Our goal is 100% open by June 1st. We're not New York.


New member
Nov 21, 2013
ha ha, ghetto rat that plays the NJ pick-3.

seriously though, congrats on the hit. I'm sure it's the only time you've ever played it before and knocked it out first swing ;)

the absolute lowest form or American trash are the ones playing the daily numbers and scratch offs and only remember the one winner.

heh...A few years back was standing behind a sketchy looking cat in the queue at 7-11

He's holding a handful of the Lotto entry cards which he has painstakingly colored in his selected numbers

I asked him, "You look ready to go....do you have a system?"

His response, with an utterly earnest face, "Well of course I don't know ALL SIX numbers....but I for sure know the first three and that really increases my chances!"
Feb 6, 2007


Think about how quickly and rapidly this can have you take a turn for the worse. And try to tell me the number is unreported. With how quick it takes a turn, there is no way they have kept track of all these people.

Let’s just say 300 deaths per state weren’t corona. That’s 15K deaths total. You can take that off and we still have a fuck load of deaths.

Without even accounting for those who are sent home and get better and then die.

Oct 10, 2010
The World will be ok it's just the mentally challenged small poison MobDsters that will fall further behind believing the Lies & Deception that they feed on.
Sep 21, 2004
[ The truth about what's happening in the great state of Texas, not distorted by liberal propaganda BS media. ]

Texas Reopens. What's Really Happening With Its COVID-19 Numbers?

<section class="post-header my-3" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "open sans", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin-top: 1rem !important; margin-bottom: 1rem !important;">

<figure style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 1rem;">
<figcaption style="box-sizing: border-box;"><small class="text-muted" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 12.8px; color: rgb(108, 117, 125) !important;">Central Texas park. Photo: Bryan Preston</small></figcaption>
</section><section class="post-body" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "open sans", sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">As Texas reopens, a kind of normal is returning. Last week I was able to make an appointment and obtain a haircut, all perfectly legal. I went to a nearby lake this weekend and saw what looked like a pretty normal number of people, out fishing and kayaking and biking in the sun that’s known to kill the virus with its blaring UV light. It was so nice I took the camera and could have snapped enough pics for a wildflower calendar. Texas really is beautiful before the sun turns the state into a brick oven.

[COLOR=#6C757D !important]Central Texas park. Photo: Bryan Preston[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#6C757D !important]Central Texas park. Photo: Bryan Preston[/COLOR]

Looks idyllic, doesn’t it?
Monday morning some gyms around the state opened so I went for a quick drive around the area to see which ones were and weren’t. Mine had emailed me over the weekend that it was opening, so I went in for a quick workout. Other than the masks on the staff and a few new procedures such as touchless check-in, all seemed fairly normal. Some other gyms in the area chose to remain closed a little longer. Overall things seem pretty calm and edging back to normal.
But if you listen to CNN, coronavirus cases are outta control and there’s just no end in sight.
“Texas sees the highest number of coronavirus cases in a day!” they declare. “Deaths too!”
<i class="" style="box-sizing: border-box;"><i class="" style="box-sizing: border-box;"><i class="comment-social" style="box-sizing: border-box;"><i class="" style="box-sizing: border-box;"><twitter-widget class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" id="twitter-widget-0" data-tweet-id="1261349124110082048" style="box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center !important; margin-top: 10px; margin-right: auto !important; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: auto !important; display: block; position: static; visibility: visible; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 550px; min-width: 220px;">
CNN Newsroom

Texas is seeing the highest number of new coronavirus cases and deaths just two weeks after it officially reopened. @JohnKingCNN explores the trend in Texas as the debate on risk of reopening continues.https://cnn.it/360kQqL
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</twitter-widget>Sure, sure, CNN. We are testing more. That means we will see more cases. You’re not likely to see fewer deaths because numbers don’t really work that way.
RealClearPoliticsSean Trende had had enough after seeing the report above, and went on a Twitter tear.
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Sean T at RCP

· May 16, 2020

Replying to @SeanTrende
Here's the 7-day rolling average of new cases in Texas. Looks pretty bad! 2/
<article class="MediaCard customisable-border" data-scribe="component:card" dir="ltr">


Sean T at RCP

BUT, here's the 7-day rolling average of tests in Texas. 3/
<article class="MediaCard customisable-border" data-scribe="component:card" dir="ltr">



8:35 AM - May 16, 2020
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</twitter-widget>More tests, more positives. But.

