Incubus - What's wrong with you bud? Why go into other people's threads and start sh*t. It makes no sense. Can't people just post their plays (win or lose) and all get along.
Recon - Nice call on the game!
Skeeter123 - I won't sit idle and let ignoramuses like Mobdeeper7239 and Dexter03 take potshots at me. See the "shit" they posted about me? Or did you conveniently miss their inflammatory posts? :think2:
Also, how did I start shit? I basically was saying there's no such thing as an EASY bet. I wished Recon792 "good luck," and he cashed his play.
Nothing's "easy" when it comes to gambling. You better get lots of point in the 2nd 1/2 or thiw bet is a goner. Good luck! :toast: