Yeah, probably should've left your wife out of it, my apologies. I don't insult you for things you can't control, such as race or sexuality. If you think it's cool to tell someone you perceive to be a self-loathing gay man "any luck finding cock" or "I'll buy you some cock" as an insult then I don't really know what to tell you. I really did try to give you the benefit of the doubt for the longest time, but I just can't anymore. That said, I do really mean it when I say Merry Christmas and enjoy the time with your family.
A buddy of mine was pulled over by a white policeman for an apparent traffic violation when we were young. He argued with the officer, saying he did nothing wrong. He repeatedly asked for the officer's badge number. The officer said "I'm going to let you go with a warning, but if you ask me for my badge number one more time I'm going to arrest you".
My buddy then asked "what's your badge number?".
Guess what, he was arrested and when friends went to bail him out you could hear him screaming from the back room. They kicked the shit out of him, they even chipped a tooth.
The story is still a classic, even decades later.
Was that racism? of course not. It was my buddy being a jackass and he may not have deserved to get his ass kicked, but he was certainly asking for it.
If that happened to a black man, liberals would call it racism. I'd call it the very same thing I have called it for 30 years or so, idiocy.
if a white man robs a convenience store or assaults an officer or resists arrest, he's going to suffer the very same consequences a black man would. To think otherwise is ............."libtarded"
every action has a reaction, I would suggest people act more responsibly
pretty simple, dont break the law, punishment and death go way back for breaking the law, not sure why all the fuss in this thread
bring back public hanging or harsher punishment, maybe those idiots will think again before robbery, assault, rape, murder
I had a brother 2 years older than me and growing up our best friends that we knew since I was 5 years old were black. They were the same ages as my brother and I. We grew up together and did everything together. When my brother was about 22, he and Jack(the older friend) were out together partying and having fun driving around when a cop decided to pull them over for some reason.(I don't recall the reason but not really relevant to story). Jack, who was driving decided to be stupid and not pull over and attempted to out run the cops. Jack was very good driver and before long more than one cop was chasing them and a roadblock was setup. Jack busted thru the roadblock and they were on their way to getting away, when the car got caught up on a gas price sign when he failed to make a turn and went off the road slightly. About 6-8 white cops caught up with them and were obviously pissed off at what had just happened. They took my brother out of car, handcuffed him and threw him in the backseat of a cops car and told him to stay down. The pulled Jack out and proceeded to kick the crap out of him. My brother got caught looking once and a cop came over and hit him on the back of the head 2 times with the handle of his gun while calling my brother a " ****** lover". He then went back and joined the other cops beating on Jack.A buddy of mine was pulled over by a white policeman for an apparent traffic violation when we were young. He argued with the officer, saying he did nothing wrong. He repeatedly asked for the officer's badge number. The officer said "I'm going to let you go with a warning, but if you ask me for my badge number one more time I'm going to arrest you".
My buddy then asked "what's your badge number?".
Guess what, he was arrested and when friends went to bail him out you could hear him screaming from the back room. They kicked the shit out of him, they even chipped a tooth.
The story is still a classic, even decades later.
Was that racism? of course not. It was my buddy being a jackass and he may not have deserved to get his ass kicked, but he was certainly asking for it.
If that happened to a black man, liberals would call it racism. I'd call it the very same thing I have called it for 30 years or so, idiocy.
if a white man robs a convenience store or assaults an officer or resists arrest, he's going to suffer the very same consequences a black man would. To think otherwise is ............."libtarded"
every action has a reaction, I would suggest people act more responsibly
This is the kind of mentality in many parts of america. I blame bad parenting for this...and then they pass off the same nonSense to their own kids and the wheels of the bus go round and round.
Wow, did you really just quote a guy and put down his parents because he typed "pretty simple, don't break the law".
Yeah, bad parenting, teaching your kids not to break the law. I do the same thing what am I thinking?
Then you call it "nonsense". That's frigging awesome!
Oh so you jumped to an outrageous conclusion and made up stuff about his post that he never said.Im pretty sure the public hanging and death for small crimes punishable by a ticket is the part i was refering to.
Let's put it this way..if you tell your kids the cops should kill you if you commit a crime...thats not good parenting
Great story and is 100% correctA buddy of mine was pulled over by a white policeman for an apparent traffic violation when we were young. He argued with the officer, saying he did nothing wrong. He repeatedly asked for the officer's badge number. The officer said "I'm going to let you go with a warning, but if you ask me for my badge number one more time I'm going to arrest you".
My buddy then asked "what's your badge number?".
Guess what, he was arrested and when friends went to bail him out you could hear him screaming from the back room. They kicked the shit out of him, they even chipped a tooth.
The story is still a classic, even decades later.
Was that racism? of course not. It was my buddy being a jackass and he may not have deserved to get his ass kicked, but he was certainly asking for it.
If that happened to a black man, liberals would call it racism. I'd call it the very same thing I have called it for 30 years or so, idiocy.
if a white man robs a convenience store or assaults an officer or resists arrest, he's going to suffer the very same consequences a black man would. To think otherwise is ............."libtarded"
every action has a reaction, I would suggest people act more responsibly