dumb enough to believe a virus hangs out on a doorknob for a week or two
dumb enough to pump an experimental gene therapy concoction into your veins created by a company that has never been given approval for any product they attempted to create in the past 2 decades
dumb enough to restrict their child's breathing on a playground or soccer field concerned about something that is less likely to happen to their kid than them being struck by an alien riding a scooter
dumb enough to spread carcinogens over your family garden so your peppers will go larger, quicker and save you time on weeding
dumb enough to watch CNN
dumb enough to plug an electric car into a socket powered by fossil fuels and claim righteous superiority over others
dumb enough to eat Subway tuna
dumb enough to tell people to trust science except for biology, anatomy, and whatever else they're told to think that day
dumb enough to not arm themselves to protect their family and assets
dumb enough to have avg $5000 in savings
dumb enough to believe the space under your house is called a "claw space" and to know understand the phrase they really mean is "couldn't care less"
dumb enough to believe 80M people voted for a hair-sniffing nearly octogenarian who can't form 8 consecutive words together coherently
dumb enough to live in California
...a few for starters