Peep, you are an idiot


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Johnny_wiseguy :

Peep did you wrong. Please read about him on our website.

Email for his real name, info, etc and victim list information. He cheats anybody alive so know the scoop and who you are dealing with. This rubber room is the place where shrink bans repetitive postiings but not actual facts as you have learned. As long as we post daily and warn they will go bankrupt or else thru the crooked peep mod out and we can ruin his career here. LOL phuck them all they are fag its named maxhole1234 (lots of time to be ****ed in the ass and like it), unclebutternutt (He butters his ass up before peep ****s him) and ProvenMoron (he claims superiority to all he dislikes). **** those 3 epecially here daily with scam warnings about Peep. I will for life.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
You are incorrect as to the lines. I will tell you why. I have accounts at all but one of the books that Johnny was posting (I don't have an account at Wit yet), and, I was monitoring his plays and EACH time that he quoted a line, it was available at that book.

Butch, with all due respect, back off me, because your beef isn't with me. And, if you are going to accuse someone of something, especially if you are incorrect, you better have proof to back it up.

I would NEVER have paid someone for their games, because I am quite succesful on my own, however, I was intrigued by the games that he was playing and following them myself, and, the lines that he quoted were available EVERY time. There were three or four games that he posted, RIGHT before post time, that I was NOT able to check, but EVERY other one, was right on.

Butch, you are wrong on this one, so, give up the argument.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
40 posts, huh? They're interesting reading, too, and being a writer, I find it particularly interesting how certain phrases and sentence structures match those of another poster on RX, but I won't get into that.

You cleverly dodged the request to furnish proof to your claim that I'm a tout. Do you have any, or are you just voicing an opinion with nothing to back it up?

Nor have you offered anything but your word that the lines Johnny claims to have gotten were actually offered by those books. And frankly, I seriously doubt that you monitored every one of his lines you say you did, at every book he claimed to get them at, from the time he posted his plays until game time, to verify his claims. I, on the other hand, used Don Best Sports' opening and closing lines yesterday, all of which were available to be viewed by anybody who cared to log onto their Express (free) or premium service and which are still available in archives. 8 of the 10 were off by at least 5c and as much as 17c. That's too many to be coincidence. I also phoned one of the books and was told in no uncertain terms that the line on one side he played never got within 4c of what Johnny claimed they gave him, and that the time of day it was that price was a while after he posted his play here on them.

You're spewing inconsistencies, mister, and when it's preceded by your flat-labelling me as a tout without offering any proof, then you lose all credibility.

So no, I don't believe that I will back away from the correct position, unless the moderators/owner tell me to do so.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
because, quite frankly, I don't care. First off, let me address your asking me to PROVE this, or PROVE that. I haven't, because I don't care one way or the other.

Maybe it's this very attitude that you are taking with me, that has made alot of people on here dislike you.

I have NOTHING to prove to you. Why? Because I'm not here to defend Johnny, you, or anyone else. My point was a simple one. What I told Peep, I still mean, and that's that negativity on here shouldn't be tolerated, period.

Furthermore, I was following Johnny's games (I actually follow SEVERAL people on here, including Rod, morales, bookiebuster, and others), and, when Jelena began questioning him on his lines, I DID, in fact, begin to track his lines that he was quoting, and, the truth is they were ALL accurate. But, that's neither here nor there.

Again, my original point was that negativity on these forums is not called for, and should not be tolerated. And, quite frankly, you are proving my point. You have beefs with like six people going right now, Butch, and, you are starting one with me too, and, I want no part of it.

I check this forum each day to see who several people are playing, and, Johnny was one of the five or six people that I looked at each day, and, the fact that nastiness from people like you has driven him away upsets me.

In fact, Rod is another guy who's opinion I value, who gets more crap than he deserves, and, it wouldn't surprise me if the negativity drove him away either.

So, to answer your request for "proof" of this, and "proof" of that.....NOOOOOOOOOOOO, because, I have nothing to prove to you.

You, however, ARE begining to prove to me that your negative reputation on here is a well deserved one.

And, Butch, if you want honesty, I will give you honesty. With your first post, you TRULY piqued my interest, and, I was going to start following your games. But (you aren't going to like me for saying this), your comment about what the line WOULD have been, had Weaver been pitching, totally turned me off to you, and, you were called on it by SEVERAL posters on here, and, you reacted VERY, VERY negatively.

I don't want to fight with you, Butch, so, don't bother challenging me again, because, you aren't going to get a rise out of me the way you did out of Johnny, or some of the others that you are feuding with on here.


