Patriots' facility shut down again due to positive COVID-19 test


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
“love how the league misses the irony of its own suicide.

People watch football to see badass men play in spite of pain. Knee braces, broke fingers, etc

The league now cancels games because a player catches the flu.”

Mar 5, 2009
Read the comment by the person i was responding to. That should answer your query.

Statistically insignificant. OTOH C-19 is - far far far - more deadly than the flu:

"By the way, the facts about COVID-19 vs Flue in the US - the lies Trump, Pense (saying flu kills 100k a year) and his uneducated masses is promoting:
Flu Deaths by season:
2015-2016 23,000
2016-2017 38.000
2017-2018 61,000
2018-2019 34,000
2019-2020 22,000
COVID-19 deaths year-to-date 2020 210,000 and rapidly rising.

Source: CDC and John Hopkins University
The fact-based world not the Trump alternative facts fantasyland."
Insignificant because you disagree with it lol

Spamming the board with factually incorrect statements as usual. Influenza far more deadly for children than COVID. They don’t contract it or spread it like adults do. We’ve known this since the outbreak started.

but you don’t agree with it so its not true. Such a loser.

Sep 18, 2006
Bill Belichick on Cam Newton's availability: We'll see how that goes

As his team deals with four positive tests for the COVID-19 virus, Bill Belichick wants you to know he's not a doctor.

"Look, this whole area is really a medical discussion. It is not a football discussion," he said during his Monday interview with sports radio station WEEI in Boston. "Frankly, it's not something that I'm qualified to talk about. It's really more of a situation that we rely on our medical staff, our doctors, our trainers and consultation with the league medical team and that's really what all this is about. You can't expect a football coach to manage a hospital or make medical decisions on something like this. There's no team in the league that's doing it that way. This is at a different level here."

But Belichick seems to have as good a grasp as any non-medical personnel when it comes to the status of his COVID-positive players, especially quarterback Cam Newton, who is now 10 days clear from his first positive test but according to his father, Cecil, remains asymptomatic.

"Again, any player that would come back to the team off the COVID
  • would have to go through a medical clearance," Belichick said. "That will be part of any player's return to the team from that situation. We'll have to see how that goes."

    Now the 10 days is important because the NFL has made some modifications to it's original COVID rules and now players who are still testing positive for the virus but minus symptoms can return regardless of whether they get a negative test or not.

    "I think what you're going to find is, if a person has the COVID virus, that they're going to continue to test positive for a significant period of time. It could be, I don't know, 30 or 60 days. I'm not sure. I'm not a doctor here, but it depends on how much the body and how quickly it sheds the virus - but not at a contagious state," he said. "So that's what it's about. If you're just looking at testing on somebody who has tested positive, they are going to be testing positive for a long time. We saw that, and many teams -- I have talked to many other coaches -- same thing. Guys that had it in the spring or in the summer continued to test positive into training camp, but that is based on the, whatever it is, 60 or 90 days -- I forget exactly what the timetable is. But from the first positive test, there's a certain period of time where they basically expect those tests to be positive."

    Based on the Patriots game with the Broncos being moved to this Sunday, and from what I've been told, it appears that would also mean the potential for a return to game action for reigning Defensive Player of the Year Stephon Gilmore, who has remained without symptoms since his first positive test Wednesday.

Mar 5, 2009
Now the 10 days is important because the NFL has made some modifications to it's original COVID rules and now players who are still testing positive for the virus but minus symptoms can return regardless of whether they get a negative test or not.

That is what the league thinks of the testing.....False positives have been an issue so you can't completely rely on them.

It looks like some good old common sense is being thrown in there now to let players come back who have always been symptom free.

Sep 18, 2006
That is what the league thinks of the testing.....False positives have been an issue so you can't completely rely on them.

It looks like some good old common sense is being thrown in there now to let players come back who have always been symptom free.

Of course, you can't lock down & disrupt life cuz you think someone may have a problem.
Feb 20, 2002
It's a joke Australia, churches have not been allowed to open since March when the shutdown began......that's 7 freaking months.

"Australia could eliminate the virus by Christmas, some epidemiologists say, and join New Zealand, Vietnam, Brunei and some Caribbean islands..."

border closures, but for places like Australia and New Zealand, it has been a very effective measure,” said Marylouise McLaws, an epidemiologist at the University of New South Wales and a covid-19 adviser to the WHO. “I think it was probably one of the most pivotal infection preventions and control measures in the outbreak.”

"...The response is much different from those in the United States and Europe, where travel is far freer...
Feb 20, 2002
Of course, you can't lock down & disrupt life cuz you think someone may have a problem.

[h=1]"Herd immunity as coronavirus solution ‘simply unethical’ "[/h]

"“Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it,” he said. Some researchers have argued that allowing COVID-19 to spread in populations that are not obviously vulnerable will help build up herd immunity and is a more realistic way to stop the pandemic, instead of the restrictive lockdowns that have proved economically devastating.

“Never in the history of public health has herd immunity been used as a strategy for responding to an outbreak,” Tedros said.

Tedros said that too little was known about immunity to COVID-19 to know if herd immunity is even achievable.

