What on earth makes you sluths think a 3rd audit's going to come up with a different result in Maricopa?
Warning.. just about any thread this rube starts turns out being a FAIL x 2.
THIRD audit? Nonsense; you might be referring -- I suppose -- to some BS partial audit(s) done in some
local district. But the April 22 audit will be REAL, COMPLETE (all 2 million votes cast in Maricopa), and
TELEVISED. Of course you wouldn't know that, would you?...or maybe you just wanna wish it won't
happen, don't you, moron? Scares the shit out of you, doesn't it? That's because you're a childlike loser
acting like this is some child's game. Like the ones you usually play.
It'll be the same...Nothing here just more republican batshit Trump won screaming.
You poor, gullible fool....