Oh How slim you are the man!


New member
Sep 21, 2004

I have to say that the list of contributions and topic starters you have made to the RX is second to none!!! Here we go and don't forget to keep them coming!!

1. Rambling about Don Best being down!! (thanks!)
2. A couple of Soccer threads (wow soccer! like anyone cares)
3. Earthquakes in Cost Rica (gambling forum not weather channel)
4. You are begging to see pictures of someone else's wife. (since you can't get a girl on your own!)
5. How you miss another guy! (homo?)
6. GEE! a gambling realated topic! Pedro -470 (nothing to say)
7. I was wondering about a 75 pt 75 team teaser that pays 1-5 anyone interested? (just stupid!)
8. CFL (wow! like anyone cares part II)
We now move into your culinary interests!
9/10. Tacos and Burgers (gambling forum not food channel)
11. (my favorite) Hoping someone else in home on a Saturday night besides my loser self! (you posted it you live with it)
12. Making up your own language. (what a fcking joke!)
13.Writing a rambling 1000 line post begging for $500 (desperate)
14. How to get a job

Well, that my synopsis of your contributions to this forum. The point of this forum is to help people with gambling related questions and as you see you add NOTHING that has to do with gambling! Just your lonely everyday questions!

if you have something to discuss gambling related I would be more than happy to discuss anything with you. If you want to know about tacos and the CFL and gay men and how to work and the weather then I will continue to flame you until you flame no more!

/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Jury is still out on whether there is a forum for you JJ.

Off hand, have you contributed anything besides attack posts so far?

Don't remember anything, refresh my memory if you would.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
This seems like genuine concern for all involved!

I have to admit I don't know ANYTHING about this thread, but I do have to laugh at one post.

I find it utterly amazing that a guy who proudly professes that he scams, lies, cheats and is the biggest deadbeat around is calling someone a liar!!

DELL DUDE--For a guy who can't even scrape together $100 w/o writing bad checks I would stay away from calling anyone names! I wonder what check systems calls you?
This seems constructive as well-

RE-Hash from a month ago!

Originally posted last month and i received plenty of crap from the usual posters. Funny how the books listed here where the ones that I said. So the final up yours goes to Peep and all of his crappy books that he pushes with the bonusses! Stick with the big boys and forget all the others.

Of course Peep--

Lucky, if you use these books I can guarantee that you will be able to sleep like a baby and NEVER worry about your money. Afterall, what good is it to have much the better of the line if the payout is never to come?


The only two to deal with. Forget all of these other bullshi*t shops that are trying to entice you Lucky with bonusses/smonusses! With the two above mentioned books you get what is expected of a "bookie" and isn't that what you want a "bookie" and not some gimmick! With these shops you get the following:

1) You can place your bet
2) The amount is up to you
3) Lines that are fair and consistent
4) Service that is professional
And #5 the all-important one that folks at the RX deem "semi-critical"
5) You get paid when you win when you want!!!

Remember Lucky winning is only half of the equation collecting is the other half and with these books you're already half way home!!

how bout this one?

V-Wager picks up all fees over $200. Plus, they are on the recommended list(if that's worth anything). Nice smallish book, but I think that they're perfect for what you're looking for.


John, this one was my favorite. a 100% legitimate answer to a very important question and no replies! See what happens when you try to be serious in the forum?

that would be a great solution to all the problems we have been having offshore lately. One would think that all of these "licensed" countries would have such a commission established. Unfortunately, they do not. i still don't fully understand all these books making the claim that they are "licensed" What the F*CK exactly does that mean. My personal opinion is that licensing=sanctioning.

And we all know how much we trust those sanctioning bodies---WBA, WBC, IBF!!!!

If the offshore practice is to be put on the up and up level of Vegas there has to be some sort of commission like the Nevada Gaming Commission who all casinos have to answer to or fear a revocation of their licenses. The offshore industry has no such authority to answer to, thus the scamming of players and monies alike will continue until such an authority is put in place.

is that enough?

i could talk about how my dog licks it's nuts all night long! That should get about 200 or 300 hits!
Supplamentary question for the right honorable member:

Did you have a different ID before this one?
Get rid of this guy!

BTW, I don't know what happened Peep. I had the first reply in this thread, and you locked it right after I posted then it dissapeared...


New member
Sep 21, 2004
That's why you get paid the big bucks!

Not only are you the house moderator, but also the house DICK(no pun intended!)

as you would say--- hehehehehehehehehe
Maybe it got lost in the moving process, I think that is one of the "dangers" of moving threads.

jj, I don't bother with IP's, but I will hazzard three guesses.

1. "Yes" you are a re-born banned.
2. You haven't learned anything from the experience, as a matter of fact you are posting dumber than you used to.
3. Your previous initials were "R.C".

How did the "house dick" do?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If the Canadian Mounties ever run out of forensic dicks I'd nominate you as the Senior officer!

Btw don't forget to tell Dell that I'll be waiting for his picks. i've been having trouble this week so I figured I might as well let him "pick" for me.

On a serious note. Any reason why the serious threads get no play but the meaningless ones are full of replies?
2 hours or less +600

12 hours +300

24 hours even

36 hours +200

A week or more +900

Place your bets folks... /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

New member
Sep 21, 2004
What's the over/under on the amount of dogs and cats that you've eaten in your lifetime?

10 even

11 -1000

cecil you're such a ****ing loser let me fade your picks!
I think people come here for information and entertainment.

I don't really see the goofing overwhelming the serious stuff, rather I see a blend of the two.

And of course they want to know if their books are doing O.K., if there is a problem they want to know about it ASAP, and information of this nature will hit the boards first.

I am not sure how you differeniate between "serious" and "non-serious" threads. The Pro 5 and Betmega threads both contain serious information for bettors, yet both have many flames of a "non-serious" nature.

We set up "Technical Handicapping" as a place for serious bettors to talk about stategies, and linesmaker types seem to like it at least as much as the players, they can learn how to set a tougher number.

And the rubber room is a lot of goofing, yet serious stuff gets discussed here too.....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Now if you would please look at my last thread content when my buddy "R.C" posted about sanctioning. Now isn't that the SINGLE most important issue in the industry? What else is more important than regulation and governing? It sure as hell can't be bonusses? But, as I have said in the past when a topic that is not revolving around some stupid kids parlay nor a guy with a personal flaming vendetta the topic seems to be ignored and on with the irrelevant BS.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
While I have you alone(that sounds so wrong!). Look at the start of this thread and the topics that Slim starts. What do they have to do with gambling? But, they are allowed to stay because he's not abrasive like myself. Vanilla is not going to make things exciting around here. Don't forget everyone needs a little chocolate in the cone of life. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

p.s The only guy to see the post liked it! It was not meant to be funny, rather it was meant to point out to all the so called "know-it-alls" that their posts are just if not more ridiculous then mine!
Can you give me a link to the thread?

Or, if you don't do links, just do a post on it and "bring it forward" in the main forum, I'll look at it.

I like what Pariaction/All-World/Fort Knox is doing to insure the safety of our money, having it in a separate account and hiring an auditor to check it.
I think a few people have found your Slim post funny, but I have a policy of keeping "personal attack" posts in here.

Matrak's post about Butch was funny also, I moved it as soon as I saw it.

I like to keep the offshore forum about "objective" issues.

It's all judgement calls to some degree. My moderating style is different than most, I will grant that.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Does this service exist? Topic started 7/22.

is this what you wanted?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
you really have to know the beginning of the war to be able to fully understand the context of the "inane thread". BTW being on the bench you should have more objectivity with your posts. What law school did you go to before deciding to go into the judicial field? /infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif

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