Now DJT stock down 16% post debate, I told you MAGAt's this was happening


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump now has some guy acting like a presidential military aide caring around a fake nuclear football? I wonder if he has a fake biscuit in his shirt pocket. LMFAO

Military aides are usually uniformed, I guess trump couldn't get one for this guy from the Party Store.

The nation got to see a deranged, unhinged 78 year old lunatic last night. But, last night it was different, she diminished him in a way that was palpable. It was like we all were invited into a room and got to see 1st hand just how insane he is. It's just like the military officers have describe him. We got to see what Mike Pence has been saying for 4 years now.

It would not surprise if trump has a fake nuke football to go along with his fake tan, fake hair, fake university, fake wife, fake weight, fake ear wound, fake net worth, fake crowds, ect, ect,ect.
Your narratives SUCK - totally divorced from reality.


It's a 75/25 country.


FREE and FAIR elections again...

Just imagine...


Oct 18, 2017
We'll, on a positive note, you'll have $3000 in loses you can write off every year into perpetuity, thoughts and prayers. LOL

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
And to think that i sold ALL of my Disney Stock to buy DJT stock b/c jojo and magtrailer boy told me to.....

Gold, silver etc. and real estate are the only markets I advocate...assets with intrinsic value.

I own nothing fake on paper. NOTHING.

The market is currently at least 50% overvalued, so anyone with assets tied up in that FED-INDUCED bubble is going to lose everything when it crashes.

Oct 18, 2017
I'm sorry Joe, what paper currency do you hold those assets in? Rubles, Yuan, Peso, Dong, Kip, Pound, Euro, Swiss Frank?

What is golds intrinsic value and why is it valued higher than silver in every currency

Oct 18, 2017
While your Googling my earlier question about gold. Take a crack at how do you define the Market? Also how do you define a markets value? lastly if the market is over valued as you claim, what is it overvalued against?

No hurries I know google searches on poor residential internet feeds can be horrible. Even for folks like yourself with NSA connections.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I'm sorry Joe, what paper currency do you hold those assets in? Rubles, Yuan, Peso, Dong, Kip, Pound, Euro, Swiss Frank?

What is golds intrinsic value and why is it valued higher than silver in every currency
When the market crashes, you will be locked out as all the big fish will run over you on their way to the exits. Historically that always happens.

"But Joe, xyz yielded 15% last year!" 🤡

So it's legit because it made money in the short term? That's just STUPID!

There are mathematical fundamental objective formulas that measure a share's intrinsic value. And right now, the market is AT LEAST 50% overvalued.

And the reason it's overvalued is because it's all that illicit wealth can be traced back to insider trading/naked short selling...trillions and trillions and trillions worth.

That's the truth.

Billy Walters went to jail for basically saying Wall Street is a totally RIGGED casino.

The NSA has all that information and more. Every CEO resignation or big fish you see selling off/liquidating assets, celebs selling homes below market value etc. Even the Rothschilds are auctioning off their prized treasures...

Those are the good guys going after all the criminals, one by one.

Oct 18, 2017
Well ya tried at least. I was expecting a quick exit with zero effort. Good on ya boy. But, it was a pretty lame answer, Big Fish, more intrinsic value with no definition.

So are those supposed assets like Gold and Silver are priced in paper Dollars? Your real-estate is valued in rubles?

short term 15% Joe, where have you been, we're up close to 40% this year.

Google Apple's return from Dec 3rd 1997 til today, what would $10,000 have grown to? Let me help you $13,000,000

How many times has Apple been over valued in those 25 years based on your objective formula of intrinsic value. LMFAO

it's close to 195,000%

Aug 5, 2021
Well ya tried at least. I was expecting a quick exit with zero effort. Good on ya boy. But, it was a pretty lame answer, Big Fish, more intrinsic value with no definition.

So are those supposed assets like Gold and Silver are priced in paper Dollars? Your real-estate is valued in rubles?

short term 15% Joe, where have you been, we're up close to 40% this year.

