1993 Trade Center bombing
1995 Saudi bombing of our military
1996 Khobar Towers bombing
1998 Embassy bombings
2000 US Cole attack
Living in peace, or did Clinton make the US a cowardly gutless punching bag for terrorists?
And yeah, it pisses me off that Clinton used the Oval Office as his place to get fat ugly chicks to suck his tiny chicken shit dick while he chats with US Senators on the phone. Using ugly p***y for cigar dipping, shooting his loads on dresses and lying to us all, wagging his finger in our faces, actually wondering what the definition of "is" is, and humiliating and disgracing his family on an international level.
It pisses me off that the only time this coward, do nothing, lying, cheating dirtbag of a President actually decides to use our military force, it's because Cumstain-gate was about to hit the front pages and he needed something to replace it.
As for as those being prosperous years, no credit goes to Democrats because no President can control an economy's performance. The Nazi Party could have held the Presidency and those 8 years still would have been prosperous.