On this day in 1963, President Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
For the first time the cold equations of forensic science were applied to the considerable evidence that still existed rather than the passions, speculations, and wild theorizing of well-meaning amateurs. It also meant after 50 years, time was running out for the Warren Commission’s carefully constructed façade of lies and misdirections. But the book received little publicity so its remarkable work never reached proper public notice.

After a deeply detailed consideration of the evidence and locations, Sherry Feister sited the source of the first shot from the front to trees along a Terminal Annex parking lot on the South Knoll to Kennedy’s left front headed down Elm Street. It was not the much-discussed “Grassy Knoll” to the right of the underpass. She concluded it was a perfect headshot at 150 yards deflected down by hitting the angled windshield into Kennedy’s throat below his Adam’s apple. The sniper knew his business.

With the Kennedy limo headed right towards his location, improving his odds considerably, the assassin lined up the fatal head shot from almost the same position at a range of only 100 yards. And he fired and vanished from his position among dozens of parked cars. His work was done.

At a press conference for the doctors who tried to save Kennedy at Parkland, an hour after he was declared dead, Dr. Malcolm Perry stated clearly the wound in Kennedy’s throat was an entrance wound and the bullet appeared to be coming from in front of him. Dr. Perry had not only seen the original wound, he installed the tracheal bypass that distorted it in later photos.

Later Dr. Perry (like so many other witnesses including Kennedy intimates David Powers and Kenneth O’Donnell who had claimed shots were fired in front of the limo) was intensely pressured by the Secret Service. He was called by doctors doing the autopsy that same night at Bethesda and Warren Commission staff to change his testimony. He finally stated it could be an entrance or an exit wound. That went into the Warren Report.

Members of the Warren Commission were pressured as well. Commissioners Richard Russell, Hale Boggs and John Sherman Cooper refused to sign the final Warren Report unless their objections to the ludicrous “magic bullet” theory were contained in the records of the Warren Report. President Johnson and Chief Justice Warren were personally contacted and well aware of this. And then the General Counsel J. Lee Rankin’s lie that their objections were included wasn’t exposed to them until Harold Weisberg told Russell’s chief of staff — years later.

The National Archives are a repository for the records of the government. They can hardly be blamed for exhibiting a fraud that they have been told is an historic object and cataloging it as it was described to them by those in authority.
But one might well ask why the government would also evade a 1992 Records Act passed by Congress, signed by a president requiring ALL documents pertaining to the Assassination to be released by 2017-2018, and deny full release under both Presidents Trump and Biden because of idiotic “security practices concerns”?

Perhaps because we now see the Federal Government had been destroying evidence, changing testimony, and intentionally lying to the American people for almost 60 years about the facts it knew well about the assassination of a beloved American president one November day in 1963.

In any case, as long as that phony windshield keeps being exhibited at the National Archive, there is a constant reminder that for all the Freedom of Information laws and pledges of transparency by political candidates, our current government not only wants to govern our present and arrange our future, but to control our understanding of the past as well.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The deep state has been engaged in unspeakable evil for a very long time.

America will be much freer and united country once all of it is exposed

No more "national security" BS - We The People deserve to know the truth!

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