“We have some clues, but we don’t have the complete picture,” he said, noting that WHO had documented instances of people becoming reinfected with coronavirus after recovering from an initial bout of the virus. Tedros said that while most people appear to develop some kind of immune response, it’s unclear how long that lasts or how robust that protection is — and that different people have varying responses.

“Allowing a dangerous virus that we don’t fully understand to run free is simply unethical,” he said.

WHO estimates less than 10% of the population has any immunity to the coronavirus, meaning the vast majority of the world remains susceptible.
Tedros also noted countries had reported record-high daily figures of COVID-19 to the U.N. health agency for the last four days, citing surges in Europe and the Americas in particular.

Sep 22, 2007
For whatever reason, the NFL is handling this far worse than NCAAF

Hospitalizations and deaths not even part of the discussion anymore for some bizarre reason. Positive results are almost exclusively asymptomatic, yet they and our media act like it's some sort of death sentence

WE'RE JUST FUCKED IN THE HEAD. I blame our criminal corrupt colluding always lying media and the career politicians that encourage it and the spoonfed base that enables it

No, YOU'RE FUCKED IN THE HEAD, Jagoff, here's another example of the "oversold" Trump Virus, right, Witless Willie?

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Insignificant because you disagree with it lol

Spamming the board with factually incorrect statements as usual. Influenza far more deadly for children than COVID. They don’t contract it or spread it like adults do. We’ve known this since the outbreak started.

but you don’t agree with it so its not true. Such a loser.

Sep 22, 2007
Insignificant because you disagree with it lol

Spamming the board with factually incorrect statements as usual. Influenza far more deadly for children than COVID. They don’t contract it or spread it like adults do. We’ve known this since the outbreak started.

but you don’t agree with it so its not true. Such a loser.

"Factually incorrect?????" Wow, talk outta your ass much? Where does X-Files' post mention "children" in any way, shape, or form? You've desperately latched onto one small segment where the flu is deadlier than Trump's virus, blithely ignoring his overall post and the following. Try again, Genius..

[h=1]Fact check: Trump falsely tweets that Covid-19 is less lethal than the flu[/h]
By Tara Subramaniam, CNN
Updated 12:30 PM ET, Tue October 6, 2020

<section data-eq-pts="xsmall: 0, medium: 460, large: 780, full16x9: 1100" id="large-media" data-vr-zone="zone-0-0" data-zone-label="headerMedia" data-containers="1" data-zn-id="large-media" data-eq-state="xsmall medium large">
Trump tweets he's starting 'quarantine process'

</section><section data-eq-pts="xsmall: 0, medium: 460, large: 780, full16x9: 1100" id="body-text" data-vr-zone="zone-1-0" data-zone-label="bodyText" data-containers="14" data-zn-id="body-text" data-eq-state="xsmall medium large">Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump has consistently downplayed the threat of the coronavirus in public, and it seems testing positive for the virus himself has not changed his tune.The morning after returning to the White House from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center where he was being treated for Covid-19, Trump claimed that the coronavirus is far less lethal than the seasonal flu.
"Flu season is coming up! Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu. Are we going to close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!!" Trump tweeted Tuesday.
Facts First: This is false. While the grammar of the tweet is slightly confusing, it's not true that Covid-19 is "far less lethal" than the flu in the United States. It's also not true that anywhere close to 100,000 people die of the flu every year in the US.
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Though the benefits of working from home are myriad — there was zero chance you’d become a master of sourdough bread in the third-floor break room, right?

This is not the first time Trump has inaccurately compared the dangers of the flu to Covid-19 in public. Earlier this year, Trump suggested the two were comparable, even though data suggests that Covid-19 is as much as 10 to 20 times more lethal, as CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta reported in March. In addition, there is clear evidence that Trump knows this. In tapes of conversations with Trump released by journalist Bob Woodward, Trump privately acknowledged in February that the coronavirus is deadlier than the flu.
The statistics that Trump cites on flu deaths are also inaccurate. More people in the US have already died from coronavirus than died from influenza during the past five flu seasons combined, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates. Compared to the more than 210,000 Americans who have died from the coronavirus so far, preliminary reports have 24,000 -- 62,000 flu deaths last season from October 2019 to early April 2020, and 207,000 dead from the 2014-2015 through 2018-2019 flu seasons.
<form id="bx-form-1224841-step-1" tabindex="0"></form>The coronavirus is also killing Americans at a higher rate than the flu. As of Tuesday morning, Johns Hopkins University data put the US coronavirus case fatality rate at 2.8%. The mortality rate for seasonal flu is "about 0.1%, 0.2% at the most," according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, other experts and CDC data since 2010.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Look at the most abandoned thread starter in the forum posting fake

dafinch has TDS stuck up his ass

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
If Chris Christie can beat Covid, anyone can.

Dude is like 800lbs, a walking comorbidity”

Sep 22, 2007
Did someone say "spoonfed base"?

First of all, YOU'RE the moron who said, "New cases don't mean shit" in the following thread:

Secondly, what are you saying, that the teams made the whole thing up where there was "nothing there?" And, you have PROOF of this, of course? Bodies are floppping all around you and that other delusional douchebag, Witless Willie, and you 2 schmucks are still, "Nope, nope, nothing to see here."

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