Sorry Scott, but it is no canard, it is truth. If you're annoyed by the truth, so be it. Bush destabilized the area by taking out Sadaam. And if you don't think killing innocent civilians in the process of trying to kill terrorists doesn't create more terrorists you are quite naive.
Wow, stellar argument Guesser. You're really stepping it up. Yeah, call me naive when you're the epitome of naivete. "Criticize" Obama whenever he steps to the Right of Kucinich, and then pat yourself on the back for being "moderate" while you're guarding the line in Left field.
You are completely clueless. We aren't killing innocents. We are killing people to prevent them from killing innocents. People who write "N" for "Nazarene" on Christian's doors to warn them they'll be back tomorrow so prepare to convert or die. So they flee into the mountains or wherever they hope they'll be safe. And you say we should just let them be killed or starved, by the SCUM that's coming for us next.
You have some fucked up thought process Guesser. Pure naivety. Saddam and his sons were just going to go away. AQ was no threat. We "Created" them. Then we "Created" ISIS. And if we leave them alone to slaughter their way through the Middle East they're just going to go away after that, right? So better to leave these people to starve on the mountain.
And you have the nerve to call Dave a "Terrorist supporting POS" while you spew from the Terrorist's Propaganda Playbook? Now go pop a balloon. Maybe you'll create two more balloons when you do.