Like the Prescription, MajorWager has been diligently trying to scour the scum from our site.
Beanclownjim likes to blame the owners buckling under pressure from Cascade for banning him, and though I'd like to take 100% credit for that kill, it was actually a gang-gong. Good riddance. Anyone who thinks bookmakers call "watchdogs" and demand certain posters be banned, well, it's just not happening.
Of course, some scammers are "better" than others, and sometimes good posters get upset with us.. a very unfortunate aspect of "weeding". Maybe they don't like to admit they were taken in? I dunno...
AK47/OLM was banned for the Nazi flag sig, and allowed back eventually, because I gave him benefit of the doubt. I have probably cut this guy as much slack as anyone. His pleas for help at MW were delegated to the Canteen, and locked. They were posted from a library in Kansas City. I remember telling the Shrink about it at the time.. how I felt like a bully banning a library IP, and just couldn't pull the trigger. I can't remember when he was actually banned for good.. probably about the time he started badmouthing us at other sites. And so it goes.
I'm a professional. I don't want backpats. I just want scammers exposed.