first of all, I think you are avery sad and lonely little fella. Did Mr. Newlywed offend you?
Any and ALL RX'ers already Mr.NW is a major BS'er. His post are meaning less and should be treated that way .
You on the other hand , are quite a little Asshole !!!
I bet $100 that you have a tiny little wienner and you probably play with it 3-5 times a day right there where your setting this very moment.................................................................................................................
makes you stop and think a little bit huh? LITTLE BIT .....thats your new name on this site.......
All in favor of changing this losers name to "LITTLE BIT" ( due to the astonishingly small size of his penis).
Say "I"
Thank You,
first of all, I think you are avery sad and lonely little fella. Did Mr. Newlywed offend you?
Any and ALL RX'ers already Mr.NW is a major BS'er. His post are meaning less and should be treated that way .
You on the other hand , are quite a little Asshole !!!
I bet $100 that you have a tiny little wienner and you probably play with it 3-5 times a day right there where your setting this very moment.................................................................................................................
makes you stop and think a little bit huh? LITTLE BIT .....thats your new name on this site.......
All in favor of changing this losers name to "LITTLE BIT" ( due to the astonishingly small size of his penis).
Say "I"
Thank You,