So the overall positive test result outcome is trending down. This is a good thing. It’s not entirely expected. In a post a week or year ago, it’s hard to tell anymore, I wrote that once the state starts reopening we’re likely to see more positive test results because we’re testing more, and people are out and about more.
The purpose of the lockdown was never to eradicate the virus or wait on a vaccine (which may never come). The purpose of the lockdown was to give the healthcare system time to ramp up testing and be prepared to handle what the models predicted would be a deluge of deadly virus cases requiring long stays in emergency rooms. The healthcare system did get ready. Harris County built a whole temporary hospital — and never had to use it. That’s good news. Imagine if we would have needed it.
The models were wrong. They were garbage code and they were based on faulty assumptions. Some of that is China’s fault for not disclosing its experiences with the virus in those early critical days. We should never forget that. It’s easy to blast the models, and they deserve it. But behind all of this is a communist regime, unelected and unaccountable to its people, that engaged in a massive coverup and ruined the world for a while.
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Returning to Texas’ COVID numbers, they seem to be trending down. You would never know that if you listened to media even here in Texas. With a few exceptions, headlines and stories and even reporters’ social media posts tend to instill doubt and panic as opposed to merely reporting the facts.
One thing they seldom do is really look at the numbers. Those numbers are available from the state’s Department of Health and Human Services. They’ve been tracking and mapping cases from the beginning, right here.
The first thing you may notice is that the overall numbers just are not that large. Texas is a gigantic state of about 268,000 square miles and 29 million people. It includes three of the nation’s top ten cities by population — Houston (#4), San Antonio (#7), and Dallas (#9). Austin, Fort Worth, and El Paso are also up in the top 25. And Texas has vast rural areas larger than many whole states.
You may also notice from the map that the COVID clusters tend to be in the bigger and denser cities, which happen to have international airports, and along I-35 and the other highways that connect the state’s cities and towns. None of that is terribly surprising, as in the early days this was very much a traveling disease.
We now know that New Yorkers flew and drove out to the other states including Texas and brought the bug with them, and it came in from Wuhan primarily on the West Coast and from Italy primarily on the East Coast (but, no, Gov. Cuomo, it’s not a European virus).
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The Texas COVID-19 numbers are not large given the state’s size and population.
Total cases to date: 48,693
Total deaths to date: 1,347
Total active cases: 19,065
Total current hospitalizations: 1,551
These are just not that large given the state’s population size. There are more than 84,000 hospital beds in the state, for what it’s worth.
The number of deaths, while small, is misleading. Thus far 1,347 Texans have reportedly died of the disease. This number may include some who died of some other cause, but COVID-19 came to be listed as the cause of death. Hospitals have been incentivized nationwide to put COVID-19 on the death certificate to get more federal money to pay expenses. Just to be as clear as I can be, I don’t think we really have an accurate fatalities number yet and won’t for some time.
But let’s stipulate that 1,347 is the accurate number to date because it’s what the state is officially reporting.
How many of those occurred in nursing homes or long-term assisted living facilities? Those numbers are here, broken out by region and total for the state.
Total deaths in nursing homes: 515
Total deaths in assisted living facilities: 99
Total: 614
Subtracting nursing home/assisted living facility deaths from the state’s total of 1,347, we arrive at 733.
That’s 733 for the entire state, outside of nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
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This strongly suggests that COVID-19 is more likely to kill those who are older and have underlying conditions, as we have known about this virus for months now. The death rates in nursing homes are appalling.
Should Texas really remain locked up despite the a) low infection rate, and b) low fatality rate?
With 2.4 million of its workers unemployed?
This is not and never has been a simplistic debate between save grandma by staying home or go out to work and kill grandma. That has never been the question.
It’s a question of balancing the very real public health threat posed by the virus on the one hand, with the very real threat of destroying the economy and society along with it on the other hand.
The state and local governments need people to be working. Working people buy things, use things, eat things and pay taxes. They’re also happier and less likely to do negative and destructive things.
Without working people, there are far fewer taxes to collect. Governments run out of funds and cannot provide even basic services. Commerce and supply lines break down. Companies go bankrupt and never return.
And the whole system collapses, including the healthcare system. We really should do everything we can to avoid that.
We should also protect those who are most vulnerable, starting with nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Because that’s where they are, and we know it.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
^good read
Mob too stupid to digest it though. Those who are intelligent enough to digest already understood all this.

Nov 17, 2004
But those Useful Idiots are really good at cherry picking. In addition, results aren't as important as speculation to them.

Nov 17, 2004
Still nicely on track. 10 days until 100%!

<g class="labeled-elements"><g class="label-element" transform="translate(496.29333333333335,232.02616187164085)" font-size="13px"><g class="label-text" transform="translate(15, 0)" text-anchor="start"><text dy="15">Deaths over the last 4 weeks (anyone seeing that imaginary exponential BS these experts are talking about?)

