Oh How slim you are the man!

Something wrong with the way this thread is displayed, but it is not locked.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Contrary to your beliefs i am probably more civilized thatn 99% of the posters here. Albeit it's kinda funny that I'm more tame in the RR than in the main forum huh? Anyway, since we are just chatting amongst ourselves why not a response? It seems everytime i get serious with you you shut it down. Then when i get angry and voice an opinion in the forum you come running in and say to tone it down.

Another thread that my bud "R.C" had doubts about that i would like you to check out and reply to. May i send it to you and will you reply this time?
My problem is that I know Slim.He is truely a class individual and very knowledgable about the industry.Don't know what your history with him but don't think he deserves the personal attacks.
Actually, most everyone is more "civil" in rubber room, a trend most regulars have noted.

I don't want you "following" aka "stalking" posters, as you are doing to Cecil in the main forum.

You "get into it" with a poster on one thread about an issue, fine, that sometimes happens.

But posters following each other around to other threads to bring up crap that happened two threads ago I am not going to have happen.

This childish behavior just phucks up the forum for people who are interested in more than "what poster likes what poster".

There is no reason for you to attack Cecil in the "Watchdogs get together" thread for instance. The thread is NOT about you and Cecil, and I won't allow it to be.

Do you understand what I am talking about?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
here of there? How bout' both!

The personal attacks only come from when someone STARTS something with me by cracking some snide remark that is unjust.

Topic started by Dell Dude 08-02-02:

I am in a unique and awkward position

Now Peep please be impartial and look at this with an open mind. I would like you to be a man and hold you at your word and i will do the same. If I am out of line with my comment i will leave your forum and ride off into the sunset. If i'm correct however; i would like you to personally accept me for what I am a true advocate for the gambler. Since that is your "job" here; to filter out the good from the bad, then please take actions whether they be positive or negative.

Dell came into the forum with a question and My INITIAL and SECONDARY responses were ones made from the heart and with true considerations of the mans situation. It only escaladed into a personal attack when I was "clowned" and told that my information was deemed useless and that DEll would do whatever he wanted? Why don't you repremand Dell for asking rhetorical questions?
Here is my original post with regards to Dell's problem:

Good for you!
I'm glad to see that for once Dell you're using your head in these situations. Take the night off and regroup for tommorow. The games on the board will be there in the morning, I promise you!

now Peep, is that in any way negative or bringing down the level of discussion?

Then Slim and Cecil have to chime in with comments and by not understanding the entire thread turn the serious discussion into a full out war.

Please respond and let me know if I have a legitimate complaint or give me the boot!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Your friend Slim makes a comment to me about how I like to put down other posters. This comes form only my lack of respect for the POSTER who is totally ignorant with the inner workings in the field of sprots wagering.

Now tell me this is a forum for GAMBLING! It is not a diary for one to spew their life experiences upon. If your frind Slim is so knowlegable in this field of GAMBLING then why does he start the mundane topics that are listed above. I'm by no means trying to be a smart-ass nor am I being condescending in my rhetoric, but please answer by question.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Time to go to the movies and hope Dell's picks eat SH*T.

When i return John i'm sure you'll have plenty to say on the subject. Are you planning on upgrading from Detective to Chief of Police someday?
The Rx set up different forums for different things.There are areas to talk strictly betting and areas to discuss other topics that you find mundane{totally within you rights}but are of interest to some of the rest of us.I realize there are many topics specific to Costa Rica.Of course these would only be of interest to those of us down here.There are many threads that hold no interest to me.I simply don't read them.If you find no value to Slim's threads,ignore them instead of starting shit.JMO.
If this forum was strictly Sports wagering it would be one boring fricking site. It would have about ten threads with titles like, Anybody know a good book for football ect... As judge said I am not sure your history with the poster called slim, but I am pretty sure he did'nt deserve a thread with this type of abuse. I have said this a thousand times if you don't like the poster don't read the post. If it is strictly serious topics your after they are pretty easy to find, hell I found ten of them in the main forum. If you want serious answers just post a serious Question, there are plenty of people here to help including slim. Some of us, like slim, eat, breathe, and sleep sports and sometimes like to just ramble. There are others that just don't take gambling that serious. But either way good luck to you

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I could not profess my apology anymore than I am about to now. The way you gentlemen have expressed how the forum is set-up has enlightened me 100%. I AM TRULY SORRY FOR THE COMMENTS MAY HAVE BEEN HARSH, BUT I WAS JUST VENTING SOME ANGER ON THE IDIOTIC WAYS PEOPLE CHOOSE TO GAMBLE! I'm just like you guys and truly want to see the players clean up!! Isn't that why we're here! I know some friendly relationships may come about from these forums, but I'm not here for that. I just want people to win money and not be taken advantage of. THAT'S IT! NOTHING ELSE. NO HIDDEN AGENDAS!

I see how you guys feel but I have yet to see any correspondence form the employee's of this sight nor have seen hide nor hare from the owner who should be the first to respond to complaints. If SLim is out there I apologize to you for ripping you (albeit some of your posts are way out there bud!)

With my closing once again thank you for stating what I've been doing wrong and I REALLY look forward to having a "writing relationship" with both of you gentlemen. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif
No problem buddy. There are people in this forum that piss me off too. There are people here I would'nt read their post if I were on the crapper. Then there are posters like Butch who you almost feel sorry for. Slim actually worked for a book and can be imformative at times.
Stick around football is right around the corner and things get a little better, but the flames get a little higher too, hence The Rubber Room

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I don't mind posting "down here" where just the "hardcore" folks use this room. I'm not here to get praise from anyone on how my posts are funny , creative or clever. I want people to look at my posts and say, "WOw!, I wish I knew that BEFORE I signed up with Book XXX." People that post in the main forum are what I call "attention whores" All they want is someone to agree with or flame them. And as you know I fall into the latter!

Have a good night Dicky and someday I'll talk with ya "upstairs."
No problem whatsoever.Like having you around.Doesn't piss me off how stupid people are with their betting,only amazes me.Have tried to give advice but find for the most part people won't listen.As I have always said "you can't tell nobody nothing."Good luck and look forward to your continued posting.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Thank's for taking the time to explain to me how things work around here! I was under the assumption that the RX was about gambling alone! Never realizing that other topics were prevelant. I know that sounds stupid but it's the truth. Have a nice time in CR and apologize to SLIM for me and tell him that I need a good burger/taco joint here in the states any recomendations? Gotta go to work so I can afford to pay for my little "feud" with the DEll ****!

Have a nice day! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

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