I dont think its right for daughters to go off of my paycheck... but when they start bring EXTENDED family on a regular basis, thats just wrong and taking advantage.
Decades. If a Cuban centric Mutual fund comes out, it would be a great addition to a smart portfolio. Great move by Obama, and another example of why diplomacy is the only hope.
Sources on the island said some Cubans gathered spontaneously after the speech to demand the rights enumerated in it, only to be brutally repressed by the Castro security forces. Yet the president not only did not leave in protest, but he failed to voice any objections or even mention it, at least publicly.
Indeed, during the three days of the Obama visit, dissidents were beaten, arrested, dragged through streets, stripped naked, and threatened with the rape of their daughters. Dissident leader Antonio Rodiles, himself beaten and detained on Monday along with his wife, told me the Obama visit had occasioned “a festival of repression.”
It is surreal that everything you say on this Web site turns out to be the 100% opposite of reality. I've never seen anyone this dumb. Anywhere.
He just keeps exposing himself. I suppose that’s what happens when you’re a lame duck president and you don’t have to lie any longer.
President Obama has stoked controversy after he suggested to an audience of Argentinian youth that there was no great difference between communism and capitalism and that they should just “choose from what works”.
Obama went on to praise Cuba’s socialist system under dictator Raúl Castro, touting the country’s free access to basic education and health care, although he acknowledged that Havana itself “looks like it did in the 1950s” because the economy is “not working”.
My guess is that most Cubans under the age of 50 are very much for the opening of relations with the US. Change will come slow, but it will come. Incredible potential there for development. We'll see.
The times I was there Scott, the younger Cubans were eager to talk to me and ask about the US. The older people did not want to talk to me. The younger generations seemingly do not buy into the Castro bullshit. To the old people, he still is God.
For the older who remained Judge, Stockholm Syndrome I guess. However the older ones that fled and made it here have no such nostalgic feelings toward Castro. They tell very painful stories of what he put their families through.