Fabricating lies about WMDs that result in hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars is no big deal but a joke made in poor taste is an outrage?hno:
Bowling a 126 is below special olympics because im pretty sure most people in the special olympics could bowl atleast a 130 if not better. He must only mark between 3 and 4 frames..... In all seriousness I dont find this a big deal at all. He was trying to be funny on a Late show. Get over it.
Obama wisely emulating behavior of President Clinton who took time out of his 1992 campaign schedule to appear on Arsenio Hall's late night show at the height of its popularity.
Just laying the needed bricks to help lock in the full eight years
I don't give a shit about it personally. But I will say that it says something about the man that he would drop that statement so casually about the handicapped in conversation. Kind of like talking with an old-timer who just drops a racial slur in regular conversation. It just seems to be part of his vocabulary and not a big deal to him.
I do agree that if somone like Rush had said that same statement, there would be an outcry from Maddow, Keith Obamaman, and Matthews. There would be protests and cries to fire that insensitive prick. I also agree w/ GTC08 that we are raising an entire generation of pussies with all this not keeping score, and everyone is a winner (no matter how much you suck) attitude. Here's your medal for ninth place.
But Fuck it, Dumb comment. Let's move on.
like i said, i'm in my 20's so i've been programmed to be a wimp by my parents who told me never to say anything without consent because whatever i say could offend anyone, just like 99 percent of parents who have kids my age and under now.
it's been programmed into your head, and that is your generations fault, the parents born in the 50's and on.
now here were talking about passing anti-bullying legislation in minnesota which would protect those being bullied because of race, religion, sex. you all will say that's great, nobody can be bullied, lets hold hands and sing camp songs.
now your parent would kick your ass if you told him you were getting bullied in school because he wouldn't want to hear it. you take things into your own hands, deal with it, that's life. that's what your dad would tell you. now in 2009 dad says let's get a lawyer, sue the school.
now my generation doesn't know how to deal with the real world because our parents have put us in these protective bubbles. now we expect everything. deserve to be given everything, met with no objections, etc. that is bad news, and will only get worse after my generation passes it on.
I don't give a shit about it personally. But I will say that it says something about the man that he would drop that statement so casually about the handicapped in conversation. Kind of like talking with an old-timer who just drops a racial slur in regular conversation. It just seems to be part of his vocabulary and not a big deal to him.
I do agree that if somone like Rush had said that same statement, there would be an outcry from Maddow, Keith Obamaman, and Matthews. There would be protests and cries to fire that insensitive prick. I also agree w/ GTC08 that we are raising an entire generation of pussies with all this not keeping score, and everyone is a winner (no matter how much you suck) attitude. Here's your medal for ninth place.
But Fuck it, Dumb comment. Let's move on.
Perhaps this explains his unusual reliance on the teleprompter.
Even Obama's press conference's are scripted. Why can't he just talk to us? Perhaps we now know why.