Peep, you are an idiot


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Funny, you didn't move my post stating that I was leaving, to the rubber room, and, in my thread in which I'm defending myself, you decide to take a stance?

You are a nobody who thinks that, because you are the moderator, you have a "position."

You are an idiot, like most of the rest of the losers on here.

Get a life, pal.

You moved the thread, because I was proving you, Butch, and, all the rest, wrong.

Go **** yourself.

I don't get you. You come onto this site, making claims as any other tout does. But the regular respected posters on this site give you the benefit of the doubt and don't run you down for shilling your service and give you the opportunity to prove yourself.

You stated specifically when you first joined the RX that, "there will be negativity but I put that aside and move forward" (or something like that).

One poster (Butch) got under your skin and rather than follow your own advice, you let him get to you and started responding. But not just trying to defend yourself, but resorting to profanity, insults, and other nonsense that you presented yourself as "better as" when you came here.

There will always be naysayers, and a professional like you claim to be should be able to deal with it and move on. By not only responding harshly to Butch but cursing and belitting Peep, it does nothing for your cause but present you as an ignorant tout which is an image you tried to shed when you got here.

I hope you see the error of your ways and either return to your previous (and appreciated) posts of your daily selections, or return and find another place to tout.
I don't get you. You come onto this site, making claims as any other tout does. But the regular respected posters on this site give you the benefit of the doubt and don't run you down for shilling your service and give you the opportunity to prove yourself.

You stated specifically when you first joined the RX that, "there will be negativity but I put that aside and move forward" (or something like that).

One poster (Butch) got under your skin and rather than follow your own advice, you let him get to you and started responding. But not just trying to defend yourself, but resorting to profanity, insults, and other nonsense that you presented yourself as "better as" when you came here.

There will always be naysayers, and a professional like you claim to be should be able to deal with it and move on. By not only responding harshly to Butch but cursing and belitting Peep, it does nothing for your cause but present you as an ignorant tout which is an image you tried to shed when you got here.

I hope you see the error of your ways and either return to your previous (and appreciated) posts of your daily selections, or return and find another place to tout.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
He DID respond too harshly to Peep, I agree, however, had Peep done his job and moderated Butch's condecending (I think that's how you spell it) posts to Johnny's threads, it might not have gotten that far.

And, the truth is, neither he, nor anyone else that posts here should be subjected to the kind of negativity that goes on in here. I will give Rod as a perfect example. He CONSTANTLY gets bashed, and, the truth is, he posts his picks, and records, on here, EACH day, win or lose. If I were him, I would have been long gone, a long time ago. People on here just don't get what this forum is SUPPOSED to be about, and, this IS the reason that this forum is going into the crapper.

Why do you think Peep requested becoming a moderator and created "the Rubber Room"? Some people are just too concerned with overblown egos and bashing anyone that succeeds where they failed so they post bullshit and crowd up the main boards. Peep puts them in this forum where they can spew all the nonsense they want and it doesn't impact the effectiveness of proper handicapping.

So again, I ask, what's the problem?
Phuck the "reacted rather harshly".

I don't give a half a shit about that.

The guy continually shit in the wrong forum.

I do care about that.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Don, you are exactly the type that I'm talking about. I hope you are sincere in your "apology," assuming you were wrong, which you are. If so, then apology accepted. If not, then, I rest my case.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Peep, did you care about Butch posting things like
"Good job, Johnny, keep it up," which was, obviously, a provocatory post?

You have changed since they gave you "moderator" status. Seems to me like, sometimes you moderate too tightly (like moving my thread over here), and, other times, when you SHOULD be doing something, you sit on your hands. It's almost like you take some sort of sick pleasure in watching people fight.

Yes I am sincere, and I will never be ashamed to apologize when I'm wrong, so...
I apologize again.
First, I like discussing "how I moderate".

It gives me a chance to improve.

As to the "Butch Bump", I didn't like it, told Butch so in the thread here DDA started (about Johnny Wiseguy).

And this is one BUSY forum. Last night Braveheart was moderating baseball, I was discussing some stuff on the phone with SHRINK for a couple of hours. So I missed that.

Don't think it was all that big a deal though. Just thought it was below Butch.

So you think I am too lenient and "let people fight" too much in general?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I just think that the minute that someone posts something negative, they should be banned from posting to forums OTHER than here in the rubber room, period. ZERO tolerance. No questions asked. PERIOD. Hey, cause, what mom said is the truth. If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all.

Naw, zero tolerance + 1 would work. One warning and then you're gone. Anyone can have a bad day. But this can't apply to touts. They should be open game. If they're posting a URL to sell a service then they should be treated like coyotes, open season and no limits. Just be humane and shoot them in the head.
You can't do that because sometimes, a negative post is subjective. For example:

If a new poster comes in and tells a regular that "he sucks" or "he's a fraud", then yes. Goodbye. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

But if someone like me, for instance (because I don't want to call anybody else out) takes issue with something that another regular poster says or does, they shouldn't be banned because obviously there was a reason for this sudden change in character.

The only negativity I have ever brought to this forum is towards myself when I lose. And over time, with the help of many of the guys on here, I have put the "poor me" bullshit aside and moved forward. If it is ever towards another poster, (such as my recent efforts to get a certain capper to stop acting like he's the guru of all sports and to admit copying other people's work), I don't think it's worthy of a "lifetime ban".

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Number one, if someone is having a bad day, and tells off his boss, chances are he gets fired. If someone is having a bad day and comes into a forum that is not only free, but, open to all, and tells someone off, or posts something negative, he should be gone, period. No excuses.

Secondly, I disagree in that a "tout" should be allowed to do whatever he wants, so long as he is posting picks. What is wrong with that? Both Johnny and Butch were touts (although BOTH of them denied it), and, I had no problem with them posting on here, so long as they were posting picks.

1. This place isn't a jobsite ( for most of us anyway ) and it's more of a place to let of steam and relax. There is a differnce.
2. You misunderstood me on the tout deal. I know some of our posters sell their picks. I wouldn't pay anyone for a pick and if these guys don't try to sell their picks here or post URL's to their sites then they should be left alone. But IF they do try to sell picks then it should be open season on them. My lil gangsta friend mvp is a prime example. He can't pick his nose and is always trying to get someone to check out his website. That's why I keep a .270 Winchester by the computer. It's a great coyote gun.

New member
Feb 21, 2002
one should be allowed to make a distinction
between negative posts and critical posts.A
critical post is one that critiques what the
person is doing rather than the person himself.
I have made critical posts about johnny because
he came on here trying to drum up business in
what i felt was a slightly misleading manner.
My problems with him were
1)using lines that were almost always
off the market averages.Of course this is good
betting strategy,but i see other cappers on
here who post against the "Market average".So
in a fashion,by pointing out Johnny's "shop til
you drop" strategy,i'm also praising those
here who are here to demonstrate their capping
skills,not their discount shopping abilities.
2)vague recordkeeping.When he first came
on here,Johnny told me that 200 games would
be mathmatetically meaningful sample with which
to evaluate him.I posted that i thought one
should have a much larger sample to ascertain
skill....So, when johnny realises he is not
going to obtain the buff record he so desired
after 200 games,he stopped keeping track of a
won-loss record,only posting +,- units.
3)other little salesman/emotional appeals,
like "i feed my family with my sports betting"
snap my critical faculites out of their slumber.
4)finally,if johnny had a winning day
yesterday,would he be leaving the forum??i think
the answer is no.

Ciao from Jelena,who would like you to check
up on every once in awhile. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif

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