OK Guys, it's OFFICIAL...........


Sep 21, 2004

you sem like a great person, not just a great capper, and everyone here i think knows that, you could make a thread that titles, " I hate All Of You"...

and I gaurentee that you get resposes like, we hate ourselfs too, keep up the great capping buddy.


Bucsfan - A true asset to this site.


Jun 5, 2005
Bucsfan, if i'm not welcome on your thread that's fine. But you and I both know what this is about. This started with you co-signing an accusation of me being riggs. Then you couldn't wait to tell everyone that I was an "EXACT MATCH" to his IP address. Thankfully another MOD cleared that mistake up of your's. Then the next day I made a thread to tell everyone about a little of credibility I had from somewhere else and YOU couldn't wait to trash it in the rubber room, eventhough NO ONE was getting out of hand. Why did you do that? When I first came here I went on your thread to tell you what a wonderful job you were doing and You let it go like it was nothing. You seem to respond to everyone else? But that didn't bother me. I even mentioned you in a very positive way on one of my own threads. So in a nutshell, I didn't deserve YOU coming onto MY thread and wacking it like you did. So when I mentioned your little mistake it was nothing more than a message to you in a suttle way. You got the message though and YOU know, what this is all about. It's about a Mod abusing his authority and a simple registered user not taking it. I'll stay off your thread no problem, but you should be a little nice to EVERYONE not just your little cronies like (EGO). You have a responcibility to do just that. But obviously you see me as some threat to all the attention you get here. I on the otherhand can care leess about views and attention. I just want to post my plays and get out without being harassed or thown in the trash for no reason at all. What do ya say? Can we get by all this. I'm sorry that I came on to your thread, it won't happen again unless it's a POSITIVE thing. But who knows, maybe you don't even want that. (The Jet)

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
you come into Bucs posts, and come off as a real smart eleck, then turn around and cry about being picked on and harassed. Give me a break, dude. You can consider me one of Bucs "cronies" all you like, fact is he's my friend. Don't like seeing the likes of you, and guys with the same m.o. pulling shit like this.

the posters here see this all the time. you seem to be the one jealous that someone gets more attention than you. So, just keep posting your plays, and make sure to keep "spotting" yourself a winning record before you "officially' start posting your plays. maybe when you get up to 300 posts, you be tracked "for real" in the tracker forum.

Considering your smart eleck/crybaby attitiude, you may not make it that far.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
THE JET said:
Bucsfan, if i'm not welcome on your thread that's fine. But you and I both know what this is about. This started with you co-signing an accusation of me being riggs. Then you couldn't wait to tell everyone that I was an "EXACT MATCH" to his IP address. Thankfully another MOD cleared that mistake up of your's. Then the next day I made a thread to tell everyone about a little of credibility I had from somewhere else and YOU couldn't wait to trash it in the rubber room, eventhough NO ONE was getting out of hand. Why did you do that? When I first came here I went on your thread to tell you what a wonderful job you were doing and You let it go like it was nothing. You seem to respond to everyone else? But that didn't bother me. I even mentioned you in a very positive way on one of my own threads. So in a nutshell, I didn't deserve YOU coming onto MY thread and wacking it like you did. So when I mentioned your little mistake it was nothing more than a message to you in a suttle way. You got the message though and YOU know, what this is all about. It's about a Mod abusing his authority and a simple registered user not taking it. I'll stay off your thread no problem, but you should be a little nice to EVERYONE not just your little cronies like (EGO). You have a responcibility to do just that. But obviously you see me as some threat to all the attention you get here. I on the otherhand can care leess about views and attention. I just want to post my plays and get out without being harassed or thown in the trash for no reason at all. What do ya say? Can we get by all this. I'm sorry that I came on to your thread, it won't happen again unless it's a POSITIVE thing. But who knows, maybe you don't even want that. (The Jet)

You can believe all that you want, doesnt make it true.....The fact that i missed a post, and didnt respond, does not mean i didnt see it, or was trying to ignore it....I dont individually respond to every single person who congratulates me, I have other duties to do while on here......If that "hurt your feelings" i am sorry..

Secondly, I STILL believe you are Riggs, because you act just like him....However, i DID NOT MAKE any mistake, you started another "attention getting" thread, asking a MOD to prove who you were...u asked if your ip's were the same....THEY WERE EXACTLY the same, so i posted that...HENCE, ITS NOT A MISTAKE....I didnt make it up, they were exact match....Now Wil pointed out they were aol, which can happen if u are posting from the same area....And i acknowledged that in your thread.....You then proceeded to call me names.....I edited that out, since we dont do that in our sports forums, and told you not to ask a question, if u dont want the answer....You then proceeded to go back and edit that, since it was still within 10 minutes, AND I LET THAT SLIDE........

You then STARTED ANOTHER THREAD IN OUR SPORTS FORUM, about the same drama, and i MOVED IT to where it belongs.....We keep the sports forums here clean of that crap, and want to keep sports discussions brewing, not the soap operas....

So if u feel you have been treated wrong, or "picked on", maybe you should go back and look at your own actions....

As for me being threatened by you, or your seeking attention, that comment doesnt even deserve a response.....

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
and now in keeping with the "correct thing to do" i will move my own thread to the rubber room, because it is no longer about baseball, which is what it was INTENDED to be.....


New member
Apr 25, 2005
Go Yanks! i cant bet with them as of yet but i see the real team power comin out soon! then it will be all :money8: in our pockets!!!!!!!

Jun 5, 2005
Ego, I love guys like you. Starting Sh_T that has nothing to do with you. That's a crony for sure! As for my record, it's all right there (DOCUMENTED) every last win B_tch! :finger:

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
damn, if i had a dollar for everytime i've been called a name over the computer, lol.

I'm gonna turn the other cheek since the horse is already dead. GL in the future Jet :ok:

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
The Jet:

Dude, No Matter If You Are Right Or Not, Some Posters Can Do No Wrong In The Minds Of The Majority Of Squares Who Visit This Site....some Guys Think If They Kiss Ass On Here Its Gonna Pay Off Somehow..lol..cant Figure It Out...peace...

There Are Some One Hit Wonders That Post At This Site Now..

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