exactly im with you with bear bryant class thing. i talked to older police officer we used to patrol theather back in day that visiting football teams used to go to before gameday in birmingham. he was telling me the extreme diferience between alabama team and miami team in early 80s. he says alabama always showed class and dressed like they were going on business trip, even outside the field. seems like nick saban is carrying it on though. roll tide. let keep rolling in 2nd half
-4.5 over the years alabama tends to run out the clock and get conservative in 2nd half with lead. i have no play. but if ole miss score again its more likely. well see good luck
WOW - Bama got SMOKED on that fake. Awesome fake but that hurt like hell for my 2H play. Now I'm down 2 scores for the 2H AND Cody is out for the game.