haha. Same thing with brokeback. I watched like 5 minutes of it on HBO and I was like OK that's enough and stopped watching.Too funny.
"I'm not gay so it made me a bit uncomfortable to watch the scenes where two men are all over each other. They are brief, but I kind of just had to look away."
Of course there was an agenda, did you not notice Dustin Black's attack
on the Mormon church? Do you think it was a coincidence that the
Mormon church was a big supporter of Prop 8?
How hypocritical, both you and Penn wouldn't have been calling
out the protesters if they were protesting FOR gay marriage
instead of against it.
Besides, this thread is not about Penn's comments after the awards,
it's his BS comments (and Dustin's) during the ceremony.
Fest is was 2 occurences. Dustin Black's acceptence speech, Penns acceptence speech. How can you even call that an agenda? That cartoon Wally won a few awards for animation, Slumdog gobbled up a shitload of awards, (not to mention that Freda Pinto lookin smokin hot), Ledger gets a standing and emotional ovation for winning the well deserved co-star award as The Joker, and on and on. Was Bobby De Niro acts homo for calling Penn his "friend" when he made a sweeping description about his work?
Not so sure where the gay agenda was in the rest of program.
Alright. I think I see where you are coming from now. You are saying one side of the arguement is being presented but not the other. And deem it unfair.I'm not saying the gay agenda was all throughout the program.
Penn's speech and Black's speech both were attacks
against the majority of Americans who don't want gay marriage.
They could have omitted the incendiary attacks/comments and I would have been
fine with it.
Apparently I'm not the only one that felt this way, as worldnetdaily
chose to write up an article detailing what I'm sure the most of
America (those who don't want gay marriage) thought.
....Penn's speech and Black's speech both were attacks
against the majority of Americans who don't want gay marriage.
They could have omitted the incendiary attacks/comments and I would have been
fine with it....
I just wish all those anti-slavery people had kept quiet when most of America was against them. And all those damned women who wanted to vote. And those people who wanted to end Jim Crow laws. They shoulda all just been quiet because they were annoying the majority of Americans.
Agreed. Their are so many homophobes out there. Gay people are going to continue to make out with each other and have sex and do everything else straight people do whether they are married or not. So why do straight people give a shit if gay people marry or not? Makes no sense to me. People need to worry about their own lives and stop trying to tell everyone else how to live theirs.letting two gay guys or girls marry has no effect on the love your feel for your wife, so who gives a fuck if they get married. If your going to ban gay marriage, might as well ban divorce or arrest those who cheat on their spouses.