paparazzi is on

Mar 13, 2006
can't find the other usernames. anyone got the list?

The UserNames used in the past are:
win big

These may not all be the same person but according to a Mod here they are at least the same group/syndicate. The bottom line is..these UserNames produced decent selections; they won (some more than others). They typically selected Dogs and Dogs from a database that yielded long term positive "spot" type situational plays.

New member
Jan 25, 2012
"Dogs from a database that yielded long term positive spot type situational plays" WTF, people get arrested for insider trading.

He has the anti terroist playbook and he is working it step by step, what kind of vig you getting 10%? I would definetly hire you as my PR guy, that is if I had anything to relay to the public.

Again, with that being said, post his plays I find it entertaining to track.
Mar 13, 2006
"Dogs from a database that yielded long term positive spot type situational plays" WTF, people get arrested for insider trading.

He has the anti terroist playbook and he is working it step by step, what kind of vig you getting 10%? I would definetly hire you as my PR guy, that is if I had anything to relay to the public.

Again, with that being said, post his plays I find it entertaining to track.

I was just simply stating that typically..every one of these UserNames posted Underdogs...most of the Underdogs were selected from a database of parameters which in turn gave you a positive situational (spot) play. These weren't guys that were just pulling Home Underdogs out of their ass.

New member
Jan 25, 2012
I was just simply stating that typically..every one of these UserNames posted Underdogs...most of the Underdogs were selected from a database of parameters which in turn gave you a positive situational (spot) play. These weren't guys that were just pulling Home Underdogs out of their ass.

I may actually put you on retainer!! I ain't mad

Jan 25, 2009
Win Big has posted for many years in football. He always did very well.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
How many stockbrokers do you know that have millions of dollars and sell their stock selections for $3 or $20 or $50/day?

How many stockbrokers who have made millions on any investment are going to share those investments with anybody?

The simple way to understand why touts are BS is this --

What is a fair price to charge for a consistent winner in sportsbetting?

I'm waiting.

Are you still thinking about it?

Now you are starting to understand why touts are all bs and fake, and none of them are true long-term winners.
Because the cost of the service, should someone be that good would be astronomical.

Why, if I were that good, would I sell you picks for $10? Or $100? When I know you can bet $1000, $10000 or $50,000 on a game, why would I only charge you a small fee to have all my information?

If you think about it gents, you will understand that the cost of a REAL tout who knew what he was doing, consistently, would be so high that you could not afford it. Just like you don't get a proven investment banker, or stockbroker, for $50 per stock tip. They charge large fees, or a % of their clients wealth.

And the very, very best, only charge for profits made, because they are good enough that they have no interest or need to charge just for information, they simply get paid bigtime for investing your money.

It's no surprise the guy is not doing well. He picked what, maybe 2 games a week before, and suddenly is playing about 20 a week? The deception is what makes most mad...they guy had an agenda and plan to screw people out of money.

If he was legit, and offered only the rare, solid picks, the guy would be a millionaire. Which leads to the logical conclusion that it was mostly luck...because if it was anything more, it would be continuing. And it also explains why he would want and need 10 different screen wait for one or more to win a high % so that he could rope in the degenerates.

It's an impressively elaborate scam. But until someone can explain where I am wrong in my logic, I will never believe any service offers any value, until and unless you show me a price tag that is insane. Anybody could make $100k with enough solid picks given a month before getting banned....and I never hear about it.

Sep 20, 2004
who did they have yesterday?
Mar 13, 2006
It's no surprise the guy is not doing well. He picked what, maybe 2 games a week before, and suddenly is playing about 20 a week? The deception is what makes most mad...they guy had an agenda and plan to screw people out of money.

If he was legit, and offered only the rare, solid picks, the guy would be a millionaire. Which leads to the logical conclusion that it was mostly luck...because if it was anything more, it would be continuing. And it also explains why he would want and need 10 different screen wait for one or more to win a high % so that he could rope in the degenerates.

It's an impressively elaborate scam. But until someone can explain where I am wrong in my logic, I will never believe any service offers any value, until and unless you show me a price tag that is insane. Anybody could make $100k with enough solid picks given a month before getting banned....and I never hear about it.

