Paul Pelosi (Nanci Pelosi's husband) house was broken into and attacked with a hammer. (Currently under brain surgury)


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Just heard the 911 call. The dispatcher even uses David DePape's name completely destroying this laughable "QAnon stranger broke into Pelosi's house" BS.

It is nothing more than what it first appeared to be - a sausage fest gone awry at casa de Pelosi.

It's a local police matter, but this was so embarrassing they brought in the corrupt FBI to take over and frame the story destroying all facts like they do with everything else.

Even President Trump doesn't believe a word of it..

"Weird things going on in that household in the last couple of weeks.. the glass it seems, was broken from the inside to the out... so it wasn't a break in it was a break out...The window was broken in.. It was strange that the cops were standing there from the moment it took place... Figuring out Russia and figuring out China is much easier..." ? ? ?

Ho hum, more FAKE NEWS!

May 15, 2022
Just so everyone knows. Sheriff Joe is lying again. The family members haven’t heard the 911 call yet so he has not. The suspect admits to breaking in and he admits that to local police. Not the feds. This is the problem with whackos like Joe and why the Internet is terrible for crazy people. Completely whacked out of his mind. If you want the truth about anything. Ask me….you have 19 more hours.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Btw, a few months back when this loser was in that drunk driving accident which almost turned into a homicide, it was alleged there was another person in that vehicle at the time - another male prostitute. Shocker!

According to San Francisco lore, Paul Pelosi is a longtime sausage lover.

So there you go...another coverup, exactly like a few months back.

The Deep State has been covering up these fuck ups for years.
Chappaquiddick ring a bell?

LMAO at all the woketards who, despite ZERO evidence, still blindly believe the official narrative.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Paul Pelosi’s 911 call reveals he knew the man, his name is David and describes him as his friend

An intruder breaks into your do you know his name??? Right??? ???

Ho hum, another DC crime family that belongs in prison!

Only woketards still believe the CORRUPT FBI and that this was a "QAnon attack" ? ? ?

Sep 21, 2001
There was no 3rd person that answered the door. Tough day for Maga clowns in here

How did the door open? Police said someone opened the door and Paul and David were on the floor both holding a hammer

May 15, 2022
How did the door open? Police said someone opened the door and Paul and David were on the floor both holding a hammer
Better get updated on the story. There is no 3rd person. You’ve been wrong about everything. Start reading real information

May 15, 2022
How did the door open? Police said someone opened the door and Paul and David were on the floor both holding a hammer
All of the right wing nonsense has been destroyed. This idiot sheriff jagoff is posting a dispatch audio that’s already been proven fake. This is why people are stupid. The internet makes dumb people, really dumb.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
How did the door open? Police said someone opened the door and Paul and David were on the floor both holding a hammer
How did the "intruder" not trip an alarm?

The whole "story" is complete fabricated BS to cover up another one of DC's dirty little secrets.

I guess the local police weren't doing a good enough job, so Nancy summoned the corrupt FBI to clean it up!

The following has been SCRUBBED from the Internet (just like the 911 dispatch call):


As SF’s gay bars closed at 2 am, two gay men met in a bar and went home together. Happens every night in the City by the Bay. Except one of these two men, was married to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

I might disappear for telling you the truth. If I do, you’ll all know why. But here’s what really happened early Friday morning in San Francisco. IMHO–in my humble opinion.

According to SFPD “RP [Reporting Person] stated that there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend,” the dispatch official said. “RP sounded somewhat confused.”

It’s been a rumor for years in SF that Paul Pelosi is gay. David Depape is said to be a Castro Nudist. “The lunatic who allegedly assaulted Paul Pelosi is a Berkeley resident and a ‘Former Castro Nudist Protester’ and hemp ‘jewelry maker’ …sounds totally MAGA Republican to me. ??” this from Twitter.

Ok, so here’s the theory, as related to me by a source: “Castro Nudists are a group of really radical gay male prostitutes that parade around naked with c–k rings. First of all, the Police did not come in response to an alarm. They come in response to a “wellness check”. So someone called them to check on Pelosi.”

“When he didn’t answer the phone, the cops broke the sliding glass door to get in. Pelosi was struggling with the suspect, who was in his underwear.

Pelosi owned the hammer. Not Depape. Or, the male prostitute was doing something Pelosi didn’t like.”

“And then there was the press conference when they didn’t know the mic was on. During that, a reporter confirmed that the suspect was a gay Castro Nudist, but (authorities) told him he couldn’t use it.”

“Now tell me something. These people are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Nancy is third in line to the Presidency. You don’t think they have the most amazing security? And by the way, when Pelosi was in that drunk driving accident, he had a young man with him, and that too was covered up by the police and the press.”

“How would (suspect Depape) have been able to break a window that without triggering an alarm? He didn’t. The police broke the window to gain entry. There was only one hammer, and it belonged to Pelosi. And only ONE cop quoted the perpetrator saying, “Where’s Nancy?” None of the other sources said that happened. “

“And one of them could easily have broken that window. Remember, there was no alarm triggered. How would (suspect Depape) have gotten into that house without doing that? The cops smashed the glass to gain entry.”


Sep 21, 2001
How did the police enter the house? they said the door opened and the two were on the ground both holding a hammer - they said they were outside the front door and ordered both Paul and David to take there hands off the hammer but they had not entered - at which time Paul did and then David hit him with the hammer - then they rushed in - police said Paul was hit with the hammer in front of them - I watched the black police chief say this to a tee

May 15, 2022
Jesus. Sick sick people here. I’m talking the sickest of the sick. Lies lies and lies. To the point where you can’t think these are real people. Nobody has a brain that could work like this. Maga republicans are so fucked up. These are deranged people.

