Poorly informed, frightened liberal dumbass: you're afraid of what is coming, aren't you?
Endless investigations of crooked election officials in a half-dozen fraud states.
State bureaus of investigations asking really tough questions, such as: "Just HOW did
you certify an election with this many obviously phony ballots?"
Hundreds of "interviews" with lower level election grunts, sorting out the chicannery from the bottom-up
......with election officials STILL frantically trying to cover their treasonous asses.
A COMPLETELY discredited election and President.
His authority constantly being questioned.
The Press actually presenting some relevant questions of the Sock Puppet.
The spectacle of this MASSIVE scandal dragged all the way to the midterm elections,
with the Dems desperately lying, trying to cover-up their awful crime, and FAILING
as the House (and possibly Senate) are restored to control by SANE people!
And you, poor idiot Bozzie, will have to eat your pathetically-wrong words as your "heroes" --
those who would ENSLAVE your useful-idiot ass along with the rest of this nation's GOOD citizens --
reveal their true nature.
Communism is a thoroughly discredited ideology, you idiot. But you're too busy wring insults to
your intellectual superiors to notice.
Don't worry though. We responsible ADULTS will take care of you, you blathering adolescent cretin.