New member
Feb 21, 2002
I didn't "question" Johnny about his lines per se.
Not betting baseball,i don't bother following
line moves on don best,so i don't know or
care if Johnny actually bet these games.
What i did question was using "heavily shopped
lines" for scoring/recordkeeping purposes.Johnny
admits to using this strategy,so there was no
debate about whether his lines were better
than "market averages".My reasoning being the
Johnny's posted record will be somewhat "inflated" in relation to other cappers
on these forums who use the market average.
i estimate on average it would give johnny
1.5- 2 units worth of help a week compared to
someone selecting against market averages.
thats anywhere from 35-50 units cumulative
by the end of the season.
Ciao from Jelena--who believes johnny should
still come back anyway,and just keep pickin and

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It kind of surprises me, though, that he hasn't responded to anything else, because he strikes me as hot-headed.

Anyway, I really had no problem with him shopping for lines, although I might be able to understand why you did. But, if (big if) what he says is true, and, he gambles for a living, then, I can't really blame him.


New member
Feb 21, 2002
there are people on these forums who have a
moral/ethical issue with touts,"paying for Picks"
etc. i am not one of them.If someone wants to
pay a "capper" for picks,info,etc;who am i to tell
them how they should spend their cash?!What
i guess does bother me are the little tricks
that a capper can play--sometimes just on himself-- to make their record appear to be much better
than it in fact is.
the funny thing is i would have never even
noticed Johnny if he had entered these forums
quietly; rather than starting a thread entitled
"let me introduce myself"
oh well whatever.
ciao from jelena /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
As long as you come back here, I can't stop staring at you boobs lol...Just kidding /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I've lost the argument. I give up. Thank you for pointint out the error in my ways. For this, I will be eternally grateful.

I WAS going to say that I have NEVER said that I didn't like you, but, to be honest, after this last post, you are right, I don't, nor does anyone else on here, bud.

Poof, be gone, Butch.


New member
Sep 21, 2004

I respect you even LESS now that you came BACK to this forum after saying you were LEAVING....

JohnnyCryBaby I guess.

unless you are STILL here, as someone else.


Theres lots of forums out there, Johnny. With your record in sports investing you should be able to do well.
The line history of each book on each game is available. Butch is right in that it's easy to check.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I never said I didn't like you. I can stand jackasses who can cap baseball, but it's the jackasses who think they know it all and pick on other posters who piss me off. When I saw you post that info about Weaver I thought you were totally clueless about the bases, which annoyed me after you had hyped yourself up much.

Then, you repeatedly berated us for bringing the error to your attention, instead of simply admitting your error, changing it, and moving on, something that lowered my opinion of you even more. I understand if you made a typo or something, although I still find it very suspicious that any good capper would cap Detroit at -120, which is about 20% off of what Vegas posts. Weaver is not a better pitcher than Pedro, and his team and bullpen are worse, so I could not comprehend how a true 'pro' could come up with his own line of DET -120.

However, I will give you the benefit of the doubt since I have seen you on the right end of some 'sharp' plays that I was on myself. The point is that I have no dislike for you or any people on this forum. If your picks are good then of course I will take you more seriously.

I banned him after he called me an "idiot" in the baseball forum, top post in this thread.

He wants to post picks, fine. Told him twice to keep the rest in here, he didn't.

He's gone.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I never attacked Johnny W. because I felt that he was being unfairly pursued by a number of people, including yourself. Perhaps I didn't read enough of his posts to get the full story, but it looked like you severely questioned the validity of the lines he posted, and whether or not he was at fault for that is still questionable. However, he had posted a number of plays before you showed up in the baseball forum, and seemed to be trying to do some good here, until things got out of control with him and other people on this forum. That is why I didn't bash him; I have more loyalty to long-term posters who haven't displayed aggression in the past.

As for DET/BOS game, and Weaver:

Weaver is a very underrated pitcher and the value with him will likely be gone after a few more starts with him on the Yankees. I can't 'prove' your capping wrong when you say DET should have been -120, because there are no long-term results to prove whether or not that number is accurate. However, I seriously have my doubts whether or not betting Detroit at -120 would have hit over 55% or not in that situation. Perhaps even if the matchups were dead even going into the 7th inning, Boston has the better bullpen and stronger overall lineup.

Almost any sharp baseball capper would think you were crazy for coming up with that # of DET -120; although I do strongly believe the right play was DET +300 in that situation. I think you have the perception that people attacked you for posting a losing +300 play, which is not true. I think we highly questioned your logic behind that play, although I do agree that it was a good one.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I had Cleveland in that game as well as the over. Nice to see you posting some things that actually revolve around the game of baseball. If I wanted to have a girly word-fight I wouldn't post here. You sound like you know some good sh*t so I hope you stick around.

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