I'm a Christian, but there is no excusing this. He has a right to say anything he wants, but to say someone is worse than an animal that hasn't been convicted of a horrible crime, that's just begging to lose sponsorships. Yes, he apologized and backtracked and may be remorseful, but even a Christian company that sponsored him wouldn't keep him on after saying that.would Nike have dropped him if he had bashed Christianity? probably not, but isnt it ironic that all the hate he is receiving is because of his point of view on life? very hypocritical
I'm a Christian, but there is no excusing this. He has a right to say anything he wants, but to say someone is worse than an animal that hasn't been convicted of a horrible crime, that's just begging to lose sponsorships. Yes, he apologized and backtracked and may be remorseful, but even a Christian company that sponsored him wouldn't keep him on after saying that.
There is no irony. He said offensive remarks that Jesus is appalled at. Everyone is sexually immoral......that's what the Bible says. Yes, the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, but that's not what he said. If he said he does not support same-sex marriage and got dropped for that, it would be a totally different conversation we're having.but do you see the irony in it? he thinks gay people are worse than animals because of how they live their life.... now he is hated because of how he views life
There is no irony. He said offensive remarks that Jesus is appalled at. Everyone is sexually immoral......that's what the Bible says. Yes, the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, but that's not what he said. If he said he does not support same-sex marriage and got dropped for that, it would be a totally different conversation we're having.