Last week: 224

2 weeks ago: 243

3 weeks ago: 191

4 weeks ago: 221</text></g></g></g>

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
heh...A few years back was standing behind a sketchy looking cat in the queue at 7-11

He's holding a handful of the Lotto entry cards which he has painstakingly colored in his selected numbers

I asked him, "You look ready to go....do you have a system?"

His response, with an utterly earnest face, "Well of course I don't know ALL SIX numbers....but I for sure know the first three and that really increases my chances!"
as he scratched at his dried out face with a Salem's Light 100 hanging out of his mouth, shirt 73% untucked, and his front door key on a chain around his neck. Lottery draws out the best of 'em face)(*^%

New member
Jan 12, 2010
Am I glad that people are out of a job or having more difficulty receiving treatment..NO, that would be ridiculous. And is that really the best rebuttal you have? LOL..How about partially opening up the COuntry gradually and requiring all people to wear masks...I'm sure you would whine about that as well. You idiots completely minimize the risk of this virus & are the ones out in pubic not wearing masks and judging those that are. What do you think keeps this outbreak rolling for an extended period of time????? Do I honestly have to spell that out to you guys like I would with a 4 year old child?! If not for Sociopathic Trump & your ridiculous beliefs this outbreak would already be a mild concern. You all complain that the Country is shut down & limiting your lives, yet refuse to practice any of the precautions that would make the outbreak go down. Pathetic how you people put on your Fox News & listen to pathetic Trump and agree with whatever comes out of his mouth. Deranged Donald lies more than he tells the truth...And somehow you believe him??? HAHAHAHA. You guys injecting aquarium cleaner into your arm too? Opening up your body to let sunlight in as Trump somehow stated during his pathetic press conference?

Those of you who continue to support The Sociopath are a bunch of fools. And it would be laughable to have a debate on who lacks in Empathy with you morons. You support a guy that has NEVER admitted wrongdoing. A chimpanzee could see Trump is a worthless piece of garbage, yet you fools continue to support him. Have you morons actually done any research to get facts or do you just continue to nod your head at Fox News (The sole media source who thought it was RIDICULOUS that we were placing ANY concern about the virus). Look at Taiwan and their # of cases/deaths...How about look into what they did to keep those numbers so low. Thanks to Trump & your opinions this virus continues to spread...A grade school student could easily see that a virus is more likely to spread if you don't social distance and/or wear a mask. I don't watch the new, I dig for facts and look at Scientific Journals (I'm sure you will consider that not credible either per usual).

Your Savior Trump is now placing Church Services as 'Essential Functions'....Take a look at what occurred in Korea after doing that. https://www.businessinsider.com/chu...virus-outbreak-meetings-wuhan-december-2020-2
Whatever happened to Trump's statements on "the Virus being gone by April'?? You people are UNBELIEVABLE. And you all look like a bunch of fools when you open your mouths and walk around stores with no protection. Just know that everyone is looking at you and laughing at your stupidity.

What point are you guys trying to make anyways? Working up to 100,000 deaths in the USA and you want to challenge the policies to protect your health & safety. Please do us all a favor and treat this all as Hysteria. Darwinism at its purest form.

Nov 17, 2004
Am I glad that people are out of a job...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

I can't recall the last time I've seen such a disjointed bunch of gibberish. One comment after another implying someone made some type of claim about you. Claims about others with no reference whatsoever. And basically nothing to do with any stats provided or comments made by people here It's like a word salad of a bunch of talking points. Seriously, learn how to put together something logical if you want someone to reply to you.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Well Bull, all we heard from the left was we have to flatten the curve. Now it’s replaced with we have to have a vaccine. What if we never find a vaccine?
Feb 6, 2007

Fucking told you.

Shut the shit back down. DUH. Never were ready. Should’ve listened to Mob instead of dumbass Trump and you wouldn’t have to be doing this.
Feb 6, 2007
Fact is when we start the massive reopening like the southern states are touting....its only going to spread. And it will spread undetected because Texas probably also is done testing. So doubt we will have that many new reported cases from there or anywhere around there. But fact is it’s only going to get worse. Especially if we do sports.

To act like the virus is gone is just ignorant shit

This isn’t a black kid running down the street y’all. It’s okay to admit the truth.

Tried telling y’all.

Sep 21, 2004
Whats that?

He is referring to the extra unemployment benefits. Obviously because u aren't conforming lock step with their narrative you must be a lesser.

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