I don't think this is exactly accurate. Didn't the south secede from the Union and was actually invaded? What the South did was well within their Constitutional rights so Lee wasn't exactly a traitor and didn't exactly take up arms against the U.S.
Every time someone asks me if I am happy that I voted from Trump I tell them yes. I am sitting back enjoying all of the whining subversive liberals complaining about Trump. The USA was a third world country when Obama was the President. Remember, Obama was the one making appeasement deal after appeasement deal. Appeasement does not equal peace. It just gives empowers dictators to demand more. Look at what is happening with N. Korea and Iran. The Iran nuclear deal is the worst "treaty" ever. In this case, Trump was 100% correct. The Neo Nazis are at fault and the organized liberals that came looking for violence are at fault. Funny how the liberals don't ever call what happens at Berkeley terrorism. The left will shut down a conservative speaker with violence. It is the same. All of you liberals can bitch and moan all that you want, I am entertained by this and frankly after putting up with eight years of Obama you all can go fuck yourselves.