I'm hoping Houston wins by at least 3 points so I can have a nice middle. I got greedy.........Wash has only won 5 games so I figured they will find some way to lose it.
Of course I only bet a smaller amount on Hoston 2nd half......I'm not stupid to risk a sure winner.
THANKS AGAIN.What you are seeing is special.Now where are all the little jealous cry babies.P you could have gotten 11 to 1 on the money line.It doesnt get any better:grandmais
I have been making good money with these plays.......if I post the plays that means I'm on them as well. Naturally you should follow until it starts to lose a few but so far that has not been happening. If it starts turning bad I will slow down posting them. Meanwhile keep jumping on them.........
Guys lets all police this thread everyday as i have sent several bashers posts to the mods by clicking on the little red triangle in the lower left corner of their post & tell the mod why you sent it such as bashing. LETS MAKE THIS A JOINT EFFORT EVERY DAY, Thank You All