So Mr.Obama basically blaming the whites. How about the blacks that bully and intimidate every white person they see? Nevermind walking through a black neighborHOOD. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against blacks. Some of my best friends and colleagues are black but racism goes both ways. Both sides need to meet in the middle not just us pandering and saying sorry for another few decades. Hell, my father and his father and so on weren't even slave owners so I don't even have anything to be apologetic about. Sensitive towards their history and issues yes, apologetic no.
Its always Darkest right before Dawn and, if you've ever noticed, it also gets most Cold for some reason
right before the sun comes up.
The generation that is around 10 years old right now and younger, they will come to view this moment in time, this period of history we're living in right now as the final ringing of the bell of Extreme Ignorance. On certain matters.
When they grow to be 35yrs old + their view of us, our squabbles and how we interacted with one another will (historically) seem to them to be very very Primitive.
Great Grand-children of that generation will look back upon us as we view those that existed during the time of The Crusades.
We, yeah, live in a time that is similar to falling into a shit-filled Septic Tank but whats coming is totally different than this.
I agree with our Great-Grandkids and their kids 100%, We were absolutely Primal where that is defined as relating to an early primitive stage in evolutionary development that is difficult to comprehend as relates to exactly how those who existed during that time could possible have been so desperately stupid.
Gets vastly better though, eventually. "darkest before dawn".....its not
just a Cliche.