Sep 21, 2001
Vito, what are u saying - this is Russian disinformation like last time?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
How did the police enter the house? they said the door opened and the two were on the ground both holding a hammer - they said they were outside the front door and ordered both Paul and David to take there hands off the hammer but they had not entered - at which time Paul did and then David hit him with the hammer - then they rushed in - police said Paul was hit with the hammer in front of them - I watched the black police chief say this to a tee
Don't try and use logical thinking with a woketard. They're programmed to believe what the Fake News tells them.

"But, but, but...the FBI said it was a QAnon assassin..."

Two fruits caught in their tighty-whities = "politically motivated" ?

A special kind of stupid.

Meanwhile, it just doesn't get any more corrupt than the FBI..


May 15, 2022
Vito, what are u saying - this is Russian disinformation like last time?
You should be embarrassed. If it wasn’t for sheriff Joe, you’d be the biggest dummy in this thread. You got every single thing wrong. Just like Joe does. That dopey fuck fell for a fake dispatch call.

Jan 5, 2008
Just so everyone knows. Sheriff Joe is lying again. The family members haven’t heard the 911 call yet so he has not. The suspect admits to breaking in and he admits that to local police. Not the feds. This is the problem with whackos like Joe and why the Internet is terrible for crazy people. Completely whacked out of his mind. If you want the truth about anything. Ask me….you have 19 more hours.

3... 2...

Hello everyone and welcome to the newest breaking news on Paul Pelosi and facts you need to know. I’m KingDick with Channel 45 RX News Now brining you the latest facts.

Standing live here at Scott and Normandy, you can see the house of the Pelosi Insider Trading firm. And after just speaking with Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi. I have been confirmed by the Nazi Nancy herself, that the pelosi family has not heard the 911 call yet and neither has sheriff Joe or anyone else on the RX or America in general. Except me as I was granted special permission by homeland security and SFPD.

Things we know are facts so far... No gay rainbow flags, BLM flags, security cameras, or alarms were found upon the investigation on the property. Odd considering they are everywhere else upon the city of rainbows and Unicorns.

What we do know is it was an actual hammer used on the assault of Paul’s Ass. Found on amazon in many colors it comes in 6 speeds, its water proof and very reliable as I’ve enjoyed mine for several years now.

Also, Speaking with Mr Clayton the landlord of the garage at pop up tent boulevard, just across from heroin needle parkway, where Mr Depape was sleeping, Mr Clayton gave the statement “David Did It! He is a MAGA extremist!”

So there you have it folks. 911 audio has not been released to anyone but me. The hammer was a dildo and David is guiltily.

And remember folks, facts aren’t facts till you here it here first! KingDick... Channel 45 RX News Now,...

Jan 5, 2008
Paul Pelosi’s 911 call reveals he knew the man, his name is David and describes him as his friend

An intruder breaks into your do you know his name??? Right??? ???

Ho hum, another DC crime family that belongs in prison!

Only woketards still believe the CORRUPT FBI and that this was a "QAnon attack" ? ? ?
Not 911 call. Just dispatcher chatter. Of the 911 call.

We want the actual call and first words of the incident not just some empty air rumbling with dispatcher. That they unfortunately won’t release so we can hear the heroic call by Nut Job Paul

But to be fair, if the nut bag did break in and no alarms went off and no neighbors heard anything except the one witness now claiming he heard a bang, the family dogs didn’t go wild etc etc. It’s possible the nut bag when maybe confronted announced his name. And that’s how the drunk gave the name to 911

May 15, 2022

3... 2...

Hello everyone and welcome to the newest breaking news on Paul Pelosi and facts you need to know. I’m KingDick with Channel 45 RX News Now brining you the latest facts.

Standing live here at Scott and Normandy, you can see the house of the Pelosi Insider Trading firm. And after just speaking with Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi. I have been confirmed by the Nazi Nancy herself, that the pelosi family has not heard the 911 call yet and neither has sheriff Joe or anyone else on the RX or America in general. Except me as I was granted special permission by homeland security and SFPD.

Things we know are facts so far... No gay rainbow flags, BLM flags, security cameras, or alarms were found upon the investigation on the property. Odd considering they are everywhere else upon the city of rainbows and Unicorns.

What we do know is it was an actual hammer used on the assault of Paul’s Ass. Found on amazon in many colors it comes in 6 speeds, its water proof and very reliable as I’ve enjoyed mine for several years now.

Also, Speaking with Mr Clayton the landlord of the garage at pop up tent boulevard, just across from heroin needle parkway, where Mr Depape was sleeping, Mr Clayton gave the statement “David Did It! He is a MAGA extremist!”

So there you have it folks. 911 audio has not been released to anyone but me. The hammer was a dildo and David is guiltily.

And remember folks, facts aren’t facts till you here it here first! KingDick... Channel 45 RX News Now,...
Right wing attempts at funny never work. This is a bad thread for you. I mean, another guy that got destroyed by speculation. I can’t believe you come back in here after the stupidity you’ve posted.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Fake News caught trying to frame the story.

The ruling class is the protected class.

You seriously can't make this shit up!

May 15, 2022
Look at jagoff above video. You can’t hear half the conversation. This is so idiotic. What a maniac mentally ill weirdo

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