Oscar gets slammed


New member
Sep 21, 2004
You can hate Michael Moore, but you sure can't call him a liar. Virtually everyone who has written anything about Bush has been slapped with or threatened a law suit. Not Moore they don't even bother he has too much proof on his side. He airs your dirty laundry that's all. If you don't like it bath more often instead of wallowing around in your own feces.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

The spacemen are coming to give you an anal probe so start running.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I agree Judge, that Roger and Me was funny. However, I see it more as an attack against Corporate Bureacracy (sic?}than corporate america. And I for one would be against bureacracy as well, corporate and american (big government) alike. MM, has however, taken an anti-corporate, partisan left stance. It would be okay if he chose to poke fun at everything and display the idiocracies that exist at all levels. But when he blatantly picks on everything America represents, then argues his socialist views like they are righteous, then he's lost all credibility.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grantt: Not Moore they don't even bother he has too much proof on his side.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Wonder how he is going to convince a liberated Iraq citizen that he did everything in his power to prop up the madman that kept them suppressed for all of their lives and he has "proof" that that would be better than living a life with free will.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It's 12 years of American sanctions that has suppressed them. They had a very high standard of living and education etc. until they were bombed into the stone age by the U.S.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grantt:
It's 12 years of American sanctions that has suppressed them. They had a very high standard of living and education etc. until they were bombed into the stone age by the U.S.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Can't believe I'm replying to this idiocy but I must. This is a country---Regime, that has known nothing but war since Saddam decided he wanted Iran---got his ass kicked---then turned his attention to tiny little Kuwait---(then genious, since I've seen you in here regurgitating all of the "polls" around world that show "everyone" is against THIS war)---it was the World that bombed his ass back to the stone age 12 years ago. As far as theUN sanctions, the money-for-oil provisions are more than enough to keep his people clothed, fed, and educated. That money remains untouched! He's been too busy building new palace after new palace. Reality buddy--come visit some time.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Razz he's building palaces now. I thought it was weapons of mass destruction.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Grantt: when you're letting your people die in the midst of great wealth, I would imagine you have more than enough money for both. And let's not forget the frequent dier discount Saddam gets from those French and Russian suppliers of those fun play toys Saddam likes to pway wit with ALL his bestest pals.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grantt:
Razz he's building palaces now. I thought it was weapons of mass destruction.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Actually he's not building sht right now, thanks to those bombs, accept maybe a great apprecation for you libs taking to the streets in his behalf. He probably should be building a tomb for himself

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jazz I must be mistaken then. I was under the impression the U.S. was one of the richest countries in the world with a deplorable poverty rate for children. (US has highest childhood poverty rate of industrialized countries) But why would the U.S. look after it's children when they need to buy bombers and artillery shells.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Why do we start on one subject and always end up in a left versus right argument??? I though this was about Michael Moore...

My thoughts on MM is just how moronic can you get in your argument? Fine, if you are for peace thats ok, unlike most I won't jump on someone for airing their opinion. What made it ridiculous is when he starts talking about false elections, false wars, etc. Come on, false election? This is the point of debate that I have seen brought up in anti-war protests that befuddles me. People on the left are still convinced that Al Gore won some whopping mandate and this Bush 4 years is all a sham. Come on, even after the election tests and reviews showed that Bush won the election in Florida and to say that people were too dumb to fill out a ballot, but would have voted for Gore if they could is a pretty lame excuse for continuing to bring up don't you think? The party of those lesser people who can't figure out a ballot??? This continuous election-stealing comment is what really bothers me. This is a democracy, but according to a lot of Democrats only if our candidate wins. If its close we win too because a lot of underpriviledged people had "problems" and surely would have voted for us. What a sham. Get over it and that includes you Mr. Moore. We DO live in non-fiction and we do show the Oscars worldwide. Did all these losers ever think how your words sound to the billions of people that live in less than democratic countries and dream of the chance to have a democracy such as ours??? That should seriously insult just about everyone who gets a vote or who doesn't get a free vote, the concept that because you don't like the result of an election and don't like the guy who won you protest and say its a fraud.

That is really disturbing and yet everyone just focuses on his anti-war comments and how he got booed off. He deserves worse than that, he deserves to spend some time in a country like Cuba or Iraq so he can think of how "terrible" his home country's voting system works.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Grantt why didn't the democrats take care of those problems, they had the house and senate for 40 years.
Its not up to the goverment to take care of anybodys children, its up to the parents to take care of the children.If the parents can't afford them they should not have them...its called personal responsibility...otherwise known as freedom.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Wild Bill that whole ballot thing was a democrat scam, it was like 1 of saddams propaganda films...It was a fail safe measure if they were going to olose the state to bring out these people to say they could not read the ballot..the people that live in that county can see a 20$ bill a hundred yards away .(if you get my drift)

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Children are doing just fine in other countries Patriot. It's just the U.S. that seems to have the problem. Your not stupid enough to reproduce are you? Jazz?

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