past seven years, despite a steady stream of documents that have leaked out testifying to the malfeasance, incompetence and outright corruption of what happened at Penn State, the media has stubbornly refused to take a second look at the Sandusky case.

Why? Because, like the judges of Pennsylvania, the media has also circled the wagons. To hide their own malpractice and corruption.


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