OK,Question of the day for you left wing,anti-war,anti Bush guys and gals>>


New member
Sep 21, 2004
On a serious note, I don't believe there was any other option but this war--it was going to happen sooner or later, so putting it off is just nonsense. Screw the protestors, I have no problem with their chanting and raving, hey this is America and you can say and do what you want--you even have the freedom to be a moron, just don't ask me to repect you in the morning

But once this is done, I believe Iraq will be a better place, and while the Arabs and Muslims and Iraqis won't be falling over themselves to thank us, they will be grateful in the long run.

Remember, many Arab nations are quietly supporting us and will be more than happy once Saddam and his crew are worm food. Besides, once we liberate Iraq, we can instill good old fashioned Liberal Democratic Party values into their political system
Gore in 004!
"Remember, many Arab nations are quietly supporting us "

Here's where some of that $75,000,000,000 for war will be going (Bush will have to ask for more soon, don't wory).

Egypt = $4,600,000,000 for their "support".
Isreal = $10,000,000,000 for their "support".
[removed Saudi, unconfirmed]

There are others (Jordan, Kuwait, Poland, Albania, etc ..). The total "asking" price is in the range of $30,000,000,000 .

btw - $1 billion is budgeted for Iraqi food aid. They should have just "signed" on the the collation - they could have gotten $10,000,000,000


[This message was edited by lander on 03-27-03 at 01:15 PM.]

New member
Sep 20, 2000
I would be lying if I did not think that oil is not part of the equestion in this.
But I believe that contaniment is a continuation of the problem not a solution.
Also inspections are just a farce, and a process of a continuation of a process.( Eating soup with a fork)

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Judge I meant to seprate the 2 because there is a distinction between antwar and antibush.
You being on the anti war side what would you provide as a solution to Irag?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It is a mistake to believe that all the opposition to this war is from the left wing. There are a lot of right wing "constitutional conservatives" who are against this war also (for different reasons than the lefties'). These conservatives believe that the US should not be meddling in the affairs of, or sending billions of taxpayer dollars to, countries all over the world. They are against ceding American authority to the United Nations, and they also believe that this war is in violation of the US Constitution. Also, that we should worry first about defending our own borders before sending troops to faraway lands.

You can read some of these views at www.sierratimes.com . They are by no means a leftist web site either.
Even you don't believe the UN inspectors would have done much in 4 weeks. The only thing 4 weeks would have done is make it 150 degrees in Iraq and that would have made it impossible for the US/UK forces to advance.
I don't play your BULLSHIT games. Everything I post is fact, no BULLSHIT, NO FEEL GOOD, just the facts.
"I don't play your BULLSHIT games. Everything I post is fact, no BULLSHIT, NO FEEL GOOD, just the facts."

Would this be more evident by the fact that you have yet to actually cite a source to credit one of your outrageous claims or by the fact that instead of refuting an argument you chose to call every one is opposition "lying liberals"?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
OK, most of you hate GW Bush because he is not Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy,Jaques ChIraq, or Karl Marx. Some others because you are truly anti-war. With all your critisizem of GWB,
how would have you handled the situation with Irag given the fact that he was to comply immediatley with the 17th UN resolution as voted on 15-0 with the security council?...War not being your option.What would be your solution?

I love the way you guys always through out Un Resoultuins when they support your position, while in the same breath declaring that the same UN can go **** itself when it doesnt support your war.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
B4L: along the same lines, it is also a mistake to believe that all the support for the war is coming from the right wing.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hi. I am Joe War Supporter.

Seeing as how I support this war I obviously know everything there is to know so I will tell you clueless war protestors how it is.

Iraq should be blown to pieces because Saddam is in violation of UN Resolution 1441. Whatever the UN says must be followed without question because it is the greatest order in the world. Therefore if Saddam has the gaul to ignore resolution 1441, all the innocent civialins in Iraq deserve to be killed. The UN must never be defied or there will be hell to pay and any war is justified.

Oh but you say the UN doesnt support this war - Well the UN can go **** itself, it is a meaningless group of dumbass losers anyway.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
And by the way,

I dont care how many times John Walker Lindh (the American Taliban ) was shown on U.S. television when he was a P.O.W., I better not see another american P.O.W. on Iraqi television or there will be hell to pay.

It is O.K. if we show Al Queda prioners because the war on terror isnt really a war ?????? . Besides, we dont act like humans just because its the right thing to do, we do it because we have to under the geneva convention rules. Some say those rules dont apply to Al Queda therefore we can be as inhumane to them as we please.

As Far as Lindh goes he was fighting for the Taliban therfore he would be covered under the Geneva Convention. I will get back to you when I dream up an excuse as to why showing him on television is "different"

Thanks, Joe

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Danny. I am surprised you've changed your mind! I'm impressed

btw, my name isn't Joe but I did get the angle
"Lander, Name the outrageous claims."

"This is it my friends, the swill has infiltrated our high schools, our colleges, our military. The socialist swill is our greatest enemy, not Saddam, not al queda. Saddam would be gone by now if it wasn't for the enemy within. OU 2003
Go to Jakes college and sit in class for one day and report back. Most professors are socialist and anti-US. That's a fact. Sam el Ar, professor at south florida was running a fukin terrorist organization for 10+ years off of US tax payers. The beltway sniper threw a grenade in the command tent during Gulf 1 and nothing fukin happened to that peaceful muslim. Now we have another peaceful muslim Ackbar that rolls 3 grenades in the command tent and kills 2. How am I wrong? the pattern is there the swill has infiltrated. these are just a few examples of the swill within. Women on the front lines of the US military to be tortured and killed, another socialist experiment. We are fired up we will vote all the swill out of office. Keep showing us the POWS, fire us up. The US lost 4900 on D-day, one fukin day for freedom. Thank God Bush is in office.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Its so funny how these people pick out the acts of a few muslims and say that islam is a religon of war, all the while ignoring the 250,000 mostly christian troops who are killing innocents at this very moment.

Not to mention the crusades and the murderous history of the christian church itself. The crusades were condoned by the church - not simply an act committed by someone who claim to be afiliated with it. This is much worse.

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