"The fact that this was an attack on journalists, attack on our free press, also underscores the degree to which these terrorists fear freedom of speech and freedom of the press," Obama said
"But the one thing that I'm very confident about is that the values that we share with the French people, a belief a universal belief in the freedom of expression, is something that can't be silenced because of the senseless violence of the few," he added.
Obama later telephoned French President Francois Hollande from Air Force One en route to Detroit for a speech. Obama offered his condolences and expressed solidarity with Hollande and the people of France, the White House said in a statement. Obama also offered help from the United States as France tries to bring the perpetrators of the attack, and any possible accomplices, to justice.Hollande thanked Obama for his support and updated the president on steps to care for victims and arrest those responsible, the White House said
Obama called France one of America's strongest allies in dealing with terrorists and said they had been with the U.S. "every moment" since the Sept. 11 attacks.
"For us to see the kind of cowardly evil attacks that took place today I think reinforces once again why it's so important for us to stand in solidarity with them, just as they stand in solidarity with us," Obama said.
Obama said he would be talking with Kerry about protecting Americans living across the globe. Later, Obama counterterrorism adviser Lisa Monaco told MSNBC that there's no evidence of any threat to U.S. personnel in Paris.
Kerry, who has visited Paris more than any other foreign city as America's top diplomat, spoke earlier from the
State Department in both English and French to offer America's support.
"I would like to say directly to the people of Paris and of all of France that each and every American stands with you today not just in horror or in anger or in outrage at this vicious act of violence but we stand with you in solidarity and in commitment both to the cause of confronting extremism and in the cause which the extremists fear so much," Kerry said