Opening Olympic Ceremony


Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Damn Carlo....telling it like it is

Macron who poses off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig."



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Why? What is the point of such mockery? I need an explanation.
Do you now?

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you" -- Matthew 7:7-8

Short explanation: Ghosts in the Machine (US Army, 4th PSYOP Group)

Long explanation, by Mike King.

👇 👇 👇


French Q White Hats Running Paris Olympics

We have detected a pattern of anomalies which lead to the conclusion that the hidden hand of White Hat Productions was behind the Opening Ceremonies in Paris.


NY Times: The Paris Olympics Opened in Spectacular Style


Since the inception of the modern Olympic Games in 1896, the grand spectacle has often been utilized as a geo-political propaganda tool. Whether the men who established the quadrennial events were Globalist operatives or merely sincere supporters of sports and international competition, we cannot say for certain. But IOC (International Olympic Committee) founder Pierre de Coubertin's assertion that the games would promote "world peace" (code word for world government) is intriguing -- as is the mentioning in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (written around that time) that the coming "competitions in sport" would help serve the purpose of diverting the "goyim" masses from examining political matters which the Cabal wanted concealed. That is why their media hypes sports sports sports 24/7/365.
By now, of course, the Olympic Games, when hosted by a western country, are overtly political -- in particular, the hyped-up Bread & Circus spectacle of the "Opening Ceremonies" ™. More than just political, they have become downright Satanic. Who can forget the Illuminati pyramid and one-eye symbolism pervading London's 2012 Olympics, and the pre-Covid dancing and hospitalization act with a giant Grim Reaper? "These people are sick," as both Q and Commander Trump have repeatedly said.
For that reason, such shocking Parisian spectacles of gyrating trannies dancing with children and trannies reenacting Christ's Last Supper -- would come as no big surprise these days.

Nonetheless, it all appeared to be a bit too much over the top -- as if "someone" was actually trying to wake up and / or incite a TON more normies? Upon combining the offensive tranny madness with some other data points, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times has detected a pattern of anomalies which leads us to conclude that the hidden hand of White Hat Productions was behind the Opening Ceremonies in Paris.


1. Pierre de Coubertin said that the games would promote "world peace." Who was he working for? // 2 & 3. London 2012: "Prophetic" visions of mass death, hospital beds, dancing nurses, NWO pyramids and one-eye symbolism.



Standard artistic degeneracy? Or a shocking White Hat wake up call for normal people? Who benefits? Barbara Butch, a morbidly obese tattooed Jewish lesbian whose real name is unknown, played Jesus.

As for the clues ---- Three of the individuals prominently featured at Paris were French President Emmanuele Maricon (not a typo, Spanish for ?), Satanic Witch singer Lady Gaga, and a remarkable younger and stunningly "recovered from serious illness" version of French Canadian singer Celine Dion -- also a suspected Satanist. The Board's issue with the appearances of these Trump Haters is that we strongly believe -- by way of pattern recognition, accumulation of anomalies and sound logical inference -- that all three were executed years ago, a la "Joe Biden" and others. You see, only White Hat Productions can bring people "back from the dead" like that.
In addition to the way too much over the top tranny insanity and the resurrection of at least three prominent dead people, the topper for us was the embarassing upside-down botching of the Olympic flag hoisting committed by -- get this -- the French military! Q did tell us that the military operation was international, did he not?
Scoff all you want, Black Pill addicts -- but military professionals simply do NOT make such blunders. The inversion of the flag symbolizing world government (the 5 interlocking rings represent the 5 interlocking populated continents, North & South America being counted as one) was deliberate. Make no mistake, boys and girls. This military "error," like the wrinkled flag at John McStain's funeral in 2018; and the obvious military funeral protocols from Inauguration Day 2021; and the "botched" time of "Biden's" swearing in that day -- are all "Sicilian Messages" from the White Hats.

That message being: "Patriots Are Now In Control" -- worldwide.
Faire confiance au plan!


Celine Dion was stricken with a "crisis" (acting) seizure from "Stiff Person Syndrome???" (Laughing Out Loud) and filmed it? --- She's a "crisis actor" and a "stiff," get it?


A suddenly chunky "Lady Gaga" is "unrecognizable" and "Fresh-Faced" because the real one is dead! She also "performed" at the totally (and laughably) fake inauguration / funeral of "Joe Biden" in 2021.



The in-your-faceness of it all seemed a bit too much - even by libtard standards.


How do you say, "oops" in French?

Hand of God? .... or White Hats playing with the electrical grid?


Oh, almost forgot..

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!



Dec 13, 2007
Never found much in sports that triggers me personally unless I have a large wager and things go sideways suddenly.
I've enjoying the little I'm watching..My biggest beef is the way the coverage is chopped up and all the commercials.
Not seeing the satanic or political side of whatever irks you guys about the Olympics but hey you're mostly the same guys who came unglued about a can of beer.

Go team USA
Mar 23, 2022
Never found much in sports that triggers me personally unless I have a large wager and things go sideways suddenly.
I've enjoying the little I'm watching..My biggest beef is the way the coverage is chopped up and all the commercials.
Not seeing the satanic or political side of whatever irks you guys about the Olympics but hey you're mostly the same guys who came unglued about a can of beer.

Go team USA
I personally stopped showing interest when it stopped being an all amateur event and they started bringing in the pros. Add in all the political crap and it’s become unwatchable to me.

Dec 13, 2007
I personally stopped showing interest when it stopped being an all amateur event and they started bringing in the pros. Add in all the political crap and it’s become unwatchable to me.
I haven't seen much political..but I honestly haven't watched much.
Salmon season here in the Pacific and the coastal rivers opened yesterday everything is secondary to

still pretty in to seeing the US do well though.
Nov 8, 2012
Ratings have been quite AWESOME for the Olympics

I know it bothers a lot of people here as they root for everything to fail as they hate success

Mar 23, 2022
Why do you not like all the pros?
I have nothing against professional athletes but they have their thing, their leagues, their tours, etc. I grew up watching amateurs in the Olympics not pros. The Miracle on Ice would not exist if they did things back then the way they do now. Most of you are too young to understand.

When I grew up Olympic stars became stars because of the Olympics. Now, they are already stars before the Olympics even begin. What’s the big deal anymore.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
I have nothing against professional athletes but they have their thing, their leagues, their tours, etc. I grew up watching amateurs in the Olympics not pros. The Miracle on Ice would not exist if they did things back then the way they do now. Most of you are too young to understand.

When I grew up Olympic stars became stars because of the Olympics. Now, they are already stars before the Olympics even begin. What’s the big deal anymore.

Sep 21, 2004

sure this was a team effort Play the oilers tonight….​

Simone Biles’ husband Jonathan Owens sparks outrage for wearing wife’s gold medal after Olympics win​


Dec 15, 2017
I have nothing against professional athletes but they have their thing, their leagues, their tours, etc. I grew up watching amateurs in the Olympics not pros. The Miracle on Ice would not exist if they did things back then the way they do now. Most of you are too young to understand.

When I grew up Olympic stars became stars because of the Olympics. Now, they are already stars before the Olympics even begin. What’s the big deal anymore.
I think culturally it’s a fair point

But the Olympics truly should be for the best athletes in the world in my opinion

It already is slightly diminished because of country inclusion in certain sports, but that to me is more reasonable since it’s truly a global event
Mar 23, 2022
I think culturally it’s a fair point

But the Olympics truly should be for the best AMATEUR athletes in the world in my opinion

It already is slightly diminished because of country inclusion in certain sports, but that to me is more reasonable since it’s truly a global event
Fixed it for you.

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