Thanks! UNC running out the clock fumble away from that extra win that may be needed.
How is the Western Kentucky game counted as a loss when in week one the ULM/Georgia game under the same circumstances was graded as a push? (see post #'s 43, 46, 47 & 49) Even though last year we were permitted an alternate selection the following week to replace the game in question, we ought to be consistent within the same year/season at the least.
Is next week the last week?
JOH...I believe I should be graded 3-3 for week 12....
why is W. Kentucky graded as loss? JOH, can you please check?
Check yeah RIDICULOUS having to deal with this extra thing to think about "Who stumps taking" as if we don't have enough on our plates just trying to stay alive on this planet as if our lives aren't stressfilled enough already he should just TELL us who he's taking and especially because its Thanksgiving.
At first I'm like "Damn these are a lotta Friday games" bummed about them not on the slate but after looking at them more closely I'm Giving Thanks because theres some Dangerous Games in there....Land Mines.
For me at least better that temptation, to play those games, be removed. Though I'm pretty sure Navy is gonna whup the tar outta Houston.
So is much of the rest of the planet though. And we know how that often goes. Examplification.
Stunning Thing is I believe there was a time midseason where I literally lost 10 "marquee matchups" in a row (and mainly SEC)...your larger conference games...may have been Eleven. Linesman done whooped my ass this year on that "big stuff". Overall I'm probably 4-16 there. Its does one even accomplish that?