Google Apple's return from Dec 3rd 1997 til today, what would $10,000 have grown to? Let me help you $13,000,000

How many times has Apple been over valued in those 25 years based on your objective formula of intrinsic value. LMFAO

it's close to 195,000%
I was getting my Masters in 99 and Dr. Kadlecek was showing us around Apple Computers. He stopped the class and said " It would behoove all you professionals to buy Apple Stock at this price of $8. Instead I invested in a casino in Bridgeport which never came to fruition.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You're a clown. Total phony . Why are you even on anyone's payroll if you're so rich?

Narrative seeding... WTF is that? 🤡 Why not just TELL PEOPLE THE UNVARNISHED TRUTH?

Oh I know! Because your CORRUPT demonic masters HATE HUMANITY THAT MUCH!

You're posting at a desk on your break with an overbearing boss micromanaging your every move, while I'm on my deck typing away for fun overlooking the water....with all the watersports and off-roading toys any daredevil could want enjoying life.

You? Another TDS Soros cubicle slave hoping "THIS TIME WE GOT ORANGE MAN FOR REAL!!"

That's why you have to keep "changing names" - your previous "predictions" (like the recent one, DJT won't show for any DEBATES 🤡) end up like all the other previous TARD "predictions" on the record in the forum.

😂 😂 😂

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Look everyone!!

I made 20% on my portfolio this year thanks to the "Biden" economy!

Isn't that great??? Go Swifties!! Bring it home in Nov!! 🤡🤡🤡


What is inflation?

EVERYTHING the CRIMINAL Ds touch turns to SHIT!

FAKE currency is NOT REAL MONEY!

The Stupid! It Burns!

Sep 21, 2004
He thought he'd be a casino mogul.

Confirming he's basically a massive failure...
Yeah he tried. Apparently a lot of other casino owners thought the same including the big corporations. Trump casinos were the best in AC back in the day.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Trump now has some guy acting like a presidential military aide caring around a fake nuclear football? I wonder if he has a fake biscuit in his shirt pocket. LMFAO

Military aides are usually uniformed, I guess trump couldn't get one for this guy from the Party Store.

The nation got to see a deranged, unhinged 78 year old lunatic last night. But, last night it was different, she diminished him in a way that was palpable. It was like we all were invited into a room and got to see 1st hand just how insane he is. It's just like the military officers have describe him. We got to see what Mike Pence has been saying for 4 years now.

It would not surprise if trump has a fake nuke football to go along with his fake tan, fake hair, fake university, fake wife, fake weight, fake ear wound, fake net worth, fake crowds, ect, ect,ect.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
THINK about it logically..

If anything lawbreaker claimed were remotely true, people's of standard of living would be skyrocketing.

Is this happening? NO!

People used to be able to afford a family on a single income. Then it became double income. And now...well, the American Dream is pretty much out of reach for most.


Because all his "market" and "econ" and "asset" theories are BULLSHIT. The econ version of Alice in Wonderland.

Great, so your FAKE investment portfolio sitting in an untouchable account made 20% last year! Did you cash out? No? How come? I know the answer and you know the answer.

Meanwhile, you're getting RAPED in REAL WORLD DOLLARS on absolutely everything!

And by the time you're ready to liquify those "paper gains", including your 401k, they'll be wiped out after yet another market crash, just like 2008. Only this time, the govt is beyond broke and over leveraged, it won't be able to save itself, let alone you!

It's a controlled RIGGED game. The Central Banksters increase the money supply, their FAKE currency flows, the market goes up up up...and then they contract the money supply and the market CRASHES, while all that "Mainstreet" wealth and "market gains" flow into the coffers of the elite ruling class 1%.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

What is inflation? 👉Taxation without representation!

FAKE currency!
FAKE markets!
FAKE economics!
FAKE "politics"
FAKE "polls"
FAKE "experts"
FAKE "pandemics"
FAKE "science"
FAKE election rigging algorithms!
FAKE "narrative fosters"


If people understood how the system ACTUALLY WORKED from a practical REAL LIFE perspective, there would be a there should be.

"Fuck this, we've seen enough!!" - "Over 200 Generals and Admirals" who recruited Mister Trump

👇 👇 👇 👇


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

This clown has been here not even two weeks and already churning out some WHOPPERS!

