One Of The Most Disgusting Things You Will Ever See


Sep 30, 2008
the only racist here is rambo. he was the one who brought up race. he was the one that wanted to make the racist joke. he is the one continually pushing the race angle.

i have no doubt if a white beat up a black school driver rambo would care less.

but someone who may be black attacking a white has his full attention.

its sad and childish, and i agree with big ten that rambo goes to the race card continually because he struggles with his prejudices, but that's life.

it would make me sick either way...but i've not seen anything like that (of course, there's obviously been a lot of white to black incidents such as this...majority in the past, however regardless)

New member
Sep 25, 2000
This is the kind of puke that turns into a wife-beater and gang-banger later can only hope that he's the next creep laying dead on the street from multiple gunshot wounds. If it happens I hope the case goes cold.

This little prick needs a life ending visit from a Charles Bronson type.

If that was my wife or gf driving that bus his bones might be found in 20 years.

New member
Jun 8, 2008
AHH come on its a fukin joke ..he will go to court get a 50$ fine. some stupid judge will pat him on his head and send him on his way. Who gives a fuck what any body does just don't fuck with my local bookie, the strip club I go to and for sure not my wing night other then that fuck it. Kids do it cause they know they can get away with it.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Here is whats wrong with our country. This is the first comment in reference to the article:

Posted by patdown on 03/03/09 at 7:45PM
Apparently the child is disturbed and may have been provoked by the driver. He attends Valley. Did someone forget to orientate the driver as to the accommodations needed for the student given his disability?
What was he complaining about the driver and what did the driver do? Did the driver provoke him? Something is missing. What are the other students saying happened? All this time and he as not had a problem with a bus driver. For every action there is a reaction and something had to set him off.
There has to be more to this incident.

Custom designed to blow the mind
Aug 21, 2000
KALAMAZOO, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - She drives students to school each day, but on Tuesday a driver's morning route became a violent nightmare.
Police say the driver became the victim of a student's rage, and instead of driving the bus to school, she was rushed to the hospital.
The Kalamazoo school-bus driver is recovering on Wednesday after being badly beaten.
The incident occurred on Tuesday, around 7:30 in the morning near the corner of Gull Road and Brook Drive in Kalamazoo Township. Police say that a 16-year-old male repeatedly punched the driver in the face and head.
The teenager is being held at the juvenile home, charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder.
Newschannel 3 pulled the young man's records, we can't reveal his name or show his face because he is a juvenile, but we did learn that he has been charged with five assaults going back to 2005.
A source has told Newschannel 3 that several of the victims in those cases were para-pros, or teachers at the teen's school.
The bus driver who was assaulted on Tuesday is a veteran Kalamazoo Public Schools bus driver who was filling in on a route on Gull Road. Police say some of the students on the bus became agitated when she made a stop where there were no students.
At that point the 16 year old got out of his seat, and despite the driver repeatedly telling the teen to sit down, he continued to yell at her, took off his jacket and walked to the front of the bus.
As the student threatened her, the driver grabbed the radio to call for help, and the beating began.
Newschannel 3 watched the video with Kalamazoo Township Police Chief Tim Bourgeois.
"It was very violent," said Chief Bourgeois. "First punch that's followed by repeated punching to the head, at that point she is trying to cover her head with her hands."
As the attack continued, another student tried to put a stop to it.
"The suspect curses at him, pushes him away, and then continues the assault," said Bourgeois.
Eventually students managed to push the suspect toward the back of the bus, allowing the driver to get on the radio and make a call on her cell.
The suspect got off the bus, and took off at the urging of another student before the police arrive.
"When our first officers arrived, the driver was off the bus and the officer contacted her outside," said Bourgeois. "It was obvious she had severe facial injuries and had injuries to her hands."
When police questioned the remaining students on the bus, they refused to give any information. Police did eventually track the student down at his Kalamazoo home.
Newschannel 3 did speak to the victim in the case. She told us that she is doing okay, although her hand was broken while she was trying to fend off the teen and she has broken blood vessels in her eye.

Black, white, or whatever, this kid is a fukkin punk and needs to be put away. Let him feel the love in general population.

New member
Sep 25, 2000
Here is whats wrong with our country. This is the first comment in reference to the article:

Posted by patdown on 03/03/09 at 7:45PM
Apparently the child is disturbed and may have been provoked by the driver. He attends Valley. Did someone forget to orientate the driver as to the accommodations needed for the student given his disability?
What was he complaining about the driver and what did the driver do? Did the driver provoke him? Something is missing. What are the other students saying happened? All this time and he as not had a problem with a bus driver. For every action there is a reaction and something had to set him off.
There has to be more to this incident.

This kid needs a shank in the back of his head and some desert sand to keep his body warm.

Unexcusable. Next bus ride knock him out and let him ride under the tires.

Jul 23, 2006
Here is whats wrong with our country. This is the first comment in reference to the article:

Posted by patdown on 03/03/09 at 7:45PM
Apparently the child is disturbed and may have been provoked by the driver. He attends Valley. Did someone forget to orientate the driver as to the accommodations needed for the student given his disability?
What was he complaining about the driver and what did the driver do? Did the driver provoke him? Something is missing. What are the other students saying happened? All this time and he as not had a problem with a bus driver. For every action there is a reaction and something had to set him off.
There has to be more to this incident.

Bingo. Our country has lost all common sense. THis is fucking ridiculous. I dont give a fuck what kind of disability this kid had and if he was that severe, he shouldve been in an institution to begin with and not on a bus. At 16, you know you shouldnt hit woman/girls, let alone assault a 37yr old bus driver for doing her job and telling you to sit down in your seat for your own safety.

Maybe if this country would start executing assholes like this deranged kid, this nonsensical shit would stop.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
"Police say the 16-year-old is a student at Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency's Valley Center School, which educates students who've shown emotional or behavioral problems."

Not a defense, but the kid is not all there.

I never ever got beat-I just run out of Money
Jun 17, 2007
I know one thing fellas if that was my mother/wife/gf, I would go find that guy and he would be one DEAD son of a bitch. And I mean literally. Any guy that would ever ever lay a hand on a women is the biggest pussy GOD allows to breathe, but he would deffinitly be a dead son a bitch.
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