What bullshit. According to my in depth research on wiki, there are 75 captive killer whales in the world currently, 23 of which are housed at the 3 SeaWorlds. There is an estimate that there are 50,000 killer whales in the world. I have no way to back this up, but I'm guessing SeaWorld has done more for those 50,000 killer whales through fundraising and awareness than the harm that is done upon the 23. How many RXers have seen a killer whale? How many RXers have been whale watching? My guess is most killer whales have been seen by the general population at SeaWorld. SeaWorld is a necessary evil. Without places like these, how many kids would want to grow up to save the whales and shit like that? Everyone talks about the horrible conditions these whales face, but no one talks about the awareness for conservation efforts these aquariums generate through the public coming in contact with these creatures.