LOL, whatever you say. I treat my players with respect and I expect the same.
Who are you to judge me anyway? Should I tell you about the time that I had his play written down... he okayed it.
He goes home and writes down the play... game's over--JETPLANE wins, and he expects to be paid because AT HOME he wrote down another team?
I said this is what I wrote and you okayed it (cuz I didn't have carbon copies avail... so I used a book that day to write everyone down).
How's that for customer service? I paid his joke ass off ONCE already. Feel better? Bottomline.
Should I keep letting this kid rip me off after he's okayed all this shit? You tell me, customer service cuz i'd gladly wager against you and then say "pay me" no matter the outcome of a game once. Show some character and class please before you dog me.
I don't know why you are getting so defensive. You post about one of your problem players. I gave you some feedback.
Now you post again about another problem you have had with the same player. Your kinda a slow learner huh?
I really don't care about your operation and you hustling college students for parlay plays but I will say that can be very profitable.
It sounds like your players view you as some bitch. They make bets with you and then tell you to pay them no matter what the outcome.
Does not sound like you are getting too much respect. Maybe you need to go watch Casino a few more times. Try to be like Nicky put a few guys head in a vice and see if they will respect you then.
Maybe you should become the big bad bookie and huff and puff and...... well I am sure you know the rest!