please except my sincere apologies for my recent behavior here -- i have gone from 13-5 +35 1/2 units to 23-21 +17.25 units:WTF: been thru bad streaks before, and will go thru them again. but what frustrates me most is that i've not trusted my own capping these past couple weeks -- hence the fact that i capped this weeks games early(AZ & PHILLY); put them up early; and was going to walk away from the computer til sunday evening. everything was going well til the last part!!!!
couldn't help myself, and posted a bunch of other sh*t on the day of
i guess, my confidence was in such a state that i thought i needed to hedge my own capping, and in the process stabbed myself right in the heart
hno: working on getting my mind straight -- will be up soon with next weeks stuff!!! and will not change it!!!!