Pay Per Head - Amazing Secrets to Profiting as a Bookie


New member
Jan 9, 2009
We have 1 Clear Mission:

To Provide Bookies with a Better PPH Software and Call Center Solution that will enable agents to make more money while incurring in less risk.

We have made it.

Our software is truly unique, created in house.

Our lines are sharp.

Our reporting is fast and easy to use.

Our service is reliable.

Your players deserve the best. You deserve the best.

So get a free trial of our high end price per head sportsbook and experience first hand the difference of dealing with true industry professionals.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I've gotten many questions about how to choose a good price per head provider, so I figured I'd write a quick guide here:

Pay per Head Software

There are two major sportsbook software providers on the market: DGS and ASI. Most shops working with these platforms will be very similar, but not 100%. Some shops have done extensive modification of the regular DGS or ASI install, which means you might get special features with them.

There are many other providers thought. And many shops have created their own custom software from scratch.

Custom software has the advantage of being more flexible, but, and this is especially true for new providers with custom software, they can be less stable (although not always by any means)

Once you get used to a software, it takes some getting used to a new software. So always ask any new PPH provider you are considering what software they are using. You might not want to move from DGS to ASI or the other way around. There are plenty of shops on both, so it shouldn't be too hard to find one that adapts to your needs.

Many "Price per Head" sites are from the Same Provider

I just checked the top 10 of google for price per head and 5 out of the top 10 sites are all from the same group. Basically, no matter which of those 5 you pick, you will get exactly the same service, pricing and features.

These sites can be owned directly by the shops, or they can be of 'resellers' who don't own any PPH software or set up, but rather re sell it for others.

How to Test a Per Head shop

Most price per head providers offer between one and four weeks free service for you to test out the software and services on offer. This is something you should take very seriously. Get some test accounts log in, place bets, check your agents reports and give the software a good look around.

But most important is that you try to log in and wager during CRUNCH time.

Software can jam up when it is being used to heavily based on the equipment and scalability of the system.

So make sure you try to log in and place a wager JUST before kick off on a major game.

Also, call in to try and place a wager just at the time. You want to be able to get through.

This is the single most important test, as this is where many PPH shops fail.

Also, make sure to call agent support. Ask questions. Try to ask some tough questions.

Remember, once the season starts, it will be very hard to move players. So you want to be dealing with people who know what they are doing. If you ask about parleys and they don't know what a parley is... you likely will be VERY unhappy with that shop come football season when you are trying to fix a player issue or settle a dispute.

This Article was brought to you by: - We are a leading PPH provider. We are so confident in our software and service, that we encourage you to test us out vs our competitors. The results will speak for themselves.

Get free lottery and horses when you sign up and mention you came from TheRX

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Do you currently use price per head service?

Are you happy?

Do you always get through on time?

Do your requests get applied within minutes, hours or days?

Are your lines as sharp as they should be?

Is the software you use safe? Or does it leak information that could be used against you?

You deserve the best. If you aren't getting it, give us a call. We'll hook you up with the #1 pay per head service on the market. Get 1 week free when you mention you read about us on The RX.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
We have the superior pay per head solution on the market. We are sure about this. How do we know? We have tested the software from our competitors. Since we have our own software, not DGS or ASI, we can apply any improvements we see to our own software.

Basically, we will give you everything your current provider does, plus more. Sharper lines. More betting options including poker, lottery, parley cards, live casino, digital casino, horses and more.

Give us a try and see for yourself why bookies that work with make more money.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
So how was football season?

We think you could have made more money. How? By using our price per head software.

We offer sharper lines, faster websites, clear phone lines, experienced clerks, an extended selection of lines, live betting, poker, horses, lottery, live casino, digital casino and more.

Move just a few of your players over for March Madness. We are sure you will make more with the players you move than with the ones you have at your current price per head service.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Are you a bookie? Do you want to earn more from your players this march madness? Do you want to have more time to go out and hunt for new players or maybe just enjoy live?

Call us and find out more: 1-855-998-8883

New member
Jan 9, 2009
So, is anyone still writing action by hand? I heard about a guy who was, and I felt like he might as well be using a typewriter and head to the post office to send 'mail'.

Book your action with our price per head call center and start making money today.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Why should you go with us?

1- We are security oriented
Unlike some of our cheaper competitors, we take your security very seriously. We have encrypted data bases, lines and we even offer our agents a special communication system to avoid using unsecure email or phone calls.

2- We are completely stable
We take uptime dead serious. The website you will get from us will be up all the damn time.

3- We know what we are doing
We know how hard the business is without having to deal with badly graded games, lazy lines and other issues. Don't put up with it.

If you want to get the best service in the industry, give us a call or visit us at

New member
Jun 9, 2015
It's 2017 already. Who here is using a shitty service like ? or bookmakingsoftware? Or any of the other shitty places that are spamming this site in an underhanded way.

We are upfront. We have the best price per head software on the market. It has been custom coded to our specs. Every time an agent needs something special taken care of, we are on the ball. 24/7/365.

Football is over, we are wrapping up march madness. NOW is the time to move.

Ask your current pay per head provide why you can't control individual lines with hard and soft shades? Ask them why they don't use encrypted software. Ask them when was the last time they had downtime and for how long (for us it was 11/23/16 for 1.3 minutes)

Why are you putting up with inferior service when we have a special going rate of only $7/head with no bullshit extra fees.

Common, get with the real providers. Get with

BTW, we are in the process of getting certified by Price Per Head Site.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
@classic @dean_jones
Stop spamming my threads with your shitty posts. Open your own threads.

You truly are the friend of the devil, your links are welcome in my threads.

Want the best bookie websites this season? Then visit our price per head sportsbook and find out how you can increase your hold and decrease your risk with one easy call.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
What a March Madness, I can't believe what I'm seeing, even while I'm seeing it!

That's sports for you though. You can never know what is going to happen.

That is why it is so important to have the best price per head providers behind you. You will still have to deal with flaky players, stiffs, upsets and the unexpected. But your software? The system? That will be there with a near 100% uptime. When you call, you'll get service. When you need a report run, it will get done.

So why would you pay more for less?

Why would anyone put up with some of the low class pay per head sites that spam everyone's threads?

Go with the pros. Email for your first week free.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
We just signed up 10 agents over the last week.

To the head shop who just had 2 days of downtime; thank you!

To all agents: Want to discover a real price per head shop? Want to experience true help, true service, fast lines, easy betting? Want to increase your security? Then contact me today and get started.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
A few more sign ups this weekend. How was your week with your price per head shop?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
A few more agents joined this weekend. I know we are still a good 4 months away, but that is exactly why you want to give us a try now, while there isn't any pressure. When the season rolls along, and you see that players that were parked at our price per head have significantly better retention and more betting activity, you will feel bad you didn't move sooner.

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