🤡 Trump won't show for ANY debate
🤡Trump lost the debate
🤡Biden controls the military
🤡Trump will lose FL and OH - Cubans are abandoning Trump because of cats!
🤡The Mayor of DC federalized the National Guard
🤡No, was Mike Pence!
🤡I'm so rich that I still have a desk job working for the DNC
🤡Not only do I know they stole 2020, I know HOW they did it and ethically okay with it
🤡 Bidennomics >MAGAnomics
🤡 Beyonce and Swifties will bring it home for the "Educated Smart" Party in November!

Who needs FACTS, RECEIPTS and LOGIC when you have... :an_laugh:"narratives"🤡

"Narratives" nobody believes anymore.


The MOVIE by White Hat Productions keeps getting better and better...


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Oct 18, 2017
It's okay lil guy, ya tried to answer some simple economic questions. It's obvious you are a anarchists and a poorly educated one.

You say burn it all down, because it doesn't work for you. You have no assets, 401k's, wife, family, or higher education, thus you are mad and bitter. It's quite common in America, we reward winners and bury losers.

Yeah 200 Generals would broadcast their treason to a lil dude who haunts a pitiful small web site with tails of lore.

Have you look into professional help?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Lawbreaker says sell sell sell DJT Stock..

Sheriff Joe says 👉 BUY! BUY! BUY!

Oops! Di I just break my own rules/guidelines on dispensing stock advice? Seems so. However, in this case I'm making an exception because I want to WATCH YOU LOSE YOUR ASS PUBLICLY on this one!

Why? Am I that petty and vindictive?

Why, YES! Yes, I am! Not okay...NOT okay with RIGGED algorithms and traitors who sanction them.

That's not an "election", that's WAR 👉 WARTIME PRESIDENT!

Lawbreaker drives a financed bimmer pretending to be "rich", when in reality he's one pink slip and a few missed payments away from REPO MAN showing up to take it all away.

That's not "wealth" TARD, that's 👉 "You'll Own Nothing and Be Happy!"... stressful Biblically-unwise living.

Cash living, dept-free living is peaceful living. God living. Independence and Freedom!

Clown Swifty DNC cubicle slave.

Oct 18, 2017
Well actually I have a driver, but my wife and kids have cars. No bimmers we are more of a Mercedes family.

As for you, things seem a lil unhinged are you okay? Lots of caps, bold fonts, stilled sentences, run on sentences, kind of like Charles Manson used to talk.

The after market is open right now big fella, hop on in, the offer is $16.68 It ended today down 10.46%, it's down .72% in the after market. Our short dollar cost average is $54.71. Youll need DJT stock to increase 3.27 times to just get back to our BE. I can see the offer live, be a man and hit it for 5000 shares I can take a screen shot of your purchase and share it with the board.

So if you man up and buy here, DJT will have to increase to $54.71 just to get back to our BE. Of course we have standing sell orders in the book to short more DJT if it does bounce and reach our limits.

Are you going to man up and put your money where your mouth it big fella?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I have inside information DJT stock will don't. Intel, remember?

You're wrong so often you have to keep changing forum names. Embarrassing!

Of course your stock positions aren't based on anything rational or even qualitative analysis, rather utter sheer brainwashed TDS stupidity and insanity 👉 TARD WORLD

And of course you don't actually OWN...well anything - one financial hurricane away from losing it all! They don't happen every year, but they DO happen.

Payments for this, payments for that. Cash poor like the plebs you pretend to talk down to.

And FYI, it's not "burn it all down"'s a controlled demolition.

The Old Guard - the CORRUPT Guard you love so much - is going bye-bye.

No more elections RIGGED by your DNC "Data Manipulation Dept"

Oct 18, 2017
I suspected a coward and true keyboard cowboy. Talks a bunch of shit but never mans up.

BUY, BUY, BUY the little boy says. I say the offer is $16.68 for 1000 by 1500. He says in his quiet voice, how much is one share. I say you got 1500 on the offer, he faints thinking I just sold him 1500 shares. Happens all the time with lil boys playing in a mans game.

When you get up the nerve I can see if you buy even just one share. I will screen shot it and post it to the board. The offer right now is $16.56 100x300 when you have changed your undies I'll post your trade.

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