The guy is doing fine and there are some real fallacies in your logic. You keep dwelling on the notion that if a REAL tout who knew what he was doing was charging for his picks..that his costs for the picks would be astronomical. I would agree with that logic if he were the only game in town (the only tout out there) but the truth of the matter is that the market is saturated with touts and competition will force the tout to offer pricing that the market will bear. What this guy did is hardly a scam. A scam would be if he deceived someone in portraying to offer something that he really wasn't offering...and I for one, don't see where he did that at all. He gave picks...under different UserNames..that's it. One or two (or in this case Three) UserNames had a fairly widespread he decided to start charging for the picks..that's less. This guy is not screwing people out of their money..he is offering his picks for a's up to the potential consumer as to whether or not they want to pay this person for his picks...simple. It's important to remember that all of these selections from Paparazzi and DFence (I realize they're one in the same) are still in the "short run"...they haven't gone season after season for us to track...BUT....after an impressive NFL and NCAAF campaign..and a strong NCAAB Dec-Feb...I hardly think this guy is a flash in the pan. Also...WinBig....IF this is the same poster/syndicate/info source....this guy knows his stuff..and knows how to beat sports long term. Don't hate..just enjoy..and make money.

Sep 26, 2007
this is amazing. most of these were ones I always checked, damn cheaters!

The UserNames used in the past are:
win big

These may not all be the same person but according to a Mod here they are at least the same group/syndicate. The bottom line is..these UserNames produced decent selections; they won (some more than others). They typically selected Dogs and Dogs from a database that yielded long term positive "spot" type situational plays.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
The guy is doing fine and there are some real fallacies in your logic. You keep dwelling on the notion that if a REAL tout who knew what he was doing was charging for his picks..that his costs for the picks would be astronomical. I would agree with that logic if he were the only game in town (the only tout out there) but the truth of the matter is that the market is saturated with touts and competition will force the tout to offer pricing that the market will bear. What this guy did is hardly a scam. A scam would be if he deceived someone in portraying to offer something that he really wasn't offering...and I for one, don't see where he did that at all. He gave picks...under different UserNames..that's it. One or two (or in this case Three) UserNames had a fairly widespread he decided to start charging for the picks..that's less. This guy is not screwing people out of their money..he is offering his picks for a's up to the potential consumer as to whether or not they want to pay this person for his picks...simple. It's important to remember that all of these selections from Paparazzi and DFence (I realize they're one in the same) are still in the "short run"...they haven't gone season after season for us to track...BUT....after an impressive NFL and NCAAF campaign..and a strong NCAAB Dec-Feb...I hardly think this guy is a flash in the pan. Also...WinBig....IF this is the same poster/syndicate/info source....this guy knows his stuff..and knows how to beat sports long term. Don't hate..just enjoy..and make money.

I appreciate you responding and that you do have every right to our own opinions and to pay or not pay for any service you choose. My purpose wasn't to tell anybody not to do it.

The very fact that they changed screen names so often tells you everything you SHOULD need to know. That if they really were good at what they do, they wouldn't have to have 10 different IDs...but they have them because out of say 10, at least 1 is going to hit the far right side of the statistical bell curve.

Of 10 names....6 will fall in the middle, 2 will fall to the left side (be terrible) and 2 will fall into very favorable numbers. It is and can be statistically proven that the bell curve is in effect for this sort of "flip of the coin" where there are only 2 sides to a bet.

So all I am saying is that NO, they are not that good, and if they were, they would be charging a fortune.

It all comes down to $$$$...I would pay $1000 per play if I knew for sure that 75% of the plays would win. Or 66% of the plays, 2 out of 3. All I need to do is bet beyond whatever the cost is.

Logic for me just says this is all true...a superior tout would charge a fortune and get it because he deserves it. And he wouldn't advertise or offer specials because he can make more money by himself or with a group of people working for him.

The largest example would be Billy Walters, whom they estimate to have a fortune of $10s if not $100s of millions from sports gambling.

He does not sell any picks, ever, and has no interest in anybody even knowing what he bets. This is because he can make so much money on his own that giving away his picks does not help him...he can always make more on his own.

But if he couldn't, he would sell his picks because it's an easy way to make fast $$$. That is the logic I use that tells me again, that no tout that sells his service is worth it...if it was, he wouldn't sell it. That's my logic, right or wrong.

Apr 26, 2008
there was another name cccc.... dont see him much but would pop up time to time.... not saying hes affiliated with the other names just another name i remember with the same style...

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